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Posts posted by CrzyC

  1. I'm not into one nighters but of course they occasionally happen. I would NEVER bring him to my home though. I am VERY picky about who comes into my home. I would rather go to his place so I can pick up and leave when I want, that way of I get a creepy vibe late in the game I can jet outta there.

  2. Originally posted by sobeton

    once you hook up, it's no longer a friendship. there are going to be emotions that develop. as much the emotions may seem suppressed, they are there always lingering in the background.

    I have been in this situation a few times and from my experience I have always been the one to end it b/c I developed feelings that I knew would eventually ruin the friendship. As long as everybody knows the rules and doesnt expect too much and is adult ennough to talk through anything and everything without holding it against each other all should work out. I have yet to loose a friendship over this.

    Good luck to you.

  3. Originally posted by pod

    What do they know.

    Opium is open for the forseeable future.

    BTW, check out La Factoria, attached to Opium, it's a fantastic restaurant at a reasonable price. I know money isn't a concern, but still, you can save some money for drinks and such later on.

    I second this opinion. This is my fave restaurant on SOBE. Reasonable priced, fabulous food, great atmosphere and great service.

  4. Originally posted by rudeboywarrior

    thats alright, keep on it greatest feeling in the world, if your eber up in boca and you wanna surf hit me up... dj@djmattspector.com

    oh and come take some pics at delux sometime...

    You are up in Boca huh? Me too. I go to Deluxe occasionally. I'll make a point to come hear you now.:D

  5. I dont think anybody (except himself) will be able to top Shroomy's reply so I will simply state the obvious.

    Did Saleen actually say that there arent any gays in NJ?!?!?!?

    One question Saleen...ever hear of Atlantic City, Club Tru or Studio Six?

    Is Saleen really this ignorant? Sure, its one thing to have an opinion. Its your right to free speech and you can say what you think and feel. But hasnt anyone (or the Church) ever taught you to respect another human being?

  6. Originally posted by djss

    i don't know exactly what i did friday night, but i keep on hearing voices in my head telling me to do things...

    they keep on telling me that i should do this again next friday;)

    im placing the blame for this on crzyc...and for this, you'll have to party with me next week:D

    sean s.

    :laugh: Oh, please dont torture me by making me go out again!!!:laugh: Honey, you are first on my list to hang out with...PM me with your number and I will do the same.


  7. Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx



    How did I know someone would bump this thread back up??? And leave it to Eric to be the man to do it. He must still be having visions of the girl outside the sliding glass door...LOL.;)

  8. Originally posted by shroomy

    I guess next time Ill wear a speedo ;)

    You know, this thread started out with a really bad visual but it just got better...LOL:laugh:

    Thats what happens when you go surfing immediately after a Fliptonnia...bad judgement calls. LOL

  9. OK, Lets get the business out of the way first......


    I seem to have left it on the table and then couldnt find it. Its just a disposable camera but I had some great shots of you fine ass CP men!!! :D If you happened to pick it up just PM me please. Thanks!

    Now...EV tore the place up Friday night. I was all over that club!!! Thanks to DJSS and MrMiami's girl for dragging my ass on the dance floor and helping me brush off the EX. Much love!!!!

    I met quite a few new faces and again I will never remember all of your names but...GrooveEric...nice to meet you...AGAIN...oh and get that out of your head...lol, NMOTION...Nice to meet you ...AGAIN (I will remember you guys from now on!), CLUBSPACEGUY...sweet guy, nice to meet you, LIQUIDX...didnt get to talk much,maybe next time, TROJANMAN...you and your friend were too funny, MONICA AND ANAMARIE...thanks for taking care of my new friend and Monica...KEEP THAT ASS SHAKIN GIRL!!! oh and ANAMARIE...YES, I am a white girl...LOL, SHROOMY...you are too much LOL.

    Now DJSS...YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!! I hope I didnt corrupt you too much. You seemed to be having a great time, I think you might have lost an hour or too but its all good!!! LOL I am so glad you were able to experience FLIPTONIAAA...I told you it would be an experience! PM me next time you wanna go crazy!;)

    As for all you "old" friends...HAPPYFACE...HolyShit!!:laugh: , KOKY...I tried to get Sobeton away from Fliptoniaa, but he was having none of it, SOBETON...how was the photoshoot ?LMFAO:laugh: , MJM...good to see you again, MURSA...always a pleasure.

    I cant even begin to name the rest of you...Candy, BrwneydTrouble, Tranzwhore, Smashly, MrMiami, Elvis and the rest of the crew...always a GREAT TIME!!!

    FLIP & THEMRS...:D Thanks again for a wonderful evening, and day and evening and morning...LOL :D

  10. Back to Flip & TheMrs... You know how much I love you guys! Thanks again for the wonderful hospitailty and great company.

    BTW...I just got home, yes it was almost a 48 hour Fliptooniaaa for me!

    Tranzwhore...nice to see you again...your glowing, clean, fresh smile was a ray of light amongst the rest of us leftovers!!! :laugh:

    To the rest of you...you know who you are...much love and respect to all of you. This was a GREAT time!!!!!

    Looking for ward to seeing all of you again!!!

    Oh and of course..... EV IS THE MAN!!!!!!!

  11. Originally posted by erickamikaze

    last time it was packed back there. venture out on the floor also



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