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Everything posted by babyjulz

  1. Please, guys leave Kim alone as far as I heard she's a wonderful person. An all of you talk like you know Mark so well, but in reality none of you would know how he really is until you dated him!!!! You don't see the true colors of Mark!!! And this goes for Kosta going back to the old thread that I posted it. For your information I broke up with him, and there is a lot more to it than any of you will ever know. And when you called me a psycho for posting that thread he was the one telling me that he will sit by my door step until I get back with him!!! So I think you need to re-think what you say, till you get your story strait. So I think you guys should leave them two alone, and stop talking about everyones shit and making people look bad, I guess none of you have anything better to do!!!! Yeah maybe it was wrong for them to tell everyone that they split, because it's none of anyones business but theirs, and what ever reason they did split up over should be theirs not everyone elses. So Leave Kim Alone!!!! She didn't do anything bad to any of you!!! And that's all I have to say!
  2. Alright Kosta, you are right that pic isn't of me just wanted to see what sleezy comments you would make!!!!!!!!! And I don't need to call Mark to resolve my problems, because I got none, I'm just speaking my mind. And for that fact I don't live in NJ at the moment but in Florida where I go to school. So I been hearing things from my friends...that haven't changed over time. And I wanted to see if anyone agrees, or disagrees with what many people think, but don't say. And by the way here is my pic.
  3. Kosta, honestly because I felt like seeing your pathetic remarks.... and how imature you are!!!!! Second of all that's the only pic I had on this comp so I had no choice!!!!!!! But it just proves how imature you are, with your sleezy comments.
  4. Kosta first of all I'm 24 not 18 or 19, second of all my legs are not spread for eveyone....its just a pic. Why don't you go and pick on the naked girls that are on this web site!!!!! And call all of them hoes and tramps because because they make comments about Carruci....or anyone else on this web site.
  5. You wanted a pic of me....here you go!!!!! And by the way you don't know me..and never will!!!!
  6. Kosta I would post a pic, but I seen yours and it aint so pretty. And really, my face is really to beautiful for your shots!!!! So why don't you ask someone else!!!!! By the way you should learn a bit of grammar too.
  7. LOL Call me whatever you like... I really don't give flying f*ck !!!! But at the same time since you don't know me, you really can't call me shit!!!!! So get over yourself..... because all of you Jerzy boys (accept a few ) seem to be a bit full of yourselves. With those needles up your asses.!!!!!!!!!
  8. HAHAHAHAHA I Guess all of you don't know Carucci as well as you think!!!!! Can't judge a book by its cover!!!!
  9. Well I haven't been on club planet for awhile, but as soon as I do check what's been going on lately, it's always Mark Carucci...bitching about everyone around him. Such promoters, friends, clubs, etc..... ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! We all know that you are still a baby at 25 years old. You have no respect for others no matter how nice they are to you.. tou will still bitch. AND YOU ARE NOT THE MOST GORGEOUS GUY ON THIS PLANNET.... AND NOT EVEN IN JERSEY..... YOU ARE LUCKY IF YOU WOULD BE ON THE AVERAGE SIDE!!!!!! STOP BEING SO FULL OF YOURSELF.... AND STOP THINKING THAT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD KNOWS YOU... OR WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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