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Everything posted by destruction

  1. Wow. Have fun. HAve a safe trip.
  2. I am older than you. Respect your elders, son.
  3. Something interesting I just ran into... http://www.buzzflash.com/interviews/04/10/int04050.html Would Bush send his own daughters off to war?
  4. http://peacejournalism.com/ReadArticle.asp?ArticleID=4620
  5. Americans join mom in waiting for Iraq answers August 10, 2005 BY CAROL MARIN SUN-TIMES COLUMNIST I keep thinking about that mother who is camped out somewhere near the end of President Bush's driveway in Crawford, Texas. Her name is Cindy Sheehan, and her 24-year-old son, Casey, is dead. He was a soldier, killed last year in the Iraq war. Sheehan wants a face-to-face meeting with the president to tell him to stop saying that our continued commitment to this awful war "honors" the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for their country. Sheehan doesn't believe we honor anyone by putting new lives on the line. Not more of our own soldiers. Not those of the so-called "coalition forces." And not innocent Iraqi men, women and children for that matter either. So Sheehan is parked in a ditch, living in a tent, some distance from the president's ranch and refusing to pack up and go back home to California. I wondered when Bush left Crawford this morning to come here to Illinois if he left his ranch by car and therefore traveled down his driveway in the vicinity of Sheehan? Or was he lifted out by helicopter, flying up and out over her head? Either way, she is down there in Texas today and Bush is here. The reason the president is taking time away from his summer ranch vacation to come to Illinois is to sign a big transportation bill outside of Aurora. It involves a lot of money, $286.5 billion for all sorts of projects. Of that amount, Illinois will get hundreds of millions of dollars to build bridges, shore up infrastructure and create some new roads. All in all, those things make a difference in people's lives and so there will be a load of politicians standing behind the president, chief among them House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and other members of the Illinois congressional delegation. This bill represents one of those rare moments of bipartisan unity because all of the state's Democrats and Republicans in Congress voted for it, as did our two United States senators. There will be a lot of applause and and a sense of accomplishment, a lot of back-slapping and congratulation. These are the kind of events that people in public life love. It's a way to focus on the positive. The Iraq war is not a positive. That's why for two years we haven't been allowed to view soldiers' flag-draped coffins coming into Dover Air Force base. That's why the president keeps the cost of this war out of the official annual budget document, relegating it to supplemental appropriations instead. And that's why the administration would rather use terms like "coalition forces" rather than actually name the countries supporting us. After all, just how many troops do we really think can be supplied by Albania, Azerbaijan and Estonia? Sadly, for most of us the Iraq war has become terrible noise in the background of our lives. It doesn't really reach us except when we turn on the television or open the newspaper or check our e-mail. That's where it pops up much like an unwelcome Internet ad that we can make disappear with a click. The problem is that it keeps popping up. We are only a third of the way through August, and 31 more soldiers are dead. Car bombs. Insurgent attacks across the country. Carnage in the cities as well as in the countryside. Thousands more of our wounded are coming home to rehabilitate their broken bodies and in some cases, tortured minds. And as Sun-Times reporter Cheryl Reed has shown us in stunning detail, we talk a good game in this country about honoring the troops and respecting our veterans, but we fall disgracefully short of putting our money where our mouth is. On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was his usual prickly self when asked how long we expect to keep our troops in Iraq and how long before we begin a promised drawdown. He and Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, can't say. They have, in truth, never been able to tell us. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the rest of them who took us to this war by catering to our worst fears and filling us with false information continue to this day to defend the indefensible. As the financial cost of this war approaches $200 billion and as we are fast moving toward our 2,000th casualty, something has to change. Cindy Sheehan, waiting down at the end of the president's driveway in Texas, is right about this war. http://www.suntimes.com/output/marin/cst-edt-carol10.html
  6. George would look hot if he dressed like Jenna and Laura. Oh wait... Is that George in the turquoise blouse?? LOL!!! Can't argue with that.
  7. ^^ A spellchecker is a wonderful thing to have.
  8. Fascism: # exalts the nation, (and in some cases the race, culture, or religion) above the individual, with the state apparatus being supreme. # stresses loyalty to a single leader. # uses violence (war and torture) and modern techniques of propaganda (hello igloo) and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition. # engages in severe economic and social regimentation. # engages in syndicalist corporatism. (read my sig) # implements totalitarian systems. Spell it right next time. FASCISM, not Facisim. See? You Bush lovers DO need liberals like me around to help you with the big words. Even my conservative brother needs me to help HIM spell and define words. Exactly.
