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Everything posted by drdoom

  1. Well we can answer this w/ one of your previous quotes: Busted!
  2. drdoom


    Holy shit . .. 28th and Astoria Bvld Small world. P.S. Thanks for the negative rep!
  3. I thought it was a three DJs, - SLim, Sanchez and Van Helden. LMFAO, I came really late as I was held up w/ school and shit. ABout 30 minutes after I came, they did the whole "Slim coming out of the coffin" thing.
  4. If I'm not mistaken, I saw the fucker at Centrofly's closing party w/ Fat Boy Slim. I don't even remember now.
  5. Dude hit me up when the time comes, as a LIC resident I don't have to pay to bring friends in and I know someone at WHite Castle's door who can get us comps.
  6. In order to do this shit right, you have to pregame at White Castle on 21st St. - 2 minutes away. Francois K and diarrhea make an excellent combination.
  7. Italian P isn't coming.
  8. His sister has bigger arms than him.
  9. you caould have fooled me there - Houston is NO-Dimensional. Complete utter merda.
  10. Roger Sanchez @ Crobar
  11. They don't make people like they used too. Back in my day, I had to fight for standing room for a 2hr + trip.
  12. Regis is the most one dimensional player of all time. The only thing he ever was, is a spot-up shooter. But he did it pretty fucking well .. . otherwise the boney bag sucked. His D, passing and rebounding were all shit.
  13. What did you enjoy more - being in LOTR or playing Yoda in Episode 3?
  14. There is already a thread on it, in the "Bump" section.
  15. How about recalling Forsell from Biirmingham and Crespo from Milan?
  16. Chelsea's frontline is already shit.
  17. LeSaux was a good fighter. Did you see when he played for Blackburn in the CL and got a fight with his own team mate in the middle of the game. Fucking classic.
  18. I'm going to have fun w/ this. LMFAO! I am PMSing? You're the one that's bitching about how I haven't taken my happy pill today. How am I totally biased? I criticize Inter all the time, and I hate to break your heart - but Inter isn't my favorite team. My favorite big team - yes. But similar to Ghhhhhost, my heart belongs to a small team, Genova in the Serie B. I also somewhat respect city rivals, Sampdoria, better than Inter. This is an unfair comparison. Liverpool have less than cups than Milan. Man U has the same amount as Inter and Juve. According to you, that would be like me stating that Red Star is just as good as Aston Villa, as they won the same amount of cups. And for Forest I regret to inform you that Brian Clough, the late talkative manager, was accused and later confirmed of offering bungs and various bribes to other teams' players during their glory years. So much for fair play. I can answer this with one of your own quotes: So..... It's not okay to throw flairs, yet it's perfectly alright to create a riot that leads to the death and injuries of hundreds? Because Premiershit fans are well-behaved? What about the numerous Southeast Asian fans of West Ham that gets called "Pakis" by their fellow supporters. Even better one of their former players, Lee Boywer, is accused of racially taunting an Indian teenager and severly hurting him during his stay at the club. Or when Newcastle fans threw bananas at their own player, Asprilla calling him a "dirty nigger." Or racist chants of the former esteemed Leeds United, where ultras proclaimed "Lynch kikes, niggers, pakis and gypsies." and then attacked their opponents' supporters. While Serie A fans have their disgraceful moments more often than not - don't even begin to compare. Premiershit fans are the lowest of the low. Did you read my quote correctly? Marcel Desailly said that, not I. But of course, he has no credibility, even though he is the most capped player in his country's history. Also, why don't you look up to see which teams have more CL final appearances? Oh my goodness, while you're very intelligent, you suck at this. Look who's at fourth place right now - Udinese and Sampdoria. Look at where Roma, Lazio, Parma and Fiorentina are right now? WIth the exception of Everton this year, everything is predictable with the Premiershit. Look at the past ten years - Man U or Arsenal with the Blackburn in the mix once. Now take a look at the Serie A? Oh and of course, Premiershit clubs are never in debt. I mean afterall, Leeds United went to playing in the CL to being liquidated. How about other big clubs (also former ones) like Chelsea before Abramobitch, Man City,Tottenham, Blackburn, Forrest, Leicester and Arsenal to an extent. Wow...... are you sure you know what happened at all? Ronaldo left because he hated Cuper and skipper Javier Zanetti because they constantly yelled at him for his poor work ethic. I.E. skipping out on his training program to recover from injury and going back to Brazil for Canivale. Oh and Ronaldo won many titles with Real. The Vieri statement is taken out of context. He used to play for Atletico back in the day when they were somewhat competitive. He said he wouldn't mind returning, after reporters addressed that he might be going there in a part-exchange deal for Fernando Torres. Also Vieri is old now and he shouldn't get a game over Adriano and Martins, as he is not on their level anymore. I never said that Juve won their last title admirably. As a matter of fact you help prove one of my points, as Inter had to play against roided cheats in the past 15 years, another reason why they never won the Serie A. For Arsenal, ManU and Chelsea to think of themselves as world powers is completely INEXCUSABLE and a crime to humanity. All three have done real wonders in the CL during the past ten years. Also when ManU won their treble, Stam had more drugs pumped into him than Giambi and Sosa combined. Well, the other team from Milan is best or second best club in the history of soccer. So I assume that none of my facts are "semi-competent." So....... that Henry was a real wonder at Juve.
