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Everything posted by destruction

  1. § 421. Protection of identities of certain United States undercover intelligence officers, agents, informants, and sources Release date: 2005-03-17 (a) Disclosure of information by persons having or having had access to classified information that identifies covert agent Whoever, having or having had authorized access to classified information that identifies a covert agent, intentionally discloses any information identifying such covert agent to any individual not authorized to receive classified information, knowing that the information disclosed so identifies such covert agent and that the United States is taking affirmative measures to conceal such covert agent’s intelligence relationship to the United States, shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. ( Disclosure of information by persons who learn identity of covert agents as result of having access to classified information Whoever, as a result of having authorized access to classified information, learns the identify of a covert agent and intentionally discloses any information identifying such covert agent to any individual not authorized to receive classified information, knowing that the information disclosed so identifies such covert agent and that the United States is taking affirmative measures to conceal such covert agent’s intelligence relationship to the United States, shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. © Disclosure of information by persons in course of pattern of activities intended to identify and expose covert agents Whoever, in the course of a pattern of activities intended to identify and expose covert agents and with reason to believe that such activities would impair or impede the foreign intelligence activities of the United States, discloses any information that identifies an individual as a covert agent to any individual not authorized to receive classified information, knowing that the information disclosed so identifies such individual and that the United States is taking affirmative measures to conceal such individual’s classified intelligence relationship to the United States, shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (d) Imposition of consecutive sentences A term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be consecutive to any other sentence of imprisonment. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode50/usc_sec_50_00000421----000-.html § 422. Defenses and exceptions Release date: 2005-03-17 (a) Disclosure by United States of identity of covert agent It is a defense to a prosecution under section 421 of this title that before the commission of the offense with which the defendant is charged, the United States had publicly acknowledged or revealed the intelligence relationship to the United States of the individual the disclosure of whose intelligence relationship to the United States is the basis for the prosecution. ( Conspiracy, misprision of felony, aiding and abetting, etc. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), no person other than a person committing an offense under section 421 of this title shall be subject to prosecution under such section by virtue of section 2 or 4 of title 18 or shall be subject to prosecution for conspiracy to commit an offense under such section. (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply (A) in the case of a person who acted in the course of a pattern of activities intended to identify and expose covert agents and with reason to believe that such activities would impair or impede the foreign intelligence activities of the United States, or ( in the case of a person who has authorized access to classified information. © Disclosure to select Congressional committees on intelligence It shall not be an offense under section 421 of this title to transmit information described in such section directly to either congressional intelligence committee. (d) Disclosure by agent of own identity It shall not be an offense under section 421 of this title for an individual to disclose information that solely identifies himself as a covert agent. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode50/usc_sec_50_00000422----000-.html § 423. Report Release date: 2005-03-17 (a) Annual report by President to Congress on measures to protect identities of covert agents The President, after receiving information from the Director of Central Intelligence, shall submit to the congressional intelligence committees an annual report on measures to protect the identities of covert agents, and on any other matter relevant to the protection of the identities of covert agents. The date for the submittal of the report shall be the date provided in section 415b of this title. ( Exemption from disclosure The report described in subsection (a) of this section shall be exempt from any requirement for publication or disclosure. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode50/usc_sec_50_00000423----000-.html Rove broke the law and Bush is covering for him. Can you say treason Igloo? Treason is punishable by death in the USA. Igloo, it's time you shut the fuck up and stop bashing America with your propagandish anti-american lies. Since you defend Bush and Rove, you support outing CIA agents. Only Osama would support that. Thanks for admitting you support terrorists. Thanks for admitting you're a traitor. After reading the contents of this thread and your insults. It is my judgement that once again, you got owned.
  2. http://seattle.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/247098.shtml
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/07/16/toddler.funeral.ap/
  4. British Muslims brace for backlash Print this page.. By Dipankar De Sarkar, Indo-Asian News Service London, July 13 (IANS) Britain's Muslim community Wednesday prepared for further backlash after authorities revealed that at least three of the four terrorists who carried out last week's bomb blasts here were British-born Pakistanis. The three men - all from the region of West Yorkshire, about 320 km north of London - have been named as Shehzad Tanweer, 22, his friend Hasib Mir Hussain, 19, and Mohammed Sadique Khan, 30. All came from respectable families - Tanweer and Hussain from Leeds and Khan, a married man, from nearby Dewsbury - and the Muslim community in the region was as deeply shocked as others around them. Fear and unease among Britain's Muslims estimated 1.6 million Muslims intensified Wednesday after one man was killed in the backlash against the community following the July 7 blasts. The Guardian newspaper reported that the killing of Kamal Raza Butt, a 48-year-old Pakistani man who was on a visit to Britain to see friends and family in Nottingham, about 200 km north of London, was among 300 hate crime incidents reported in the last week. The identity of the three terrorists was established after police Tuesday raided several homes in Leeds, including an apparent bomb-factory, where several controlled explosions were carried out. Leeds is home to a large number of Muslims - mostly of Pakistani origin, but also from Mirpur in Pakistani Kashmir and Bangladesh. The fourth man involved in the blasts, which killed 52 people, is yet to be identified. So far, Police have pieced together the following account of the events on July 7: the four men drove down south to Luton, 48 km north of London, carrying military-style rucksacks with 10lbs explosives in them. From Luton, they took the 7.40 a.m. train to King's Cross station in central London. Police found the car in which they drove down at Luton station Tuesday. It was found to contain bombs, and police carried out five controlled explosions in it. The four men were captured on CCTV cameras at King's Cross, a busy intersection that serves six underground train lines and several over-ground lines. Tanweer, a keen cricketer and sports science student, carried his bomb to the train that was blasted at Aldgate in east London - ironically, home to a large population of Bangladeshi Muslims. Khan boarded the train that blew up at Edgware Road in north London, a neighbourhood inhabited by many Arab Muslims. Hussain was carrying the bomb that blew up a double-decker bus at Tavistock Square, very near King's Cross - it is as yet unclear whether Hussain triggered the bomb or whether he was travelling to another underground station when it accidentally went off. The last bomber was on the train that was targeted at Russell Square station in central London. All four bombers carried identification documents, which were found near their seats and led police to their homes - a fact that is being seen by police as a deliberate and final act of defiance. Source
