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Posts posted by fresinha12

  1. OMG...surfing this forum like after almost 6-8months...nice to see ol timers...and NMN is still at his game...wasup dude?

    fuck it...chances are they are fat and ugly! I mean how do 19 year old chicks not have fake ID's in the year 2005 unless they are gross and don't ever go out
  2. hey good luck...

    I am running too...raising funds for kids in India...I pledged to raise $3500 or I will pay people $50 for every mile I was left to run....

    do you have a team coach?

    never mind..

    I thought one of the links didn't work, so I reposted it. Then, I realized it did work and you can't delete posts.. sorry..

  3. we alll know Igloo is a rightwing gaza settlement dwelling, land enroaching new yorker....

    his views are of no importance...

    Not saying pro-Israel at all.....but they have not been balanced with respects to that situation for a long, long time. And that is a fact. Your call if you choose to ignore it in your defense of the "balanced" BBC. But there are plenty of people and organizations who disagree with you. And these groups may even include others than just Israel and neocons. Nah, that could never be true, right?

    But of course, the BBC did an excellent balanced piece on the migration patterns of the South American Finch.

  4. we all play with the english language everyday.... what is the definition of "is" is...Iraq has WMD etc....shock and awe...I think the iraqi resistance is doing all the shock and awe here...LOL!

    its just sad that we have all become lawyers and twist the english language to our gains......

    when will we all call bullshit, bullshit, a murder a murder....

  5. AWSOME place, probably much better than rome...

    the subway is very easy to use, to people are very friendly and most can understand/speak english.

    be sure to visit puerto del sol, thats like the city center, if you are a soccer fan, be sure to visit real madrid stadium near salamanca (near US embassy), plaza mayor is the other heart of madrid. you should get a hotel near there, you can pretty much see the whole city on foot..I did....a lot of walking though...

    you should check out prada and sofia, if you are into clubs goto palacio (awsome place, its like an old manor turned into a night club) then you have another club next to it, which is where you will find all the expats and drunken british chicks...if you wanna get laid with a british chick go to that one, if you wanna mingle with the spanish folks goto palazio....

    if you are staying over the weeend be sure to go to plaza mayor at midnight..all the kids hangout and drink pepsi and bear and just chat...amazing sight all these kids and no violence...

    buy shoes (zapatos in spanish sp?), buy clothes...very fashionable and cheap...

    Oh one more piece of advise...just say BUSH is an A**Hol*...and that you love the spanish and french people....otherwise you might get your ass kicked....no texas ranger patriotism there...

    if you need more info PM me...

    i am going to madrid on sat and i was wondering what there is to see there thanks
  6. I Agree...got there around 12:30ish...all I can say is nice venue and sweet memories....It was even great when i ran into some old cpers....all of a sudden it felt like SF, Vinyl/Twilo again....ahh nice memories....those who missed out...cant even begin to explain what you missed...

    Nice party....

    elevatedflow...u should've PMed I did not see you though ran into a couple of ol timers....

    I enjoyed it especially since this was the first time i went out clubbing since SF days....seriously...nice crowd btw...

    Got there at 1ish or so, and as soon as i walked in, i was all f'n smiles .. right until i left. Dj funk, Bones, Adam X .. all tore it the fuck up .. the other rooms were solid too ... props again to the whole crew who put that together

    drae, chris, rob .. thanks again for making last night a blast from the past

  7. I havent played soccer since I began working my legs, a lil over a year and a half.....got to check out if I pickedup any strength...lets see how good a striker I can be...

    Havent played soccer ever since my college days ...


    ..and the ironic part is that when i played soccer i didnt lift weights much ..


    ...and in soccer i always had my legs toned and strong but never "bulky" like some .

    But now since im lifting weights in conjunction with adding a leg workout regime (twice every week) ...im noticing really nice changes ..

    6'3 and 230lbs @ the time . can't complain .

  8. hey

    i thought you were a big soccer player....what happened? no soccer?

    you build your legs playing soccer..but seriously, I noticed the samething when I started working my legs...

    I can't do squats since it usually messes up my neck and or lower back ,,,and therefore i don't risk doing them nowadays .... i do the squat machine though.


    ..im more or less doing everything else , leg curls , extensions , calves etc and i also have incorportated some Spinning classes which for me are a great way to incorportate Cardio & Legs into a single intense workout.

    Im happy in my progress ...6'3 and 225lbs at the moment , nice solid build ..... hope that by august/september i'll be in tip top shape . :)

  9. Yo...deep

    if you got no horny bitches comin to ur event...i am not gonna show up..

    just kidding...

    will be there to support my cuban brotha!


    June 25 @ SIP :bounce:

    keep the dates......

    June 11 @ Life

    June 25 @ SIP

    fun times :)

  10. so what is it that makes you folks live here in Miami?

    I mean if you dont like being in miami, then why are you still here??

    also please let me know how coral gables is ? thats where my office is...I was hoping I could get an office in downtown miami, but the only location that has some space for my office is in coral gables...

