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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by partymonster

  1. why dont you just shut the fuck up and have fun in vegas
  2. didnt the cops shut this down on the dl last year? is that why it hasnt been open that much? i bet its crawling with rats and cops, fuck that shit.
  3. "drunken lights by yours truly" cant wait kirk has been playin hard the past 2 weeks, its gona get uglier
  4. " the johnny maroney picture" so fucking classic
  5. ahahahahah fucking scuba, yeah he always disappears and then you find him walking crooked with his head bobbing and arms swingin, hahahah i can picture it now, and he always said "im fucked up" in that one voice, "are you fucked up" cuz im fucked up" hahahhaahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahaahha cant wait, im goin down by him on tuesday..
  6. yeah i def want to see that movie, i heard many many many stories, about all that shit, and wish i was around for that shit, but i tel ya, i know its not the same same, but the tunnel in 96 97 98 was pretty entertaining, i caught the last of it, but that wasnt even the best part... eh oh well, cant yell at my parents for not having sex earlier
  7. oh no way is that gona happen,. what im sayin is that he may throw some wild ass parties, like now a days you go to a club, and you hear music, thats it, back a few years ago, there was always some kind os suprise shit going on, alig had swearing contests, bizzare fashion shows, all kinds of weird things, it would be cool to see some shit go on, and worth the 30-40 beans you have to dish out to chill at a club in ny, and all you get for your 40 dollars is to hear a dj, and get smooshed by 4894343 people...
  8. you should try fuckin yo self with a sawzall:)
  9. take 2 and 4 off your gay ass list you cocksucker shouldnt you be out stabbing night club kids?
  10. bill its me miles, i changed names, alig was that freak fag who ran nyc in the 80's, big promoter, druggie, the whole 9 chopped up angel cuz of some drug deal gone bad, serving 20, up for parole in 06, if he comes back, you are gona shit your pants...
  11. michael alig is the king of ny. up for parole in 2006 cant fucking wait, you know hes got some shit in mind for when he gets out
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