  9. For you iggypoo. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/arar/arar_statement.html So iglost the reactionary sheep, How about I shit on your chest and let a german shepard bite at your face, while I mock the things you are willing to die for. THEN you can tell me that they get a nice cell, and good food. If a seasoned U.S.A. interrogator were interrogating you would probably start crying within the first ten minutes. (Blind assumption ) And an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, or dont they teach common sense in clown school anymore?
  10. That's right homer. So Igloo you fucking bootlicking chickenhawk pussy. when are going to enlist and join your family and friends and get your feet wet, sheepfucking propaganda whore? You are for this war and you're smoking Bush's cock, right? Action's speak louder than words, blowboy. Hey, it's war, people die, get over it, right? Spermburper?? Really, how can I put words in your mouth when you already have Bush's cock in it? Fucking sheep.
  11. Translation: Again: If that was one of your family members or friends getting killed by either a roadside bombing or an RPG ambush, would you say "it's war, people die, get over it" then? NO!
  12. That's right cockboy. I-dishonor-the-troops. I dishonor them so bad I go to my WARTIME VETERAN'S father's grave to place flowers there because I DISHONOR THEM. I don't know what I did to dishonor them but I will do it again because "changing the subject" when confronted with questions about our fallen soldiers (like Bush did) and refusing to look at his picture (like Bush did) as a child is the PATRIOTIC thing to do! You haven't answered my question. Why must you run away? Again: If that was one of your family members or friends getting killed by either a roadside bombing or an RPG ambush, would you say "it's war, people die, get over it" then? Oh wait... By your conduct, you don't care, do you? ANSWER THE QUESTION! I support the troops as I honored my PFC father's services when he was in the US Army 82nd airborne div. 676th glider battalion during WW2, but I must make exception for your family and friends who are out there now based on your ignorance. I hope they get blown away in an RPG attack. Hey, "it's war, people die, get over it," right? Am I pissing you off more?? I hope so. Keep playing into my hands. I want you to sucker because my name speaks volumes of what my intentions are with you. To destroy you emotionally and mentally and reduce you to nothing more than a helpless gnat. Fucking lemming. Keep running away. It only proves me right about you. Take your own advice, "piece of shit".
  13. Translation: That's right Iggypoo the blind reactionary sheep. If it wasn't for people like mofo, I would not be able to exercise my rights as an American to speak out. This is one of the reasons why I honor his services to our country despite the fact I oppose both this war and Bush. His service protected my rights to do so. It's people like you who attack our civil liberties that is a disgrace to the very freedoms that are the principles this country was built on. It's people like you (the "it's war, people die, get over it" crowd) who dishonor our soldiers who protect your right to be a complete moronic asshole. Puke out your "it's war. People die. Get over it" vomit to her and see if you don't get your face plastered into the pavement. That's Casey's picture as a child. The one Bush refuses to see. But you don't care because you, like Bush dishonor our troops. If one of your family members or friends got blown away in a RPG ambush, or a roadside bomb attack, would you say "It's war, people die, get over it" then? Oh, Michael Moore pwns! ...and get the fuck out of the country. Just to piss you off even more. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/08/politics/08crawford.html Suck on that, sheepboy.
  14. Americans Didn't Run to Canada After Bush Election Victory Official statistics reveal that in the six months after George Bush won a second term to the White House, the number of Americans who applied to live permanently in Canada did not, in fact, rise at all: It fell. Canada, which is generally thought to be more liberal than the U.S., was seen as the place to which disgruntled left-wingers from the U.S. would run if President Bush remained in office. And Reuters reports that "in the days after President Bush won a second term, the number of U.S. citizens visiting Canada's main immigration Web site shot up sixfold." Canada, which is looking to entice people to move there, was ecstatic, but mistakenly so. Canadian Immigration Minister Joe Volpe said he'd be happy to accept immigrants from anywhere in the world, but was especially enthused when Internet traffic went up, at least for a while. "I was absolutely elated to see the number of hits and then my staff said 'You know what? A hit on the Internet is after all just a hit'," he told Reuters. "I guess I'm happy Republicans and Democrats have found a way to live together in peace and in harmony," he added. In the six months leading up to the 2004 presidential election, there were 16,266 applications from those who wished to live in Canada, according to the Canadian processing center in Buffalo, N.Y., but that number fell to 14,666 in the six months post-election. Toby Condliffe of the Canadian chapter of Democrats Abroad, cracked, "I can only assume the Americans who checked out the Web site subsequently checked out our winter temperatures and further took note that the National Hockey League was being locked out and had second thoughts." http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/8/5/121351.shtml
  15. I was intreperting your original post to definition. You're the only mofo I see. You know damn well others cannot sign up on a username that already exists. Don't be coy. I agree. That's a matter of opinion. That's a matter of opinion. Was that supposed to be a question or a sentence. More like a sentence to me. Period for sentence, question mark for question. Practice better punctuation. If it stirs you up, that's you. They are entitled to protest, as long as they stay off the property, otherwise it's tresspassing. I had nothing to do with organizing the protest. Use a comma. Bitch to the media before they show you the meaning of freedom of the press. I bet it was her who brought them in so bitch to the both of them. That's assult and battery. This is true. As I honor the services of Casey I honor the services of all those who served. It is my duty to do so. It is a duty of all Americans to honor those who served no matter what their opinions are. It is also their right to protest and question authority. Democracy is like that. Good. Don't tell me what to do. -------------------------- "He wouldn't look at the pictures of Casey. He didn't even know Casey's name. Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject." http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/08/07/mom.protest/ Changing the subject??? Clearly, Bush cares less about what happened to her son and refusing to look at casey's picture and changing the subject whenever they tried to talk about Casey is a strong indication he cares less about a loved one who died while in service to our country. This is a disgrace to those who fought for your very freedoms and paid for it with life and blood. This is a complete dishonor to our soldiers and her son on the part of Bush and as my being the son of a war veteran, it disgusts me that he approachs this in such an arrogant manner. He is not worthy of being commander in chief.
