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Everything posted by drsatan

  1. ill be spinning upstairs at Flavour in the grove from 11-130. after me, its dave padilla spinning some funky ass house...its free to get in and should be a grand ole' time!
  2. the bottom line is that you are all right... i was a boyscout... i should have been prepared for anything... ah fuck it....time to watch the YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. since i actually buy most of my music, most of what i have is records. even if i had all cds, the lack of a monitor would have made things impossible. a hip hop DJ was spinning and i guess for what they do..they dont need a monitor.. my point was that maybe the individual or individuals that promote could be more responsibe and communicate better
  4. ive been at this for years..ive spun at Level, N/V,and have spun in Dallas, NY and Clevland and have never had to bring my own needles...
  5. im not gonna mention any names..but.... i was gonna spin at a unnmamed club on sunday night. i had been bugging the promoter about spinning there and he finally gave in..i was psyched because i had known about this gig for about a month and had bought a bunch of records...so.. its agreed that i was gonna do a opening set at 10 then a later set. i busted ass to get there by ten. when i get there i find out that the part of the club that im supposed to spin in is closed. so i wait around a little and find out that the plan is changed and that im gonna spin a different part at 1. ok..no problem....hung out...went back at 1230...to find that the DJ booth in the other part of the club had no monitor and no needles for the turntables. had i known that i needed to bring my own needles, i guess i could have found a way to make it work without a monitor...lol.. so the bottom line is that it was a big disappointment and a total waste of my night...but i guess thats show biz.
  6. i have to say that i wasnt really expecting what i got when i went to Flavour in the grove on saturday. dave padilla has a name that all equate with hard trance and to see him rocking the crowd with jazzy, funky house...well...all i can say is wow. the scene at Flavour is much different that the beach or at Space- however, the upstairs was packed listening to David spin some jazzy-funky house with a live saxophone player accompanying him. It was a cool vibe and awesome music. DP had moved away from miami for awhile and now in his words begins a "old skool -new chapter"
  7. drsatan

    Memorial Day

    on monday i am going to the VA hospital to visit some of the long term patients there. its sad but a lot of the patients in the VA, literally have no one, no family..nothing. thats pretty sad.
  8. drsatan

    Memorial Day

    sorry eric..this post was honoring those who lost thier lives defending america. can understand why you would want to jack this thread, though.
  9. drsatan

