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Posts posted by clbgirl23

  1. fliptoniaaa WROTE


    tss see where to begin!!!!!!!!! its was an o.k. piece of journalism...they kind of left everyting where it is anyways...they started to push the line, but they eased up at the end.......its very surprising to me that u all r surprised that ur own govt would lie to u.......welcome to the o.s. of fuckin a!!!!!!!!!

    theres still alot more studying that needs to go on with this srug, but as long as u live in this country u can expect the lies to keep coming!!!!!!!!!! much like the lies they feed to us about 9/11 and the lies they tell us, basically just to keep us in line!!!!!!!!!

    im gonna stop now....cuz i know most of u right now r like wow...that was interesting, but by this time next week it woill be some special u saw on t.v.!!!!!!!!

    u know this country and govt sometimes just make me sick....and believe me if i hads the money i would get out!!!!!!!! but 4 now im stuck here....in the land of fliptoniaaa....where at least up to now i can kind of live my life in the freedom that this country should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lets take care of each other........y not no1 else will!!!!!! God has spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    fliptoniaaa please do our country a favor and get out and go to another country where you "think the government is less corrupt." In all honesty our country is in a time of need for patriotism....there are people who die for this country everyday and there are people dying trying to come to this country everyday. So do everyone a favor and keep your biased negative opinions to yourself. I am sure that all of the u.s. soldiers that are protecting your ass everyday would appreciate your lovely statements. IF YOU HATE THE U.S GET OUT. AND RMEMBER YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE OR TAKEN FROM YOU.

  2. I think that the the show on "Ecstasy on the Rise" with Peter Jennings was extremely infomative. All of the studies and the data that they presented was extremely viable. All of the past "shows" on ecstasy had people and studies that were as crediable as George Bush. I am not by any means an advocate for ecstasy, but this show did nothing but state the facts. Facts that are necessary for our generation to know. I am happy that finally, the correct group of educated, crediable human beings got together and gave the public an unbiased educated view. =-)

  3. I think that the the show on "Ecstasy on the Rise" with Peter Jennings was extremely infomative. All of the studies and the data that they presented was extremely viable. All of the past "shows" on ecstasy had people and studies that were as crediable as George Bush. I am not by any means an advocate for ecstasy, but this show did nothing but state the facts. Facts that are necessary for our generation to know. I am happy that finally, the correct group of educated, crediable human beings got together and gave the public an unbiased educated view.:)

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