  16. Yes it is. I say they (protesters) mount up another 50,000 or so more and storm the place. /sarcasm Seriously. Protesting is one thing, but going on the property itself is a nono. A man's home is a man's castle. Fine, let them protest as long as they stay off the property. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/08/07/mom.protest/ Who's the ignorant one? Bush or Casey?........ Or you? Say your vomit to her face. Go on. And see if you don't get your face stuffed in the sod by her and the other protesters. I guess you can tell what my answer to this question is.
  17. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropolitan/3299364
  18. London Patsies: A Replay Of The Pristine 9/11 Passport Jon Rappoport | July 13 2005 The cover stories are flying thick and fast as British investigators try to put some kind of cap on the London attacks. It turns out, if you believe the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, that actual IDs of bombers were found in separate piles of rubble at the sites of the blasts. These IDs must have been engraved deeply in three-foot-thick steel. Remember the 9/11 hijacker passport that floated out of the crashing jetliner on 9/11 and landed intact on a New York street? Here is a Sky News report out of London. There are too many points to make up front, so I've inserted comments in caps and brackets as you go: BOMBER DIED IN TUBE BLAST It is "highly likely" one of the Tube bombers died in the attacks on the Underground network, police say. [LATER IN THIS PIECE WE'LL LEARN THAT IT'S LIKELY ALL THE BOMBERS ARE DEAD.] The suspected bombers travelled down from the West Yorkshire and met at Kings Cross station shortly before the attacks were launched on Thursday morning, police said at a press conference. Their images were captured by CCTV cameras. Personal documents have been found at all four bomb scenes and although the four attackers are thought to have died [OH THEY'RE ALL CONVENIENTLY DEAD BUT THE BOMBS THEMSELVES WERE ON TIMERS, WHICH WOULD HAVE GIVEN THE KILLERS TIME TO WALK AWAY FROM THE BOMBS---I SEE---IT WASN'T SUICIDE BOMBINGS, IT WAS JUST FOUR COINCIDENTAL SCREW-UPS BY THE TERRORISTS THAT RESULTED IN THEIR DEATHS] police were careful not to say whether Britain had suffered its first suicide bomb strike. Anti-terror police said they had traced the bombers and six arrest warrants have been issued for addresses in West Yorkshire. Police said there was forensic evidence that meant it was "very likely" the bomber responsible for the train explosion at Aldgate died there. [WHAT EVIDENCE? WILL WE EVER SEE IT?] One of the four men had been reported missing by his family on the day of the attacks and his property was found at the bus blast scene. The second man's property was found at the scene of the Aldgate blast and the third man's property at both the Aldgate and Edgware Road blasts. [PROPERTY? PLANTED BY OPS AGENTS? DESKS, CHAIRS, JEWELRY? ENCASED IN STEEL VAULTS?] One man has just been arrested in west Yorkshire in connection with the attacks. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, head of Scotland's Yard anti-terrorist branch, said: "The investigation quite early led us to have concerns about the movement and activities of four men, three of whom came from the West Yorkshire area. "We are trying to establish their movements in the run-up to last week's attack and specifically to establish whether they all died in the explosions. [THEY'RE ALL LIKELY DEAD. NO MAYBE NOT. LOOKS LIKE YES. WE CAN'T TELL. BUT WE HAVE THEIR 'PROPERTY' RIGHT THERE AT THE BLAST SCENES. MAYBE IT WAS PLANTED SO THEY COULD ESCAPE. TYPICAL AL QAEDA. PRETEND TO BE A SUICIDE BOMBER AND THEN ESCAPE. FORGET THE OTHER COVER STORY ABOUT THE AL QAEDA MO BEING SUICIDE AND GOING TO PARADISE. THIS IS DIFFERENT. BUT IT'S THE SAME. IT'S AL QAEDA.] We executed six warrants under the Terrorism Act at premises in the West Yorkshire area." These included the home addresses of three of the