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Everything posted by cmccrack

  1. I'll give you a hint, but nothing more. One of the places I buy from carries Methylone and used to carry MBDB. Their MDBD is now discontinued, but still shows up in search engine results.
  2. cmccrack


    Yeah, you do feel something. Hard to describe it. It's like a very light amphetamine feel combined with an almost narcotic relaxation. I don't think euphoria really describes it, but it definately relaxing. Stretching and arching your back feels wonderful. Conversation flows freely and often hilariously. Especially my wife seems think EVERYTHING is funny when she's doing this drug. For the two of us, doing it at home is a good fit, so that's how we plan on using it. Your milage may vary.
  3. cmccrack


    2C-C and 2C-E are chemically very similar but psychedelically very different. 2C-E induces a strong mind altering experience, where 2C-C is relaxing and for me and my wife merely tickles our sense of humor. It also just happens to make sex amazing for my wife. The nature of the two mostly does lend itself to at-home use or with a small party. You could do 2C-C in public with no problem, but I don't think it would mix well with a high-evergy event (dance club, concert, etc.). It's just too relaxing and not really speedy at all. You could probably pass at work while under the influence if you tried, but it sorta fun to just let go and laugh at everything. 2C-E could also be done in public and does give you a little energy boost. I would think it would be fine for clubs, concerts or the like but I think it fits best with a movie theater, comedy club or at home watching TV. I guess the thing to keep in mind is that each of them cannot be compared to other drugs you've done in the past. They're each their own thing and you have to check it out to determine what works best for you. A lot of people like Foxy, but if I had to pick, I'd take 2C-E over Foxy 9 times out of 10. There's a place for them all in my life though.
  4. The visuals have been that good for me every time I've done it. This isn't a toy drug by any stretch. There are those that kinda suck (IAP for one), but this really was a full-on psychedelic experience. I guess expensive is relative. At 20mg per dose you can get 50 doses for around $200. Because of the visibility these substances tend to get from the DEA I don't post sources in open forums. Sorry. However, search google and you will run across a couple of them. My wife was very aware I was tripping. I specifically requested time with her while I was under the influence to play with the experience. She doesn't like heavy psychedelics; she prefers light mood-altering drugs like 2C-C, Methylone or MDMA. In any case she didn't have a problem with me laughing...she was prepared for me being out of my gourd.
  5. Ordered online. I got a 300mg vial for my first order, then a packet of 2g. I gave 2 20mg parcels to my friend and his wife. They're going to trip this weekend. Otherwise, I should have enough of this stuff to last me several years. I may order some more in a few months just to stock up, but I still have a bunch of other stuff to get first.
  6. OK, I tried this last night. 800mg Tagamet, wait 45 mins, then 20mg hydrocodone. While the at-rest euphoria was pretty much the same as without the tagamet, when I would get up and walk around it was noticeably more euphoric and slightly off balance than my previous experience with hydrocodone. I'm not saying it was a huge rush, but it was noticeable. So I guess whatever mechanism occurs, there is some potentiation there. In a couple of weeks I'll try it with maybe 1400mg tagamet and see if it potentiates even further or if I hit the upper limit this week.
  7. My first experience with 2C-E was so good, I decided to take another stab at it this weekend. I spent the last session mostly by myself so I wanted to try a little interaction this time, specifically sex. I downed 25mg (5mg more than last time) and watched TV for about 45 mins or so before I started feeling it coming on. There seemed to be a little less body load this time, but I think that's because I knew what to expect i.e. I wasn't nervous or anxious about what's coming up. Once things started going, I put in Remo Williams, an old stupid 80s movie. Interestingly, the movie was pretty entertaining. I got about 2/3 of the way through it and decided I was at the peak of the experience, so I joined my wife in the bedroom for some experimentation. I was trying to provide oral pleasure for my wife, but I kept cracking up because of the visuals I was getting. I kept seeing fish making faces and smiling at me. Seems like there were other things as well, but that's what I remember kept cracking me up. When my wife returned the favor is when I became totally immersed in my visuals. At one point I was in some kind of ice cream shop or diner. The decor felt like it was probably set in the 50s and there were several teenage girls eating ice cream. Another time I was in some disco-era dance club, maybe. There was no music, but I think it was the clothing and the lighting/decor which tipped me off. There were other settings, but I don't remember them concretely enough to describe them. The point of it, though, was that while I was getting a BJ (which was verrrrrrrrry good, don't get me wrong) my mind was off in numerous other lands. My wife was just sort of doing the deed without any real passion (she did not partake this evening) but in my mind she was all over me hot and heavy. When I would open my eyes and realize she wasn't really doing much, it was almost surprising to me that she