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Posts posted by avstunts

  1. Its all about the Muay Thai Clinch and the knees.

    The way those guys from Chute Boxe train is just unreal.

    Now if Fedor was to have a party i would be there in a second..

    That guy is not human!


    When I was in Brazil I trained at Chute. Hardcore...they took it (real) easy on me cause I was an american. Have some great pics with Wanderlei..so nice..till he gets in the ring...lol.

    You are 100% correct on Fedor...scary family


  2. Get Your Shit Right, Newbie - Quinton Jackson is not UFC But Pride FC

    Will be appearing at Jimmy's for photos & meet & greet

    Correct..he is Pride. I would love to see him OWN in UFC though. I truly thought he would beat Silva but man The Axe Murderer is something else.

    Really nice guy. Doesnt curse as much since he became religious...used to crack me up back then.

  3. So let me get this straight..Out of 71 pictures you found four pics of people that you deem to be unattractive? The club had well over a thousand people in it and you point out that 10 people dont look good to you??

    If you are saying that there were a thousand ugly people in there then your stupidity is overwhelming.

    Dude, are you for real??

  4. Lets hope that The Studio 9 Defense Team (Candygirl, Amouthful, 5qtpies and Avstunts) :worry: do not know you are un-happy with the place. :) You are likely to be bashed :cuss: by the entire useless team........ :laugh:

    3rdflapartment..I hope to aspire to your level of relevancy one day

    Here I am enjoying my morning cup of coffee, checking my email, minding my own business and I am being called useless. Let me get one thing straight. I have no problem with someone not having a good time at the club, because not every club is for everyone. That is why there is competition. It is a simple matter of supply and demand. I find a need to post when there is obvious biased bashing that has no merit and is purely vindictive. If you read my posts you will see I try to answer in an honest manner and be productive. I stopped posting being nobody presents any decent points....got boring.

    If I had the time or desire I would research who the "Studio 9 Attack Team" is and then list them.....I can also bet that many of those people are on the rah rah team for other clubs.

    Respectfully, AV

    PS...dont piss of 5qtpies...trust me....LOL

  5. I don't care...I'm going to S9 for JP and I'm sure alot of pple are going too...

    Exactly! It will be a slammin time for all involved which is the bottom line. It is comical how this thread was an informative one letting all know of our coming event which we are excited about and here is a sample of the responses:

    "Jp is a crackhead"

    "Sound system sucks" *yawn*

    "they cant afford him"

    "S9 sucks"

    LMFAO! I am looking forward to working the event and hearing JP....I am sure I am not alone. Hate away....

  6. I Was There Sat Night With My Girls.....n It Was Crazy!!!! The Music Was Great The Vibe Was Great....everything Was Great!!!! I Used To Work There N I Still Go In To Hang Out So I Have To Give Everyone Props!!!!!!! The Circus Theme Was Sick!!! Me N My Girls Were Also In The Cages Dancing N We Had A Blast!!!!

    If you were in the cage in front of my bar (VIP). All I want to say is "thank you"..lol.

  7. No matter what you do there it really doesn't matter till you clean up the soundsystem in that joint. The place could be a great club one day, but I was amazed a few weeks back at the shitty soundsystem, its a glorified Frat house set up. Buy an equalizer for heaven's sake. Get rid of your resident dj who has been awful and has not improved for years. He trainwrecked so bad that he eventually lowered the volume of the song to bring in the next.... a human jukebox.

    Jayson Ojeda's set was sick and the place did not appreciate the great things he did, no vibe, its basically a pick up joint where you have to yell in women's ears to have a conversation over the mess. (I was there 2-3 weeks ago, not the circus night)

    Not bashing, just saying for all the $$ someone threw into 9, how can you overlook these things? Good luck, hope you can handle honesty.

    I am not looking to get into an internet war (too busy for that)...but...

    I was just posting as to what I great night it was, the vibe was great and the music was also great. The floor was packed until closing. I dont know why we are going down this road already of all that is supposedly wrong with the club. What night were you there? There have been modifications made to the sound system, but that was about 2-3 weeks ago...so I am curious. What made you say that Ojeda was not appreciated??

    I dont ever recall being in a club where it was a bit hard to have a conversation. Dance, have a good time, get your digits and have your deep conversations over dinner. Oh, and arent all clubs pick up joints?

