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Posts posted by trance643

  1. pure speculation here people buttttt... the final made events cp event is scheduled for 9/22 and tiesto is doing a mini us tour during that weekend hitting up space and a few other clubs so i dont really think it would be out of the question to think it might actually be a possibility. made has said its gonna be a huge closing event to the summer further fueling the fire. maybe they'll announce something during armin?!?

    if they get tiesto to do cp which pvd and armin have already done then made is def establishing cp events as a huge draw for talent. keep the fingers crossed.

  2. 1.) wtf was that a screenshot of?

    2.) theres no need to start a thread like this - people either love em both, hate em both or just like one. everybodys different, they have different sounds without a doubt, pvd is harder and wayy better at mixing and creating a flow but then again tiesto always throws a lot of energy into a room.

  3. what are we arguing about here fuckin like $10? cmon people

    and btw that comment about the phazon wtf how can u not like a phazon, dont tell me you like the avalon sound system better or some shit like that, phazon is by far the best without any doubt. if its loud as fuck and my ears arent ringing the next day or anything like that then im a happy guy.

  4. gimme the name of a promotions group thats active today and on made's level. seriously who else is gonna bring in some of the talent they do.

    and on a side note most big made parties are pretty damn packed so when the crowds start to lighten up then u guys can talk but until then seriously come on now - they seem to be doin pretty well for themselves and most people dont seem to have a problem with it.

  5. undefinedundefinedThey prefer someone who has gotten sick off it or had a bad experience like ending up in a hospital.

    is that very "balanced"?

    i understand what your tryin to do but u should do somethin like the abc - ecstasy rising news special a few months ago. it told the truth, and didnt just try to scare people away with mostly bullshit negatives that most other news sources do, and it was from abc, i was pretty shocked.

  6. Any of you cheap bastards been to ibiza?

    its between 50 and 75 bucks for the bigger parties there!

    its about that on a reg night too

    theres really no sense in arguing about this shit. is u dont like it hit em wear it hurts the bank accnt but i really dont think 40 is that over the top to pay to see a top dj.

  7. yeh seriously guys its fuckin new york not fuckin nebraska or some shit. i really dont see the need to bitch about shit like this - you get what you pay for and in this case - as with most other made parties its well worth the price. made runs a good ship and usually has all their shit together as opposed to some other promoters who just take your money and leave you out in the cold. what are u guys bitchin about here anyway what like 10 bucks? would u not be bitchin the if the price was 30? i mean cmon now if u have a fuckin job 10 bucks aint shit. and btw the ticket price includes a donation to the rock the vote campaign as has been done on all of pauls recent tour stops. if you dont like it then dont go i mean thats all there is to it - youll def be missin out - but dont go if u dont like it.

    i myself am thankful to made cuz if they didnt bring over some of the great talent that they do who would? dj's like to work with made over and over again because they can trust the company and they know everything will be handled. just think of it like that.

  8. 2 1/2 hours wow thats an extended set from him you guys are pretty lucky. i cant say i feel bad for you though i nwasting your money you should know what to expect from oakie now and days - complete crap and total lack of any drive whatsoever.

    def should have saved it for DT tonight - get more bang for your buck and dt is actually a decent guy.

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