could be so restrained. I felt she should have been boiling with passion until reason caught me back up. I once asked her if she had a life at all. I don't know why it came out like that, but what I was meaning to ask was if she had any life in her. I didn't get myself explained completely until morning. After sex, I felt like I could sleep but I wasn't really asleep. I can't tell now when I was asleep and when I was just lost in the pretty real but dreamlike visuals. The concrete visuals hung around for maybe an hour? Could have been longer, I wasn't watching a clock most of the time. Once the concrete visuals went away, I began a long period of "bits and pieces" and symbolic visuals. I would see real things and then symbols for concepts or situations related to that thing. I had repetitive thoughts about the depravity humans are capable of. However, I had no really horrific vision of rape, murder, or abuse, only symbols or insinuations thereof. My mind would walk me up to the point of such a vision and then imply what I would have seen had I crossed the edge. Even more interesting to me was that the symbols I saw were not symbols I would currently associate with what I saw.....rather they were symbols I vaguely remember having when I was a kid. My childhood was not bad or violent in any way, so why I pulled those items out, I have no idea. Other things I saw were sort of hybrid child-adult symbols. When I was young (up to about 6 years old) we lived in a mobile home. While there were probably a lot of "white trash" types around, I wasn't old enough to understand the sterotypes. I felt no shame in living where I did (and still don't). Yet when I saw symbols of a poor, uneducated, and criminal group they were very similar to visions and thoughts I remember seeing and having as a kid. It's difficult to describe, but it was interesting nonetheless. At one point when these symbols from my childhood were in full gear, I felt I was close to remembering something from my youth. I didn't have any indication that it was repressed or bad or anything like that....only that I was very close to recalling some forgotten memory from my distant youth. That vision or memory never materialized, however. A couple of times in the middle of the night (still unknown as to whether I woke up or snapped out of a vision) I had to get up and get a drink. The walk to the kitchen was labored and I felt like there were 3 of me superimposed on each other, but that two of me were vibrating in and out of my 3D space. I think I've seen a similar description in a trip report on Erowid, but I don't remember where or which substance. In summary, this is powerful stuff. The experience was very different from my last one, but very interesting. More experimentation will tell me for sure, but this substance seems to allow you to mold your experience to what you'd like it to be. With more mental preparation to set my mind, I probably could have gone anywhere I wanted to. I haven't decided "where" exactly I want to go, but I think the next time I try this I will pick a place and try to take the trip there rather than letting the trip take me places. Sex was very good. I'll definately be doing that again. In fact, sex for the two of us would probably be fantastic if my wife was doing 2C-C and I was doing 2C-E. I'll also have to put that on the TODO list. I still reccommend this one to any real experimenters out there. Good stuff.
  8. I have my Foxy dissolved in Bacardi 151 and both my wife and myself can taste it over the alcohol. Unlike the alcohol burn though, this stuff never went away no matter what we drank. I haven't tried Foxy at the 6mg level, but I certainly plan to.
  9. It does taste unbelievably terrible. The more water I drank the more it brought the taste back in the back of my throat. Couldn't get it out for at least 10 mins, and it was the worst tasting stuff I've ever tried.
  10. Nothing special required at the right place. Only a credit card and a shipping address. I think it could be enjoyed in public if you have a friend or two around to keep things moving. Personally, I think it would be most fun in a quiet private party of about 4 people all tripping on the same stuff.
  11. If you get involved, it sounds like you would really enjoy TV with 2C-E. I got so involved watching George Carlin when he started talking about putting stuff back at the grocery store I almost got up to go put stuff back before I realized I was on the couch at home.
  12. Hang with me for a second, there's a question in here. There are several opioids which are primarily metabolized by the P450 group of enzymes. It is known that Tagamet is a general P450 inhibitor and therefore could be used to increase or potentiate the effects of those opioids. The one in particular I know of which has a primary metabolic path through these enzymes is hydrocodone (Vicodin). I did some research on the amount of inhibition of Tagamet on these enzymes and arrived at the following "recipe" if you will. 800mg of Tagamet taken about 45 mins before dosing hydrocodone should inhibit the P450 enzymes by 50% resulting in an increase in hydrocodone in the bloodstream. How much more is subject to debate, I guess, but I'm going to SWAG that it's between 15%-35% (best case, take 3 vicodin, get the effects of 4). My question is this: Has anyone here ever tried that combination in roughly those quantities and can report an increase in the effects? I plan on doing some experimentation with this in the future, but want to get a little feedback from anyone who has tried it before I do. There seems to be conflicting information about this topic in the "literature".