    Saturday was so much fun that I felt like posting about it. The VIBE WAS GREAT. I laughed to myself because I knew it would take only a couple of replies to get into "glorified this and that".

    I appreciate your honesty in relaying your feelings, but that does not make it fact.


  8. I might be looking to come in this Friday, are you working the VIP bar this Friday? How has the vibe been on Friday nights?

    I will not be there this friday but be sure to visit my partner in crime 5qtpies at the VIP bar and say "hello". She also posted the info for fridays party. Should be a very unique evening..LOL.

  9. What a sick party!!! Well over 1,000 people in there. we had a circus theme with performers all over the club and on stage doing some crazy stuff...too cool.

    I would also like to formally thank the owners for hanging the ceiling cage with the lovely dancing girls in front of my VIP bar. It made it VERY hard to concentrate on drink orders!

    There was a great vibe in there, music was great!

    If anyone on this board was there I would love to hear your thoughts on the evening.

  10. HYPE...i will have my laptop in Chicago just to read your S9 review...LOL. I know it will be unbiased, I'm sure. When I get back next Sat, I think I will make my first trip to support Tsettos/Ojeda and post my unbiased review...all I know is that the sound system better be upgraded.

    In speaking with the owners the sound sysytem has been amped up. More juice, more bass and some modifications in placement. I will have my ear plugs handy!

  11. your full of shit, b/c your flyers were at our bar... we are not hurting and do not need to pass out our flyers at your venue.. we caught your promoters putting flyers on the bars.. euff said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :spin:

    Exactly! I saw them with MY OWN EYES at S9. Respect is a two way street!!

    I am one of the "glorified" bartenders as mentioned in the previous posts...and by the way I am still trying to figure out what the hell that is supposed to mean (?)

  12. T K A





    DJ MIKE WHITE, UNTIL 2AM!!!!!! :bounce:

    Also at STUDIO NINE Thursday March 24th..thats nine...NINE...NINE...did I say NINE...YES NINE..

    Will be K7..."come baby come baby baby come come"...man I loved that song.

    Dont miss them....

  13. I've been to both studio 9 and studio 4 a bunch of times, on both Fri and Sat nights. I've had good times and bad times at both places. There are positive and negative things to say about both places. For one, I think 4 is way better than 9 on Fri nights. Fri nights at studio 9 suck. Never had a good time there on a Friday. But Studio 9 on Sat night is way better than Studio 4...not even close.

    I like both of them...4 on Fri...9 on Sat...

    If i had to choose one over the other? Studio 9....definitely.

    I don't work or promote for either place...I just like to go out and have a good time wherever I go...

    I'll tell you one thing though...no place comes close to HUNKA BUNKAS back in the day!

    For ONCE someone posts an honest and UNBIASED response.

  14. You say VIP?

    If that is where you work then you definitely have a warped sense of what is going on outside the VIP room where most of the customers are. :screwy:

    I dont know if you have been there, but the vip is not isolated. It is off to the side and elevated so I can see everything better than every other bar. The only area I cant see is the martini lounge/hip hop room which is a separate room on the other side of club.

    So my view is very lucid not warped.

  15. Yes I work at Studio 9 (saturdays) and yes I only have a couple of posts...now that that is out of the way....

    I can say this..the place is slamming with repeat customers..I KNOW because I see them at my bar (vip).

    I can also say this..when I get the moment to take a quick bathroom break which is rare because our bar is slammed I quite often look around and think I wish I was partying with my boys because it is hopping: vibe, women etc. I like the music..maybe I am not a connoisseur like the rest on this board. Music like food, women, wine, movies is such a particular thing that OF COURSE not everyone will be pleased. BUT...there are many satisfied customers. NUMBERS DO NOT LIE.

    Oh, and did you see Jaime Foxx at the Oscars?? Dude needs to stay out of the tanning bed!!! (could not resist, calling the dancer over tanned is the funniest thing I have heard all week...thanks for the laugh).

    I keep seeing an ulterior motive here on this board other than educating the masses.

  16. I work at studio 9 AND I am a newbie.

    That being said...the club that has well over a thousand people EVERY saturday night (I know, I am working) that are having a GREAT time...

    Friday nights are also great and the acts planned for thursday are fantastic....

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