  19. LMAO, that's a funny website. But check this out - this website is the funniest choke - errr, I mean joke on the internet: www.yankees.com
  20. So are you trying to say that Chelsea didn't splash the cash before they became Chelski? Here is a fine line of players that Chelsea splashed the cash for: Mark "Cokehead" Bosnich, Gianluca Vialli, Gianfranco Zola, Marcel Desailly, Frank LeBoeuf, Graeme LeSaux, Dennis Wise, Boudewijn Zenden, Manu Petit, George Weah, Jesper "He'll fuck it up I swear" Gronkjaer, Mikael Forrsell, Andre Flo, Gus Poyet, Albert Ferrer, Roberto DiMatteo, Didier Deschamps, Sam Dalla Bonna, Valerie DiCesare, Pierlughi Casiragi, Mario Melchiot, Jimmy Floyd Hasslebank, Ed DeGoey, Slavia Jonakovic, Mario Stanic, Dan Petrescu, Chris Sutton, Emerson Thome and of course my favorite - WINSTON BOGARDE! Do you know when he was bought from Milan in the mid 90s, he was made the HIGHEST PAID player in the Premiership. Chelsea thought he was the future, even though he played less than 20 games for them and finally left two years ago. Sure we shelled out the bucks for Cannavaro, Vieri, Ronaldo, Toldo, Dalmat and Seedorf, but we added many players via free transfer or part exvhanges. The only free agent that I remember Chelsea signing was Enrique DeLucas and he's gone now. I don't remeber actual price amounts, but here are close ranges: Bosnich: at least 10 million pounds (Aston Villa) Petit: 15 million pounds (Barca) Zenden: 15 million pounds (Barcelona got 30 million from these two whopping wonders alone!) Frank Lampard :18 million pounds (West Ham) Zola: 5 mill (Parma) Bogarde: 10 mill (Milan) Desailly: 10 mill (Milan) LeBouef: 8 mill (Marseille) Do you get my point? Don't compare Chelsea to Everton, as the blues spent a lot in the past and accomplished shit. All the titles you mentionned with the exception of the Premiership are esentially worthless. Why does Arsenal or Liverpool play their reserves for the FA Cup? Because it's a title for teams who suck and can't win anything else. Middlesborough won it, not long ago. The UEFA cup is much prestigious. Inter also didn't win the Serie A, because we had competition from the two best teams in history - Milan in the early 90s and Juve in the latter 90s. Milan: Rijkaard, Van Basten, Gullit, Baresi, Maldini, Boban, Weah, Desailly - Juve: Baggio, Del Piero (when he wasn't shit), Zidane, Deschamps, Paulo Souza, Ferrara, Inzaghi, Vieri, Kovacevic The only teams that might rival these two are: Milan now and Real Madrid in the 50s. Who does Chelsea play against? Arsenal whose three main players are Serie A rejects - Vieira (Milan), Bergkamp (Inter) and Henry (Juve)! Even long-term captain Desailly said that the Premiership is "the Mickey Mouse League compared to Serie A". Lastly, Ranieri's buyout was the biggest in history and Kenyon is going to get severely fucked for approaching Ashley Cole and Rio Ferdinand withouth their respective teams' consent. Good luck trying to convince Adriano to come to this shithole.
  21. Hey now, Ranieri wasn't "bullshit" personnel. Bates barely gave him any money to spend, and when he did, he brought it Frank Lampard and William Gallas, who everyone thought were shit. How do I know this? Because the only team I support in England is West Ham. Ranieri was set up for failure, he didn't want to bring in half of the players that were brought in last year, as Sven Erikkson told Abramo-bitch to buy them, as Sven was supposed to take over Ranieri, except reneged on his word, after the scandal broke out.
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