  13. It's Schedule I in the US but not in much of the rest of the world. I got mine from a Research Chemical supplier in Hong Kong. I doubt you'd find it on the street. However, it is pretty cheap. I got 100mg (about 8 doses) for $28. I think 1g (which would last me the rest of my life) is about $140, or thereabouts. Note that the active dose is 8-10mg. 12mg is strong and I did 14mg last time. Too much. 12mg is probably about all you'd need.
  14. Rereading that last post made me think of something unrelated but somewhat interesting. One time when I was doing 4-HO-DiPT, my wife starting sucking my nipples. I closed my eyes and for several seconds I could not recall whether I was male or female. I had to iterate all of my male features in my head to confirm that was not indeed the female in this situation.
  15. That wasn't actually from last Friday, BTW. I wrote it up for another forum several weeks ago and is posted here unchanged. Some other notes: This is a pretty powerful psychedelic. Not in terms of visuals but in alteration of thought patterns and perceptions. In fact, I don't remember much of its visual nature because I was so busy paying attention to the altered thought patterns. If I wasn't so worried about my wife, it most certainly would have been a trippier experience. You can really lose yourself in a circle of thoughts that draw you deeper and deeper until something snaps you out of it. I plan on doing more of it when I get the chance, but the long duration of the effects limit the oppurtunities for me. I suppose if you're prepared for it and have someone who is able to keep the environment moving and light (a trip DJ if you will) it would be a really fun experience. The little bit of time my wife spent non-nauseated was really fun. Conversation was funny and interesting and both of us kept doing or saying funny things that cracked each other up. We tried sex, but my wife's nausea was somewhat limiting. Not sure it would have been interesting anyway. My wife felt rubbery and really stretchy and she couldn't really get wet enough to get going. Oral sex (recieved, not given) was ummm.....different. Sometimes it felt really weird, others pretty good and strangest of all, sometimes I couldn't even tell she was doing anything. I had to ask what she was doing to determine if I had lost my dick or not. Anyway....I can answer other questions if you want to know anything specific.
  16. Friday night, my wife and I sampled the 5-MeO-DiPT we got in the mail that afternoon. My wife did about 12 mg, I did about 14 mg. Because of the low dose, I dissolved 80 mg in 20ml of Bacardi 151 and measured by liquid volume rather than dry weight. The taste was horrible and stuck in the back of my throat for about 10 mins. First effects were felt about 25-30 mins into it and consisted of very faint wavy visuals. Once it started coming on it built gradually for the next hour or hour and a half and stayed at the peak for at least 2 hours, probably longer. One unexpected effect was that the substance just wouldn't let go. We started at around 8:30pm and by 6am it was still going pretty strong. By 5pm, I was able to drive, but was not completely "with it" mentally. It took concentration to maintain an entire conversation in my head and to remember what the topic was. When I went to bed at 10:00pm, I was still rather buzzy in my abdomen and fuzzy in the head. Sunday morning was fine, though. No residual effects or hangover all day other than being tired from lack of sleep the night before. My wife was pretty naseaus throughout the entire night and unfortunately, except for isolated periods didn't have that great a time. Through the peak of the experience, thoughts tended to pile up and lock me into a sort of trance until I snapped myself out of it. Music was really good, but not excellent. Pink - Like a Pill was particularly enticing (don't ask why we were listening to that song. I have no idea). The experience was strongly molded by the environment for both me and my wife. When music was playing the trip changed to match the mood of the song. Sometimes empathetic, sometimes happy and rolling, but always pleasurable. When the lights were turned off, thoughts became darker. Turning the lights on flipped a switch and everything got mentally brighter. Conversation between my wife and me was on and off, but was fun when we did talk. It wasn't like an MDMA conversation with intense empathy, but was more playful and giddy. This was amplified by the fact that we didn't want to make a lot of noise so we wouldn't wake the sleeping kids. At one point I had turned off the lights and my wife's thoughts apparently started looping or spiraling. She was concerned that she shouldn't have done this and apparently those thoughts piled up. I heard her start crying and asked what was wrong, but she couldn't answer. She seemed to be getting more and more agitated, so I quickly flipped the lights to try to break her out of her thoughts. She seemed disoriented and I asked her if it was nausea, she said no. I asked if it was pain, she said no. Fear? Yes. She looked at me and her eyes were full of pure terror. I've never seen her look like that before. Afraid of what, I ask? I don't know. Her fear and disorientation subsided in the bright lights and she was completely OK within a couple of minutes. Another time she was thinking of her parents coming to town (their flight came in the next afternoon). She said: What if we're not down by the time my parents get here? My dad would kill me. And she paused for a minute or so. I eventually said something to her and snapped her out of her thoughts and asked her what she was doing. She said: I saw my dad killing me. Literally. He was hacking and chopping me. I saw my head cracked open and brains all over the floor and walls, but I