  11. hey thanks....

    If you recorded could you please give me a copy? damn...for all my AC MILAN jerzies...I could'nt watch the CL final....

    I saw the series A match with Juv....you cant blame AC MILAN for loosing that....the ref screwed up big time! I counted 3 penelties that should have been awarded but werent.....

    Its a conspiracy....

    There's a bar/pub around Union Square. It might be on 3rd or Broadway, around 12th St? It's a few blocks away rom ghhhhhost's favorite hangout, Webster Hall, so pm him.

    I have to check if I have the full game recorded, as the VCR was spazzing out.

    Esperança que ajuda.

  12. WOw..thats a very comprehensive reply!


    So I am working out with my boss if I could relocate to our coral gables office, lets see what happens! so how is the coral gables area?

    my friend lives in olympia heights.... is that a good neighborhood? somewhere near 133ct street?

    There are a lot of things to consider. Your decision should depend on your character. NYC is very fast paced. Miami is a very slow paced, lazy town (in comparison). New York is a city that caters to tourists and its denizens alike. You have lots of cultural centers, museums, theaters, etc. It also has millions of shops, bars and restaurants scattered throughout. NYC is bustling around the clock. Most of Miami is dead on weekdays after midnight. Miami is primarily a tourist destination. We have beaches, sunshine, watersports, infinite outdoor activities, etc. We also have restaurants, shops, clubs and bars but ours tend to be more localized (with exceptions) in the trendy areas (the Grove, Gables, SoBe, Bal Harbour, Brickell).

    Miami traffic has become just about as bad as NYC's although our parking situation is much better (due to available space for multi-level lots). The big problem is that very few people here have any motivation to use public transit because it serves a very limited area and quite inefficiently, at best. Everyone has a car or two. The other problem with traffic stems from the fact that main north/south arteries are limited (excluding streets with traffic lights).

    Now about the nightlife. Everyone here has their opinions (myself included) so I'll be as objective as I can. While New York nightlife (for locals) revolves around a myriad of parties in small cozy lounges nearly every night of the week, the typical Miamian tends to be more interested in the city's large clubs (Crobar, Space, Nocturnal, Mansion, Opium/Prive) primarily on the weekends. That's not to say NYC doesn't have BIG clubs. They basically pioneered superclubs (together with the UK). In parallel, Miami has many small lounges mostly on SoBe which are bustling with activity (especially friday and saturday nights). Keep in mind that New York's 5 boroughs are home to nearly 4 times as many people as Miami can claim. Automatically, you should think about how that translates to "captive audience". It makes sense therefore, that with a larger captive audience, a wider variety of music would be represented.

    Last (but probably most important), you should consider your work conditions, cost of living, etc. Miami is cheaper than NYC. By a long shot. If you are going to be earning the same salary in Miami, as you did in NYC, you'll be able to live much more comfortably in Miami than NYC. That said, you may not be able to find exactly the job you're looking for in Miami. A larger population center demands a larger infrastructure (therefore more jobs in the service industry, manufacturing industry and merchandising). Logically, employment opportunities in NYC are more abundant.

    Lastly, do not think that Miamians are nicer than New Yorkers. Every city has its character. Our population is very diverse just like NYC's. That keeps things interesting. But don't assume, even for a second, that Miami adheres to the "hospitality" of the deep south. :D

  13. Folks

    help me out here...I am seriously thinking of moving down to MIAMI from NYC. Though, I am doing it for my GF who just moved back to miami...I want to know what is it about miami that makes you all wanna live here?

    I mean besides the weather and eye candies...??? I am really torn up, should I leave my job and move down to MIAMI?

    does anyone know who are the biggest employers in miami ? I mean besides drug dealers? LOL...OK seriously though, I am in the high-tech (communication and network research and investment banking) industry...dont know if miami is hot bed for high-techs....but if anyone could give me some perspective, I would greatly appreicate it!

  14. hey did anyone record the game?

    any replays? you know of any place that might be replaying? I am in NYC...

    I can believe I couldnt see it....I wish I could have taken off from work! why would they have a championship game in the middle of a work week?

    kaka had a fabulous game... u cant blame him
  15. OMG.....I cant believe AC MILAN lost.......damn roui costa, kaka, kofu....

    I missed the game...had a meeting to attend...I was planning on watching a recording somewhere....does anyone know if ESPN is replaying?

    god protects the crazy and stupid...and we all know goalies arent the magenta crayola in the box
  16. hey didnt anavar die of a stroke? I thought I read that somewhere, there was a lack of potassium in his body that caused blood clots!

    There are tons of synthetic anabolics out there my friend and not all of them result in you retaining water. There are some that BB'er take right up until the day of a competition to stay lean, hard and preserve muscle whilst dieting very restrictively (such as Anavar, Winstrol and Masteron)

    Point he's trying to make is show some evidence that:

    "30lbs is the max you can gain with 0 fat in a year if you train hard and get the right rest, especially at my height and weight. "

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