four men. A detailed forensic examination will now follow and this is likely to take time to complete." [THE PUBLIC HAS NO RIGHT TO LEARN THE DETAILS OF THAT EXAMINATION. NOT NOW. NOT EVER. WE'LL ONLY RELEASE THE CONCLUSIONS.] He continued: "We know that all four of these arrived in London by train on the morning. We have identified CCTV footage showing the four men at King's Cross Station shortly before 8.30am on that morning, July 7. [THEY POSED FOR A JOINT PICTURE FOR THE CAMERAS? BUT THEY WERE BRIGHT ENOUGH TO LEAVE 'PROPERTY' AT THE BLAST SCENES AS EVIDENCE OF DEATH, AFTER WHICH, WITH THEIR MUGS ON CAMERA, THEY ESCAPED. SURE, THAT MAKES SENSE.] "One of them who had set out from West Yorkshire was reported missing by his family to the casualty bureau on July 7. We have been able to establish that he was joined on his journey to London by three other men. We have since found personal documents bearing the names of three of those four men close to the seats of three of the explosions." [iN PRISTINE CONDITION, NO DOUBT, WITH LARGE RED ARROWS POINTING TO THE NAMES, RIGHT THERE AT THE VERY CENTERS OF THE BLAST SCENES. IMMORTAL IDs.] As regards to the man who is missing, some of his property was found on the route 30 bus in Tavistock Square. Property of a second man was found at the scene of the Aldgate bomb and in relation to a third man property with his name was found at the Aldgate and Edgware Road bombs." [bUNDLES OF CLOTHING WITH HIS NAME SEWN ON LABELS? CLOTHING MADE OF ASBESTOS?] We have strong forensic evidence that it is very likely that one of the men from West Yorkshire died at the explosion at Aldgate." Sky News terror expert Steve Park said the documents may have been deliberately planted to "send police the wrong way". [sTEVE PARK HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW ASSIGNMENT REPORTING ON BIRDS IN ALASKA. ANYWAY, WHO WOULD HAVE DONE THE PLANTING OF EVIDENCE? TERRORISTS? AFTER THEY POSED FOR A JOINT PICTURE IN FRONT OF A TV CAMERA ON THEIR WAY TO LONDON? SAY IT, STEVE. OPS AGENTS OR COPS MUST HAVE PLANTED THE EVIDENCE.] The news comes as armed police search a house in Leeds after the Army used a controlled explosion to get in. [i THOUGHT THEY HAD PEOPLE OVER THERE WHO COULD PICK LOCKS. AND IF THEY REMOTELY SUSPECTED EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS MIGHT BE IN THE HOUSE, WAS THE CONTROLLED EXPLOSION DONE TO GAIN ENTRANCE OR TO DESTROY REAL EVIDENCE?] It was the discovery that the bus bomber was likely to have died in the blasts that triggered the raids. [AREN'T AMERICAN NEWS OUTLETS CLAIMING THE REAL CLUE WAS PROVIDED BY A PHONE CALL ON THE 7TH FROM A FAMILY IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD? CAN'T THEY KEEP THEIR COVER STORIES STRAIGHT?] Hundreds of people were evacuated from the area around Hyde Park Road, Burley. No one was in the house at the time but armed officers had been used as a precaution. Five other homes in Leeds had earlier been raided by police hunting the terrorists behind last week's attacks. Neighbours at one of the addresses said a 22-year-old man who lived there with his family had gone missing. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair said the raids were "directly connected" to Thursday's atrocity. Hours later, police evacuated Luton railway station and car park to recover a vehicle suspected of being linked with the terrorist attacks. The car was blown up in two controlled explosions. [bLOWN UP WHEN? BEFORE OR AFTER EVIDENCE WAS OBTAINED FROM THE CAR. SEEMS LIKE THE AUTHORITIES ARE BUSY BLOWING UP KEY EVIDENCE. WAIT A FEW MINUTES. THEY'LL BLOW UP AREAS OF THE SUBWAY SYSTEM WHERE THE BLASTS WENT OFF.] end Sky News article This has to be one of the most transparent and amateur efforts at stitching together cover stories I've ever run across. Right up there with 9/11 and the OKC bombing. http://propagandamatrix.com/articles/july2005/130705pristinepassport.htm
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