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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by mojamis

  1. "also its funny how w/ gabe hes got his face in his avatar, but yet the many many many times we've chilled ive never seen anyone come up to him and disrespect him. either no one has the balls to say shit cuz their just a bunch of pussies or they are two faced pricks and rather give false praise rather than be a man and say "i think your a dick on that message board" and spit in his face".

    Yeah- everyones scared of silverbull. He looks menacing in his avatar. When and if I run into him - he will be utterly disrespected, bank on that.

  2. Holding or containing nothing.

    Mathematics. Having no elements or members; null: an empty set.

    Having no occupants or inhabitants; vacant: an empty chair; empty desert.

    Lacking force or power: an empty threat.

    Lacking purpose or substance; meaningless: an empty life.

    Not put to use; idle: empty hours.

    Needing nourishment; hungry: “More fierce and more inexorable far/Than empty tigers or the roaring sea†(Shakespeare).

    Devoid; destitute: empty of pity.

  3. He wont tell you- thats how he makes himself important and feels like he is better than you because he knows and it's hush hush and the rest of the board isn't allowed to know - only Silverbull is. It's such a huge secret but yet silverbull gets to know it and dangle it in front of you. Does anyone really care. He needs this because he is so ordinary and unimportant to feel better about his horrific existance. Silverbull drop a bomb , get some tina and dont stop until your dead. Please i beg you to do this.

  4. I haven't been in here in a long time - it's nice to come back and see the laughing stock of the club landscape is still around. Silverbull!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!. Still serious with that avatar i see - wow- your not embarrassed that you look like that? I always get a good laugh first at your avatar - second with anything you say - and finally with your grammar. One word sums you up in all areas - WEAK (and thats being kind)

  5. I hope to be just like silverbull. I want to not drink or take any drugs and be able to dance better than everyone else at clubplanet and then when i come home from being out 24 hours straight and being totally sober i want to come on this messageboard and berate everyone who does drink and do drugs and proclaim how much better i am than they are. I would also like to get a silverbull mask and wear that same outfit you have on in that ridiculous avatar i just don't know if can ever walk around looking that ridiculous even as a joke for a second of my life. I'll need some help with feeling as insecure as you are so maybe you can drop me aline and tell me how it feels to be small and insignificant. Thats my new years resolution.

  6. This shit never ends . Don't go to his parties if you don't like his music, plain and simple but leave the guy alone. To say he is washed up is absurd , and don't compare him to world reknown dj's - please. I bought pvd's last cd- it was total garbage and a bunch of friends i know went to central park and were quite unimpressed does that mean pvd sucks- no , they just didn't like his style or type of music he plays. Same with JP. His crowd wants to hear the same shit from last year , thats why he plays it. Is there something wrong with that?

  7. Here's the real shame. For all jp fans especailly those that went to cpi when it was real good like 4 years ago. Jp would have been at cpi for the 8 dates instead of that little shithole tavern. Rumor is he asked for a bit much. The door plus 20% of the bar. So he ended up at tavern. How much of a fucking shame is that. Him at cpi would have made for a decent summer out east, he would have had that place goin nuts once again.

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