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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by darkangel1412

  1. im not saying that you should put up full cds that can be bought at stores, not even close, i dont beleive in that either. im saying that if there are things that cant be bought in stores that we want to share and listen for our own enjoyment we should share them. being able to hear a song certainly isnt gonna stop my from going to a club, there is the whole atmosphere and stuff i cant get at my house or in my dorm. i might just wanna hear stuff inbetween when i get a chance to go to clubs, maybe midweek.

    i dont see how this is taking money from anyone at all. if i heard a sick beat at factory last weekend and i wanna hear it on wednesday night when im chilling in my room why cant i?? this isnt an invitation to upload full cd's by any means.

  2. i own a pair of von dutch jeans just because they fit amazing. i wouldnt have bought them if they didnt fit as well as they do. they fit almost as good as my sevens. i also own 2 hats, i got them a while ago before everyone had them and i have 1 von dutch t shirt that i barely even wear anymore. i dont conciter myself a tool or a sellout, i got the jeans because they fit well and the hats and shirt i will admit cus people wore on tv, but whatever, i dont care whatpeople think as long as i i liek the clothes.

  3. i wanted this same exact thing, and i got it, its fucking amazing, i use all bed head products, this is how i do it.

    shampoo - bed head control freak shampoo

    conditioner - leave in while i shave in teh shower and wash my face - bed head control freak conditioner

    serum - bed head control freak serum put in after about 30 mins after i get ouyt of the shower and i let my hair airdry for a while

    right before i go out - bedhead girl toys, this stuff is fucking amazing, gives you the 2nd day look and tons of shine.

    btw im a guy, and im growing my hair out, kidn of like the singer from taking back sunday. maybe like down to my nose in the front, but only like an inch or inch and a half on the back and sides, but top and front i want like 6-8 inches long. it looks really good. i dont have my digicam here at college so i cant provide pics unfortunately, but i can try and find some online.

  4. note!! this will only work if a lot of people contribute in uploading and downloading, i hope u guys can get this off the ground and it will become something great.


    you can go here to get a free ftp client in order to connect


    im on a fast edu line and i can offer a ftp so that i can host any tracks you guys wanna share. user access would be limited to about 5-10 download and 5 for uploading. there would be no ratio or anything so it would just be a place where you guys can upload your favorite JP tracks and then others could log in and be able to grab them. i cant guarantee 100% uptime because i bring my comptuer home from college sometimes but it would be up 95% of the time. if you guys are interested post below and i can make an account and u guys can start uploading and downloading, i will put some tracks on there also.

    another thing if u guys arent familiar with ftp i can post a tutorial here on how to use it. its actually really easy.

    ok accounts are made feel free to do whatever u want, make folders, add music, download stuff

    for downloading

    user: jpdown

    pass: factory


    Port: 27015

    for uploading

    user: jpup

    pass: factory


    Port: 27015

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