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Posts posted by youarehot99

  1. Originally posted by normalnoises

    normalnioses 1369



    Who is the newbie here??

    Wow good for you nerd...you've spent more time on the internet and wasted more of your life in front of the computer than me! Congrats....

    I wasnt talking about the number of posts on some message board, fuck-stick. I was talking about politics. You obviously are an ignorant moron if you think our president is one the side of the terrorists. But keep trying...maybe some day you'll grow up. :blank:

  2. Originally posted by weyes

    just tryin' to keep ignorance in check cluebat.gif . since you don't seem to understand that her taint is not visible in that picture, i've included a diagram for you. no snideness intended; you learn something new every day :):aright: .


    yeah i've learned that you can see that bitches taint, ms. fuck-stick

  3. Originally posted by normalnoises


    Apparently, Bush is with the terrorists because obviously he's not with us and the troops.


    This is the single most ignorant comment I've ever heard....

    You say Bush is against the terrorists? What did he do after 9/11? Oh yeah he had Afghanistan blown off the face of the Earth. But you're prolly one of those typical democrats who was crying for blood after 9-11, then was bitching about the cost of the bombings as retaliation...and would have been bitching just as much if we didnt do anything. What is he doing now? Trying to get rid of a dictator/terrorist, aka Hussein. Once again, you're prolly the typical democrat who will whine and say "he's only doing it for the oil" bla bla bla. Even if he was (which i probably wont argue against) he still got rid of Hussein, a terrorist, right? newbie

  4. Originally posted by weyes

    no, you can't; get some glasses, or a clue :rolleyes: .

    and that's ms. fuck-stick, to you baeh.gif .

    can i get one of those clues from you, ms. fuck-stick? are we playing cops and robbers or somethin that you are giving out clues?

    PS....taint is annoying

  5. Originally posted by weyes

    i don't know why i'm highlighting you, as youarehot99 is the one who needs the anatomy lesson. but the taint is the area between the vagina and anus on a woman and the area between the balls and the anus on a man. youarehot99 is not understanding that the woman in your sig is licking above a girl's puss-puss, not below it :jerkoff: .

    yeah she's not licking it, but you can still see it, fuck-stick...and its annoying


  6. Originally posted by koky


    oh no, not another one of those gay pictures with writing...dude, get out and get a life...you spend too much time either making those or looking for them, taint boy:hat:

  7. Originally posted by weyes

    i just have to say - because it's been getting to me - that that's not her taint, for chrissakes!!! it's her frikkin' pussy! shiiiiot :rolleyes: .

    ya still get a good look at her nast-a taintage "shiiiot" :rolleyes:

  8. Originally posted by koky


    I do...

    PS....ya'll got way too much time on your hands time on your hands to either make these pictures or go out and find them. Its still annoying.

  9. Originally posted by tranzwhore

    that was so fuck'n funny when she crashed the motorcycle on the red carpet. i nearly pissed myself. & then the sister comes over

    & tells her, "u looked so sexy when u fell"

    That wasnt her that crashed...saw that celebreties unsensored on E! and it was some other chick...she was on one of those super low bikes, but she didnt wreck hers.

  10. I know what ya mean and understand, but what I'm trying to say is support the troops by letting them know you're there for them, regardless if you like Bush or are for the war or not. Instead of going out of their way for anti-war or anti-Bush protests, use that time and energy to write a letter to a soldier and thank them for fighting for you, or letting them know you care about their well being. Things like that....

    A very close family friend is in Iraq and writes to us often telling us how every day could be his last. He also writes about how much it means to hear from friends and family back home, or receive messages from school kids, or even complete strangers, thanking him and letting him know he's not alone. He also tells us how it sickens him and his fellow troops to see that people actually go out of their way like they do to be anti-war, instead of "showing the love" to the troops. I know a lot of people are anti-war simply because of the costs and the effects on the economy...but there are people who are anti-war because they care about the troops. Well if you care about the troops so much, spend your time showing them that, instead of rallying against Bush. Know what I mean??

  11. It fell probably the same reason the other towers fell. Heat from fires weakened the structure itself causing it to eventually colapse. The first two largest towers didnt fall immediately after being hit either, they collapsed because the heat from all the fires weakened the buildings, hence why the fell. Prolly the same thing happened here...but it is interesting.

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