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Posts posted by robbiewoodside

  1. Electro needs to go the way of the pet rock.


    It will, and it will happen the same way it became big. The big name guys will let everyone know if it's cool or not anymore. Like someone else said, it's been around for a while and there will always be those producers who make it, those DJs that will play it, and those people that like it, but it' popularity will probally fade pretty soon.

  2. The "superclubs" in NY just aren't cutting it anymore. The ones we already have now seem to be hurting enough as it is. As a result they have to do things like play more hip-hop and do 18+ nights. There just aren't enough house heads right now to support another big club in NY.

    I would personally be fine with one big club where all the meatheads could go and focus more attention on packing smaller one room clubs that fit 200-400 people. Why do you think places like Ciello and Shelter have done well for so long? They know what they are, accept it and don't try to be more than that.

  3. Damn Gabe. You still causin trouble? HAHAHA I don't go on this board for months and when I come back the first thing I see is a year old thread that was brought back from the dead to hate on you. Either the brain trust of CP has finally run out of things to talk about or you have officially become the king of NY.

    Keep doing your thing bro. You're one of the realest cats I know. :aright:

  4. Seriously, what are kids like this doing hanging out in the Village? It's sad too to think that these were KIDS. The youth of today is fucked. Also...

    I can understand people being afraid of jumping in to help but did anybody even call the police? Its good to hear he's doing well though.

  5. When was the last time you guys won the World Series? A payroll of over a 170 million $$$$$ over the last what 5 or 6 years and you still can't buy a Championship! I alson know that this is old news, yeah we won for the fist time in 84 years! Remember tha ALCS the Yankee's up 3 games to 0, they pulled off the GREATEST CHOKE OF ALL TIME!!!!! HA HA HA

    This is why Sox fans make me laugh. By saying it was the biggest choke in history you are saying that the Yankees LOST the series and not the Sox WON the series. You would rather rip the Yankees than give your boys credit where credit is due.

    Bostonians started a "Yankees Suck" chant at the Patriots' goddamn Superbowl victory parade. Talk about an inferiority complex. No respect for anything outside of Boston.

  6. i dunno man... ive been around... ive seen some crazy shit so far in my life but this is just too much, rather disturbing i might add. and im not a homophobe or anything like that either.

    i was just like whoa for a minute and then i was thinking why in the world would u post something like that?

    honestly i dont think anybody really cares that you're gay or that you go to gay parties, thats your decision and you should be able to do anything that you want. nobody's stopping you and i dont think anybody hates you for that. but maybe there are some people on this board who just dont give a fuck about ur gay pictures and ur obsession with gayness

    Yeah. Gay or straight these people are fuckin' SCARY. I been to a few gay parties and the only time I seen shit like this was on Halloween, and no, I'm not exaggerating.

  7. Mangled Asians can totally kill the vibe so personally I'm happy about Crobar's selective door policy. Keep those cornballs away until they learn how to speak English, dress well and behave like human beings. I'm sick of those mofos walking into me or talking to me when they are cracked out..ewww I get so grossed out by that shit. Last time I had a bad experience was at Roxy and never went back there again. Crobar knows how to run a successful club, let's just all STFU and stop complaining and saying they are racist cuz we all know that's not true.

    I hang out with a very mixed crew of people. All my Asian friends speak English as well as me or you, dress no differently than the white, black or spanish people in the crew, and behave better than most "accepted" people in the club.

    So you had a bad experience w/ Asians. :nopity: We've all bad experiences at clubs. Shit, I've had more bad experiences with white people than I care to count. Every group has its assholes. Period.

    I love Crobar, but unfortunately this isn't the first time I've heard of this "door policy." I'm having a party there on the 12th. If any of my Asian friends have a problem getting in this board will be the first to know.

  8. Little Louie Vega @ PACHA. - hands down the best music, crowd and energy i have seen in years.

    I was going to say the same thing. Great times and great vibe upstairs and down. It helped too that Shelter was closed that night. Saw a lot of Shelter heads there that night.

  9. Sadly people dont know that, heres an example.

    A 17 yr old hears the radio KTU some cheesy song with vocals and sythnsesizers. Next thign you know does a research on clubs for 18yrs old, JP is playing, 6 yrs later he/she only goes to jp parties only hears jps music and ktu with the occasional louie devito cd. And swears that jp is the greatest dj in the world and only really knows about his party and that scene ONLY.

    So true. And its like that with all styles of music. People think the only stuff is the shit they play on the radio. It doesn't matter if its electronic music, rap, rock.

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