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Posts posted by gmannyc

  1. After a New Years Eve party we ran out of blow and 1 dude said he had tina... did 4 lines in the space of 2 hrs (just kept wanting more) and got really fucked up. Started to see shit (opened eye halucinations) and realized it was 10 hours later. Took 2 Xanax and 2 Ambien and fell asleep 1 hour later. Woke-up with the nastiest hangover (must have been all the vodka).

    Oh, and it feels like snorting draino, nose was sore for 3 days!:mad:

  2. Originally posted by pattbateman

    “The findings also suggest that ecstasy users who take cannabis are suffering from a ‘double whammy’ where both their long-term and short-term memory is being impaired.â€

    Shit!! I guess doing Nitrous at the same time doesn't help....

    Huh what was I saying? what are we talking about?

  3. djscotphreak, thanks for the sentencing clarification and for trying to delete those pesky dupe posts.:D

    shroomy, correct, not the bottle's weight but definitely the "content's" weight. Matter of fact with regards to LSD (if I recall correctly) the wieght of anything "impregnated" with LSD will count or be used as total weight... i.e. u use sugar cubes, pez, smarties, etc. the weight of each cube, pez, smartie, etc will be counted. So u correct shroomy, u really get screwed getting cought with sugar cube containing LSD !

    Now with that said..... exit24e have a pleasant trip, and always double-down! :cool:

  4. Originally posted by exit24e

    I really never dealt with it before but my friend has a connect for liquid acid, and she came to me asking how much i thnk a visine bottle of it would go for. Anyone have any clue, bc i cant even give a rough estimate.

    Not knowing any better, go buy a bottle of Visine and count how many drops there r in it, then multiply by the current price of 1 hit and there is your total!

    Haven't seen a full Visine bottle since a Dead show in '85 and a full Breath-mint bottle (Binaca?) since another show in '92.

    If I recall correctly, it should have no immediate taste and perhaps a slight bitter aftertaste (may vary).

    *** Be very carefull in purchasing and or carrying such quantity of LSD ***

    If for whatever reason you get busted, the total wieght "in the bottle" will be used and not a % of potency. Waht I mean is that you will be charged with possession of x amount of grams of LSD (the liquid's weight) and if the laws are the same as in the early 90's most likely will be sentenced to life without parol by the Judge... I think its under the Rockafeller Law Act or something like it..... please use careful judgement !:tongue:

  5. I know people that have done a line or two while rolling and once even took viagra as well (hey he had to get hard somehow!), but they never tried with pain killers or opiates, not sure they'd like the numb feeling.

    One thing tho while on e, with the coke and especially with the viagra, my friends fucking heart felt like it wanted to jump out of his chest... so never again (unless the wife wants to have wild sex, he may have to oblige against better judgemant...)

  6. Well I ahve been lurking for a while but as soon as I saw this topic I had to register and type away... !

    Sex & Shrooms = Freaky SeX

    I was on vacation at Hedonism II back in '91 with a buddy of mine, we had been at Negril for the day drinking, smoking and snorting, and on the way back stopped at Jenny's Tea Room, bought a full 1 liter bottle of mushroom tea (against her will but the mighty $$ was too appealing) to drink back at the resort. Around 930pm we decided to take a swig, and before we knew it the 2 of us drank ¾ of the bottle (was told that 1 cup would get us flying like a kite… but hey I’m not known for moderation..).

    We hit the club/disco bar (the one with the huge window looking into the pool) around 1015 not really feeling much, hook up with these 2 still hot looking Brazilian women in their late 30s (we had promised them the day before we could rock their world!!) and headed for the beach. After about 10 min. of making out and stripping down to our briefs, I start to get dizzy but kept going on at it. Her friend then stands up screaming in Portugese and runs into the water splashing her face…. My friend had just pucked in her mouth whilre making out !! fuck !! I could smell the puck from 15 feet away, it was awefull!, Long story short she is pissed and wants to go back to the club, my friend is now passed out under a palm tree and I’m still horny as heel and convince my chick we should go to her room, she agrees. Once there quick shower and off to a great, wild and very rough fuck….. but then 20 min. into it (and now fully shrooming) the freaky shit starts to happen to me !!!!

    She had mentioned she lived in the interior part of Brazilian Amazon forest and was mix of local and Spanish blood (mulatto skin, very curly long hair, shaved!). She was laying on her back, legs wide open when,,, gasp! Her whole head starts to shrink to the size of a fucking grapefruit surrounded by living hair! Her face shriveling up like it was made of thousands of wrinkles and her eyes turned bright fucking red!!! Just like one of those shrunken heads on a stick from National Geographic. On top of it she was chanting something very foreign (I speak Italian and Portuguese and that wasn’t it!) that I thought was wrong

    Holy shit, I was startled! I jump off of her and now think she is putting some kind of spell/curse on me !! So I bolt for the bathroom and start splashing my face with water (and regrouping myself). Now all I could hear from the bedroom was a melodic voice calling me to come back to bed and continue to make love to me, all in the sweetest voice I ever heard! Shit I now was totally freaked!! No way could she have gone from having wild /rough sex , changing appearances and voice to being the sweetest thing on earth! She was some kind of head-shrinking Shaman (in my mind) and wanted to get me!!

    I opened and jumped though her 2nd floor bathroom window and bolted for the beach….. found my passed-out friend, got him back to the room and locked the door, took another shower, did a couple of big fatties the size of an index finger (figured the coke would clear my head) and then listened to music till 5am. Still today I get jittery from the whole thing, and have had bad trips on acid and shrooms before, but nothing like this!


    Sex is Way better on other drugs!!!


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