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Everything posted by temptschick

  1. How much is it to get in tonite??
  2. I want to go!! I have to work Monday though!!
  3. D*mn it!! Another rough, no sleep weekend!!! Can't Wait!!!!!! 1 more day!!!!!!! I think you already got me but just in case Heather +6
  4. Aww that sounds fun!! I watch it all by myself.
  5. That's when I was taking my contacts out!!! I missed it... OH WELL!! Can't wait till next weeks episode!!
  6. I totally missed that!! Was it at the beginning?
  7. Christian a daddy?? How did I miss that?? What happened??
  8. I agree it def needs more action!!! This week was a little too depressing!!
  9. well did you watch the previews...it looks like he is working on patients next week so I'm assuming he gets to take it again!!! I mean his girlfriend/mistress died!! They have to give him a break!!
  10. No that was ridiculous last night!! Who sits there and lets someone kill themself in front of them!!! It was SO SAD!!!! And whole talking head thing grossed me out!!
  11. Thanks for the offer...but I have a teacher already...haha
  12. dj temptschick!!! I love it!!!! Can you start teaching me to spin ASAP???? hahaha
  13. I went skydiving 2 years ago... It was pretty cool!! Very Scary though...but I'm a girl so of course I was scared!! The guys I went with LOVED it.. You'll have a great time.. The scariest part is when your sitting on the edge waiting to jump.. And get a video...my video is HILARIOUS!!!
  14. Any promoters have lists for saturday night???
  15. I just feel bad for the poor girl!!! How about I try the k thing on you, ok? Since there were no bumps for us last weekend... we have alot to make up for this weekend!!!
  16. You guys are so mean!!! God I hope you don't get a hold of mine and start making fun of it!!! =)
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