    Memorial Day

    today i got up, paid 2 dollars a gallon for gas and wrote a check for 500 bucks for my student loan that ill be paying till god knows when.... yeah some things suck...but here in America we have it soooo much better than most in the world. the people that we eternally have to thank are the men and women who gave thier lives defending this country. if you are living on American soil you owe a debt of gratitude to America's heros. God Bless the USA... Happy Memorial Day
  10. i recently saw henry rollins do a spoken word performance and he read a bunch of love letters he wrote to her...it was funny
  11. john lennon also said "woman is the nigger of the world"
  12. heres the problem...if we could draw a line between drugs and violence then i think i would agree with you more. unfortunately drugs are directly connected to violence. drugs are connected in more ways than any of us realize. 1) with the exception of crystal meth and some pills, most illegal drugs are manufactured outside of the states. do i need to go into detail the amount of horrific violence that perpetuates in these countries that is in connection to the exportation of drugs?. 2) in the u.s violence between drug dealers is a major source of violent crime- also addicts committing robberies and other such crimes - not to mention the innocents caught in the crossfire. yes, there are many involved with drugs that are not violent, however, its all connected ..the addict no/the dealer yes. drugs and violence they are kissing cousins. the thing is that while all of us enjoy are "party favors" on the weekends and go back to our houses in the suburbs, we actually consider ourselves not part of the problem..but if you think about it...we are secondarily contributing to many of some serious problems the infest urban communities, schools and families. something to think about .... two words: denise calvo
  13. im probably the most versed person you will talk to in regards to this issue. i am a licensed gun owner and have been for 15 years. if you take a close look at proposed democratic legislation in regards to the gun issue, it sadly indicates a trend and a desire to take all firearms (not just handguns) away from everyone except the military and law enforcement. the unfortunate result of the gun laws of the last few years has been that the only persons effected have been the law abiding citizens. any crime that has been comitted with a firearm in the past ten years has been in violation of laws that were written 30 years ago. for example, the only way that you can carry a concealed weapon in Florida is with a state issued permit. to get the permit you have to go through a lengthy background process, have no criminal background and pay about 150 bucks. other than that, if you want to buy a gun without a concealed weapon permit, you can go to a gun store and apply for purchase...you have to wait three days for the gun dealer to run your information with the federal government and local police..if you check out then you can have the gun, but the only place that you can legally keep it is in your house. thats what a law abiding citizen has to do to own a gun... now...the criminal....do you think he gives 2 shits about all that...no...he obtains his weapons illegally so what does he care about any gun laws??>>.. lets look at another example...New York City..NYC has the strictest gun laws in the country...unless you are a cop on duty or military it is straight out illegal for you to have a gun in your possession for any purpose. there is no loophole to his, no exceptions. it is a first class felony. THESE LAWS HAVE BEEN ON THE BOOKS FOR 40 YEARS...but despite all of these laws...........for years NYC ranked in the top 5 in crimes comitted with a firearm. why?... the answer is that criminals live outside of the law. they obtain weapons through the blackmarket, violating laws that have been in existence for years. THERE ARE NO "NEW LAWS" THAT ARE GOING TO MAKE THIER ACTIVITIES ANY MORE ILLEGAL. in general the focus of any laws should be to decrease crime. as a responsible gun owner, it is my premiere concern that guns be kept out of criminals hands and only in the hands of law abiding citizens, law enforcement and the military. this is not going to be accomplished by making it harder for the law abiding citizen...its going to be accomplished by ENFORCING THE LAWS THAT WE HAVE AND SERVING HARSHER PUNISHMENTS FOR CRIMINALS.
  14. ive seen all of his movies. bowling for columbine was a very slanted, one sided attack on the second amendment. being a gun owner, i am very concerned about the second amendment. as a film maker, he has the right to make movies agout anything he wants, however, his ventures into political issues are hardly fair or unbiased. as for farenhiet 9/11.... seems to me the best thing to gain media attentio is to attatch yourself to a very controversial and politically charged issue. i will see the movie before i render any opinions. interestingly enough, i read that moore recieved a standing ovation at Cannes...which is in france and i believe france has already shown what a ally they are to the U.S.
  15. Tonight at the Purdy Lounge on 1811 Purdy AVe in Miami Beach, join myself and 6 other local DJs compteting for a grand prize. Event starts at 930. To get there you go to 18th street and head west to purdy avenue.
  16. drsatan

    bubba ho temp

    one fucking hilarious movie....from the director of phantasm
  17. drsatan

    attention saleen

    since you seem to know a lot about cars...my 92 merc sable is at 117,000..when can i expect the transmission to go?
  18. i spin it all.. for this event i will be doing something a little special to catch the judge's ears... this event is put on by DJ Gabriel Alexander and proceeds go to benifit the National Transplant Assistance Fund.
  19. the drsatan world tour will begin tomorrow night at the purdy lounge, as that, i am a member in the DJ comptetion. Event is at Purdy lounge 1811 Purdy ave, miami beach. i will also be selling autographed pictures of myself for $5
  20. good point.. trance vs. house vs. techno vs. breaks vs electro vs. drum and bass vs. tech/house vs retro...
  21. as soon as i 1. clean up dog shit 2. place dog shit on pedro martinez poster 3. be - head carl yazstremski vodoo doll seriously.... i actually may be having a get together later in the summer.
  22. who gives a fuck? if you dont like either, dont listen.
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