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About xdj

  • Birthday 02/16/1968


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sup Rents!! Hows tricks me owld china, Cushdy I hope divnt wurry bout the fuck'n septics marra, comin ower stateside anytime soon lyke G (thought i would type in geordie ebonics)
  2. Damn right im burnt out.. try putting the energy that I did into something you believe in every week....Albert your right about Play, what ever I did after Play was studied to much...I have no idea why Play went off like it did but I am deeply grateful to everyone that made it what it was...and thanks for getting my back Vaughan, but there is no need...I have been dealing with club planets haters for years (by dealing with ,I mean ignoring the internet dorks) and yes its true that I got repetitive after awhile but remember that this was before space etc and I had a regular crowd of about 1400 EVERY Saturday night for nearly 3 years straight...that is a gig to the same crowd every 6 days...how the fuck am I supposed to put a brand new fresh 5 hour set out of my ass every 6 days? especially when half the crowd are going "play some new stuff" and the other half are going "we don't recognize this new stuff, where are the anthems".....It got to the point where I didn't get requests anymore I just got " set fire to the decks" or "smash a record off the wall" It was my own fault for creating this DJ GARFIELD alter ego......I had a great time and don't even mind the criticism..how can I ...I never took it seriously.....that is the difference between me and the haters....guys it is just clubbing nothing more nothing less....you think Myself, George Acosta, Edgar V etc dwell on this shit as much as you lot do......we play records, end of story
  3. "I AM NO EXPERT BUT FROM LEARNING FROM THESE CHATS, WHICH I HAVE AND WILL I SEE THAT IN ONE IT WAS STATED THAT GARFIELD SUCKs" According to this site evey DJ sux at some point, and believe me i have been the butt of a ton of shit on this site...why?...because i never took it seriously , I did whatever to entertain my crowds, i never bowed down to the so called "cool scene" I span for people that didn't give a shit about south beach cool... Been there done that, i was resident @ the orig Liquid for 2 years and also span at many SOBE venues and you can keep those coked up pretetious dickheads and to be honest the south beach crowd can kisss my ass...I span with a passion that was was personal, I did what i thought i would like to hear if i was out there and in fact got props from Danny tenaglia one night for having the balls to drop House of pains- jump around in the middle of a trance set...It took the roof off the club but the bosses didnt get it...so i moved up to broward and found a crowd with no pretence, just an urge to party HARD. So I did my thing and did well for 4 years and then it was over....I realise that and accept it..no one could DJ like i did and keep it up for ever...I burnt out...i do not want to be the Disco Stu of Trance...so i quit with no regrets, the states treated me well and i love you for it but the people who come in these rooms and attack me and other dj's....you keep it up because DJ's (myself Edgar V George Accosta, Oscar G etc) find the haters amusing because all of us have put in our apprentiships (i started as a wedding DJ, so did carl cox and sasha) we provide a service and as the saying goes "you cant please all off the people all of the time" we try but we are human...but please dont feel sorry for us because we get paid very well (eventually) to do our thing and we care about every single dancefloor we face....,So next time you think about posting a "this DJ is shit" message,, just remember that it is not the easiest thing in the world to stand behind the decks and look out over 1000 people...and think "i have to give each and every single one of these people a great night" Just think about what you do for a living...How many people rely on you to help them escape the ordinary lives "every week " without fail.......how many people can to your job met a partner hooked up the got married? .......sorry to rant on but it had to be done, and i know there will be many fuck Garfield replies....but you know what?...the fuck Garfield replies will be from those who still don't get the scene (or whats left of it) So in answer to those replies...Fuck you,,, if all you do is come to CP and diss anyone that doesnt listen to the same music as you, If you actually get the whole picture..you have my respect Garfield
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