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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by 4321

  1. I wish for a change that when I walk down the street homeless people would give me a dollar everytime they walk up to me.

    I wish bartenders wouldn't make dumb comments like I gotta charge you for a coke. I know you are lieing Fckr i've gotten them for free before.

    Well maybe if you had good Karma you would just find money laying around the street all the time like I do...

    And if you had any hook ups at the club with bartenders they wouldn't tell you that they have to charge you for a coke...

    Maybe if you buy something from the bartender and then tip them good' date=' they might remember your generousity next time and hook you up..

    Maybe if you gave a dollar to a bum every once in a while you might get some good karma..

    Someone has to say it so it might as well be me. Seems to me that someone like yourself is a selfish, self centered 'Ass Hole who doesn't give a dam about people and the hard work that they do.

    Maybe if you showed that you even gave a damm a little bit then people would see that and in turn return a favor to you...

    But Nooooo..I bet you think that everybody owes you something....


    Nice try but I'd love to see something showing you are a licensed psychiatrist or psychic to show some credibility to your comments. As for the homeless issue they flock to me where ever I go so no I shouldnt be expected to give every single one a dollar. I go to the gas station they bug me for a dollar, I leave Dennys bug me for a dollar I walk up Biscayne Blvd they bug me for money I leave a blockbuster another homeless person. As for me thinking people owe me something some people dont have anything worth giving and no where did I say people owe me something. As for a CJ ignore button why come to a post started by the person you are wanting to ignore. ::)

  2. Please reread the post. You evidently didnt understand it. I was mentioning about bartenders saying that when typically they can do what they want I wasnt saying anything about having issues with paying for it. On a side note I do hope the previous poster pays the entrance fee for clubs they go to cus they gotta pay for the clubs expenses like electricity and rent. Suff like that.

  3. Stop playin your games Dave...or is it Eric now?

    If you're not Dave...well then you two should go bowling together.

    I find it amazing how my posts cause 3 posts about me without me even trying. And no I'm not Dave but he sounds like a stand up sort of guy.

  4. richardsimmons.jpg

    im so emotional right now .. at all the love on this board


    WTF is that a pic of? Never understood why such an out of shape guy became so popular.

    Maybe because most people are out of shape?

    You gotta any proof to back that up?

  5. It amazes me about how many people that post a reply to a thread don't actually take time to read it so that their reply makes since. I have never met such a politically club correct crowd in all my life. As for being ignorant I wasnt asking about the rep for other clubs I was asking about Spaces'. So next time you're tweaking wait till you are done before you post. By the way whats hernans nights?

  6. So I'm going to call you out what is so weird. The story I told on another thread was true. Us people that can afford cars normally don't take taxis ;). The license thing I was curious about. Also I really dont see whats wrong with what I post when people are on here bringing stuff up like jesus being used on flyers and people posting things like spics are drunk mofos. ;D

  7. I love the place so this isn't meant in anyway as a knock. Just when I tell people I know that I go there they are like oh the druggy place. I told my aunt that and her husband is a D.A. down here and she was all like isn't that club under an invesigation for drugs. Now in the past it hasn't been as noticable but lately people are trying to hook me up with ex and other rat poison. Anyone have an inkling about what type of reputation Space has with the local authorities?

  8. Only way I'd give money to a bathroom attendent is if they cleaned my @$$. Other then that it aint going to happen. Maybe clubs can have doors so that once you get through security there is a door man that will open the door for you and then expect a tip. One thing I would reccomend is maybe keep an inhouse masseus cus sometimes with all that standing you need to get cracked and worked out and wouldnt mind a massage.

  9. Great party. I dont recall that place being so packed in a long time. Still can someone tell me wtf the midget was supposed to be doing and whose idea was it to have the dancers dancing with those dusters? I even had clauserphobia a few times. I was able to control myself from putting a beat down on all those people that kept bumping into me.

  10. Hey "ERIC"

    Please stop the idiotic posts before you ruin the name

    Thank You

    ...on behalf of everyone with the name ERIC

    They can change their name if they dont like it. There can be only one. So I left Space round 6ish decided to go on a grand adventure and walked 90 streets north up biscayne blvd. I tasted the fine cuisine of Dennys and stopped by Starbucks. I followed the ancient foot steps of prostitutes pasts. My shoes really held out no blisters on my feet from my dress shoes. Anyway towards the end of my journey there was this black shim sitting on a bus bench. Reason I say shim is she had some nip hanging out and I saw it but no way was it a womans face on the body. Shim asked me for a dollar and I was like no and then shim made some nasty comment and I continued on my way. As I continued this bald guy walks by me and I turn back and notice he is talking to shim. Figured that was his pimp or something, but I was too focused on the crappily made frappucino which was sitting in my bowels.

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