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Everything posted by littleboss

  1. oh shit cant forget the weirdo @ any of danny t's parties. he is the first one there and the last to leave, he wears the short shorts and holds the glowsticks in the shape of DT. and he also did it for junior and held the glowsticks in the form of JVQ. and did nothing but hop up and down like a rabbit.
  2. here is a pic of "puttin out cigarettes" as me and kirk call him. another one i remember was some old ass guy in his 80's-90's he went to kokomos (old southpark) back in 97 and would do the robot all nite and dance with chicks, he still goes out to joeys n other places but he dosent dance, he just sits around and smiles. mad respect for him. and bug i dont rememver the tapdancer@ exit and i was there every weekend but then again back in those days i didnt know my name on fri-sun, hahaa.
  3. i heard they were drafting all the turkish kids and their girlfriends
  4. nothing beats the old guy(puttin out cigarettes) at joeys on thursday's and friday's. he is the first one there and he dances around with his hands on his hips and moves his foot around like he is putting out cigarettes on the floor hence the name "puttin out cigarettes". pics to follow later
  5. eh i dont know about vinyl being harder than cd's. i can spin both, but using cd's can take some skill if you are doing things other than cueing and pressing play. if you loop bring it back and forth and chop up a track properly its hot and it takes skill, it never loops easy, you have to get it perfect. there are alot of things you can do on cd's, that you cant do on vinyl. i have more respect for dj's who used vinyl first and then resorted to cd's also. thats what i did, i started with vinyl, then when cd's came out a few years ago, i refused to use them, and taked all kinds of shit, but then i realized i had alot of shit on harddrive or cd that i wanted on vinyl, so i had to buy some kind of cd player, so i bought the denon 2600f and i hated everything about it, i wanted to throw them out the window, so then i put them up on ebay and went back to the vinyl. then i got more and more tracks on the computer and then the pioneer 1000 came out and i bought them because they were the closest to vinyl, and i loved them, and then my friend bought denons, then i started using them at his house and got to know them better and then i purchased them again. so now i use all 3 cd players and 2 turntables. another funny thing, my friend who can kick ass on the 2600's cant even drop a needle on a record, its so sad, and he cant even cue up a track without hearing ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccytttttctctctcttt.
  6. depends, if you are using the final scratch then i have no problem whatsoever with that. because you are still using the turntables, but you are getting your music from a laptop, so you dont have to carry 5,000 records with you. if you are using a laptop with one of those fake ass denon 2600 interface thing, then its getting gay, because then you have many options to auto beatmatch and have the comp do it for you.
  7. hey thanks for calling me dickweed! i was downstairs in the mush. it would have been nice to be upstairs.
  8. after 10 drinks i didnt care how many people were in there. i made my own fun, we all stayed together and pushed thru if we had to walk anywhere, i smoked wherever i was, and pissed behind the nearest cabinet and under the stage.(wasnt makin any unecessary trips) siiiiiiick
  9. hah yeah, i cant believe thats how keoki started spinning, michael was like ok keoki you are spinning, and the kid didnt even know how to put on a record. weird shit.
  10. if u wanna be amazed, smoke a few bowls and drive a little further up to nanuet ny. you will not be let down, crazy glass pieces, crazy everything, puts the city to shame, i will never set foot in nyc again to a head shop. this place has it all. its called village sensations on main st in nanuet ny.
  11. holy shit triple post! i apologize for this gay ass server that works like my ballsack.
  12. "feathers in hackensack has the hottest sound system, hottest lights, and the hottest men."-badass badass made me post this for him because he couldnt get to a computer today. siiiiiiiiiiiiick hey ya doin
  13. feathers = hottest soundsystem, hottest lights and the hottest men. badass made me post this because he couldnt get to a computer today. siiiiick hey ya doin
  14. feathers = hottest soundsystem, hottest lights and the hottest men. badass made me post this because he couldnt get to a computer today.
  15. in jersey i dont know, but whoever said deep has the best sound system was right. the feeling from those cabinets are unreal. you feel it inside you. and about the phazon/avalon fight, id go with avalon on that one.
  16. i said it once today and ill say it again, tunnel eddie baez second place hex hector @carbon third place tsettos@exit
  17. yeah def evolution fridays with baez@the tunnel
  18. mendez hook a nigga up, we go way back, show em how its done. make me piss my pants. do it carbon/tunnel style nukka!
  19. ill post em, but i know they aint gona get played cuz all the good ones never get played. meet her at the love parade repeated love lift up the needle instant moments lost in space 98 the break 98 bora bora thats it -that kid chris rmx the bulid up hands up lets go all the way dub alarma the beginning get up stand up music makers get down-a.garde magic orgasm
  20. hahahah whoooops my fault bro, i saw that (guess it was your sig) and i laughed so i saved it, i had no clue where it came from, i guess it was from here hahah ill change it asap. no need to be a cry baby
  21. morillo aint gona stay very long, he has shit to do on the road. he will do a month topps.
  22. i love how everyone is playng "call on me". shit is about a year old now.
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