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Everything posted by deepkemicals4u

  1. i am in it, but didnt realize it until like a year or two later, but i really need a copy for a report i am doing for school. thanx a lot everyone for the help.
  2. I was wondering if anyone knew how i would be able to get a copy of the documentary MTV did on Factory? any serious replies would be greatly appreciated. thanx
  3. im excited that JP is back. but i really dont know how i feel about this. it being a Friday party means that once avalon's party ends, all them sloppy smelly avalon people are gonna go to roxy stinking the place up dancing with 15 year old girl. plus i dont think roxy is big enough to hold the amount of people who might show up for a JP theme party. but i haven't had my JP fix in a while so i will probably go. personally i luv JP and his music but i feel he needs more time off to get his shit together. saw him @ crobar for Carl cox standing by the bar. he's a cool guy and we bullshitted for a while, but the man did look like shit. dont worry we still luv u jonny
  4. im excited that JP is back. but i really dont know how i feel about this. it being a Friday party means that once avalon's party ends, all them sloppy smelly avalon people are gonna go to roxy stinking the place up dancing with 15 year old girl. plus i dont think roxy is big enough to hold the amount of people who might show up for a JP theme party. but i haven't had my JP fix in a while so i will probably go. personally i luv JP and his music but i feel he needs more time off to get his shit together. saw him @ crobar for Carl cox standing by the bar. he's a cool guy and we bullshitted for a while, but the man did look like shit. dont worry we still luv u jonny
  5. Damn. that's not cool. had some really good times in that place. does any1 know when the next time he's gonna spin again and where ? or is JP done and thats it ?
  6. Does any1 know when is the last time he's gonna spin @ spirit?
  7. I to am doing this. but it is a little bit worse for me. i have two classes that are back to back. the first one begins @ 8:15 and i have to also take a test for that class. but fuck it, im still going to go and have fun
  8. yeah that happens. it's worse when it happens in the club. a place where u felt free to enjoy yourself, let loose and have a good time. someone decides to reveal their true racist colors and try to ruin sum1's night. but fuck em. they all go to hell anyway
  9. Ran into some really good K, shit was strong as hell, i believe it was American made and it was yellow
  10. Pvd 4 a little bit then i have 2 go 2 Jp until the party is over. hope every1 has fun
  11. Merry Christmas, and happy new years. I hope all enjoy the holidays and every1 is safe. Keep on dancing... i know i will
  12. I really dont listen to too many different Dj's, but that song was pretty hot
  13. once it is all hardened (5-6 mins) put the plate in the fridge to cool -get a razor blade.. the best way to scrape is to hold the blade down on the edge of the plate, and drag it towards you while firmly pressing on it.. you will see mounds of K slowly form, this is by far my favorite part..
  14. once it is all hardened (5-6 mins) put the plate in the fridge to cool -get a razor blade.. the best way to scrape is to hold the blade down on the edge of the plate, and drag it towards you while firmly pressing on it.. you will see mounds of K slowly form, this is by far my favorite part..
  15. It's a normal place. last time I went i saw Trannies frighting, but that was @ like 3:30 pm. but besides that the crowd was really into the party and Morillo was tearing that place apart. cant wait 2 see him again this weekend
  16. something like that happened to me @ avalon, but I knew it was a man, and two of them followed me around while i was trashed
  17. R we gonna start the JP and Spirit Bashing again? Trannies r everywhere. Last time I went 2 Avalon i was almost attacked by a pack of wild trannies. at first it looked like a real woman. the tranny saw me taking a bump and asked if he could get down. i was like "ok" then this other trannie the size of Ray Lewis, at least 6'4 220 lbs. titties bigger then my head just walked up 2 me touching my head telling me i was cute. i was like "chill i like girls" they were like "we are girls baby." After that i got up and walked away, then i noticed they were following me i was trying to get away from them . felt like i was fighting for my life, and i couldnt find any of my friends. then i went outside 2 smoke a blunt in the courtyard. i found my Ex-girlfriend and hung out with her the rest of the night.
  18. Dave your best... Thanx a lot. u just made my NEW YEARS
  19. I've Only been 2 crobar a couple of times, because i really like 2 hear JP spin, so my saturday night is mostly taken up. But being able to hear Eric Morillo spin was probably the 2nd best party i have ever went to in a very long time (beside Last NYE @ exit) cant wait to see him @ Discotheque Dec. 11
  20. dosent avalon's main dance floor close @ 7 also? nothing that can stay open later, like how morillo starts his afterhours discotheque party @ 5? not trying to be a D*ck, just really wanna know
  21. I dont know what they are gonna do... last NYE at Exit was out of control, best time of my life. but spirit is small, cant fit that many people, and last year exit was packed couldnt even move for like 3 hours, and exit is huge. hope it dosent get out of line
  22. last time I went the music was sick. if i wasn't with a group of people that i loved being around, i think i would have hated it. there were a bunch of trashed trannies wasted on Tina fist fighting for like an hour. and a bunch of wacked Asians. but it was also like 2pm. that could of played into it. but i will be there for morillo. i have a new found respect for him after seeing him at crobar. he ripped that place a new asshole. the vibe was amazing, the people were nice and i had a grate time. hope he can bring that vibe to discotheque
  23. Armin Van Burren at spirit on the 10th and Morillo at discotheque on the 11th. thats big. gonna be a sick weekend
  24. i dont know what clubs u go to, but every where u go there is K and Tina. went 2 roxy 2 see DT V.S lawler. bumped into like 10 people by the bar who was selling tina and K. for some people thats what they choose to do, but for others it's not always about the drugs. it about listening to your favorite DJ until the set is over and the club begins to close and for someone to say JP is a waste of money and time is just redictulious. the truth does not hurt. thats just the vibe u pick up when your in there. wish u would look past the drugs and try 2 have a good time. thats what it is about going out and having a good time, with people u like to be around. not going to a club and looking around to see whos f*ucked up on what, then come on a board a post it. u should be able to go out and enjoy yourself and not be so worried about what others are doing.
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