never really saw a weapon of any kind. Weird. I think around midnight, the baby (20 months old) woke up and came into our bedroom. This provided some comic relief for a number of reasons. We sat her on the bed and she looked at us both quizzically for a couple of seconds and then smiled and started dancing to the music. It was the most hilarious thing to both of us. My wife later said it was like we were subconciously asking her to be cute and she obliged. We played with her for a little bit and then my wife walked her back to her bed where she went back to sleep. A little later, the 11 year old got up (this is the most interruption we've ever had while tripping) with a sore throat. We went to his bathroom with him, both of us giggling the whole way because we were completely unable to deal with him normally. We were just sort of faking being "normal". My wife made an offhand comment about his bedroom being a mess and looked at me and shrugged her shoulders which made me laugh even more. We managed to diffuse that problem and get him back to bed, whereupon we decided we were munchy. I went to the pantry and got package of cheese and a couple of different crackers and a bag of chips. I went back to our bedroom and sat down on the bed where I soon see my wife following me with about a dozen other snacks including peanut butter, marshmallow cream and more cheese. So here we are with a dozen packages of food spread all over our bed. We look at each other and bust up laughing. The cheese felt oily to me and had a funny texture in my mouth. My wife said it felt waxy and thick to her. Everything else was pretty normal tasting, but for the rest of the night and all the next day I felt an almost uncontrollable urge to keep stuffing my face. I wasn't particularly hungry, I don't think. And the feeding didn't feel particularly good. I just felt I needed food, I guess. All in all, I thought this was a good time. However, I think this one would be more fun with about 4 people, no more and almost certainly no less. I'd like to do it again in a situation where I don't have to be worrying about my wife and making sure she's OK through the entire trip. She was completely turned off by the nausea and duration and it is unlikely that she will ever try it again.
  17. Yep, I've tried it. I wrote up the experience several weeks ago. I'll post it here in a little bit.
  18. Oh.. Well, that's different. Sounds wholly uninteresting to me.
  19. The distinct sensation that you must calmly do everything in the world. Right now.
  20. You mean 5-MeO-DiPT ("Foxy Methoxy") ?
  21. cmccrack


    Not really. If I looked at the ceiling long enough I could detect gentle waves like convection currents in the heat, but nothing overt.
  22. Hm, perhaps that should read "Oral sex after ingesting Foxy..."
  23. Sex on X is tops, but I just did 2C-C again with my wife this weekend and that's a really good time for her (and consequently me) as well. Oral sex with Foxy was weird but definately interesting!
  24. cmccrack


    My wife and I did another round of 2C-C this weekend to get a better idea of the character of the substance. In a previous post, I mentioned that this was really good for sex for us. So we decided to test that again. About 7:00pm, we dosed (30mg for my wife, 50mg for me) and sat down to watch a DVD. After about 45 mins (the end of our DVD), we were starting to feel it. I was getting a little muscle tension and my wife was getting shivers and slight numbness in her fingers along with some mild nausea. We got up and went into the bedroom. Shortly thereafter, my wife became very giggly and funny to watch. Looking at things became very entertaining for her. Watching the towel in the bathroom seem to move like there was an animal hiding behind it, looking at my daughter's elephant towel seem to poke its ear out from behind the door, and watching the walls wave and breathe were all hilarious to her. I wasn't getting those types of visuals, so all I could do was sit back and laugh at her. At time progressed, it became apparent that this drug really tickles her funny bone. Conversation between us was fun, lighthearted and exceedingly funny most of the time. For me, the muscle tension faded after about 45 mins to an hour and I became pretty relaxed. I wasn't feeling too out of sorts and certainly didn't feel like I wouldn't be able to handle myself in public or around people who knew me. Eventually my wife's nausea faded and we decided to try the sex thing. While sex on this substance is good, but not outstanding for me personally, my wife has a field day when we do it. Orgasm was easy and repetitive, many times in quick succession. I was sometimes unable to tell where one ended and the other began. So after about 30 mins of climax after climax (which really distorts the meaning of the word "climax"), we were both fairly exhausted. Once the action had ceased, the effects seemed to instantaneously drop down a notch. My energy level dropped, any tension left in my body was gone and I just felt awake but very relaxed. We stayed awake talking for another couple of hours and faded into a very nice sleep at around midnight. We woke up at around 6am feeling no residual effects and no hangover of any sort. I really like this one. I got a shipment of 2g of it in the mail this weekend, so I'm stocked up for a bit. I don't think this one would be fun for me at a club or party. It might be fun with a small group of friends, depending on their reaction to it. However, the humor evolved from my wife was very entertaining and worth the price of admission just for that. There are more fun things to do if I want to travel to altered states or get mindfucked, but for lighthearted fun and conversation, this one's a winner for me.
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