  5. Hahahahahahahaha That was great!
  6. Banana Republicans How the right wing is turning America into a one party state By Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
  7. Igloo, even though you tend to insult those who oppose your views for once I have to agree with you on this issue at hand. For a reliable source such as the BBC, I find it appalling that they have decided to edit out the word terrorist in place of bombers as the ones responsible for the attacks on the London subways. The asshats responsible for the attacks fall nothing short of terrorist in my opinion. But the bbc are a privately owned network and can do anything they want (though I personally don't like the idea of them substituting terrorist with bombers). My prayers go out to the families and friends who lost loved ones in this latest tragedy and I hope the ones who caused the explosions are captured and put away for good.
  8. The point? I like doritos and hate froot loops.
  9. Friday, July 8th, 2005 THE WAR ON TERROR: PROGRESS? Four years ago this September, the world changed. George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, rose from the rubble of tragedy to boldly lead a war on all those who hated freedom. We were going to smoke them out of their caves. We invaded Afghanistan, toppled their brutal dictators and set up a provisional government that became an elected government that will celebrate its democracy this fall at the polls. The war there, however, is not over and was never won. The Taliban launched a spring offensive, heroin sales are booming, non-aligned war lords rule much of the outlying country, and the citizens stuck in between are feeling uneasy. The #1 Evildoer hasn't been found--nevermind the leader of the Taliban who also vanished. Now Pakistan says Osama might be in Afghanistan. Afghanistan says he might be in Pakistan but wherever he is, he's not in Afghanistan. Finding this guy is enough to make anyone's head spin and so we gave up and went to Iraq. In the name of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism we toppled a brutal dictator and fulfilled the President's promise to use American power for nation-building. More than two years into this invasion, the Iraqi people have voted for a leader, the government is drafting a plan to draft a constitution, the people often have no power, and the anti-invasion insurgency is always about to end. Here is a look at Iraq by the numbers: Number of U.S. troops in Iraq -- 135,000; Number of coalition troops in Iraq -- 23,250; Number of Iraqi security forces -- 168,581; Number of insurgents & militants -- 16,000. That's 326,831 coalition soldiers fighting 16,000 insurgents at the cost of $180,000,000,000.00. The President assures us that entire hundreds of foreign fighters have been captured or killed: Our military reports that we have killed or captured hundreds of foreign fighters in Iraq who have come from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and others 1,751 American Military Deaths And like Afghanistan, the innocent (and newly-freed) citizens stuck in between feel uneasy. At least 12,000 just feel dead (and that's a minimum). In the latest justification in the ever-shifting plates of war, our President says we are taking the fight to the terrorists so that they won't have a chance to hit us at home like they did on 9/11. Unfortunately, he stopped looking for the leader of these terrorists long ago. Unfortunately, the real leaders of the terrorists are still safe and sound, somewhere outside Iraq--where they never were to begin with--and they're still in charge: The message by Ayman al-Zawahri — his first video since February — appeared to be an attempt by Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network to co-opt the rising wave of reform movements in the Middle East. .... On at least seven occasions in the past six years, a statement by al-Zawahri has been followed by a significant al-Qaida attack within three weeks, an NBC News analysis of the statements show. In four cases, the attacks came within a week. Unfortunately, the terrorists already brought the fight home. Unfortunately, George W. Bush is losing the war on terrorism. THE FUTURES THIS MORNING, or MEANING WHAT YOU SAY London bombings leave more than fifty dead as police dig in with implacable resolve. Early reports suggested that British police had warned the Israeli embassy of possible terror attacks just prior to the blasts. But apparently no such thing happened. The Guardian reports that British intelligence officials were ready for an attack but that without specific chatter, they had no idea an attack would coincide with the G8 meetings and had recently lowered the terror warning level. And, given the heretofore unknown-unknown nature of the only group to have claimed responsibility, it seems British intelligence might be focusing on homegrown extremists: There have been two distinct groups of people involved in planning the attacks in the UK: British-born young men, often educated and middle class, who may have volunteered for training in Afghanistan and who are prepared to risk jail or death to carry out an attack; and foreign citizens, including a number from north Africa, who see Britain as the next most important target after the US and use false identities to avoid being traced, blending in with existing immigrant communities. Police and anti-terrorist sources believe that there are around 30 or 40 of such people who have both the capability and the will to carry out attacks like those of yesterday. Some 200 have returned from training camps in Afghanistan, Chechnya, or Bosnia, and perhaps 1,000 sympathise with the notion of a "global jihad". The British-born operatives are seen as less effective and skilled and more easily identifiable. Figuring out who did this poses daunting possibilities. If it is the work of al Qaeda sympathizers rather than a specific al Qaeda branch, what drives people to join the fight? US and European intelligence services are monitoring a more pronounced level of radicalization among young Muslim men in Europe, they said, particularly in the wake of the Iraq war, which has drawn in hundreds of European Muslim fighters, according to US military estimates. .... 'The central question is whether it is an Al Qaeda-directed attack or an Al Qaeda-inspired attack," said Roger Cressey, a former official in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. ''In many respects it will be easier if it is an Al Qaeda-directed attack with a familiar command structure. If it is an inspired attack with no operational control over it, it is much more difficult to deal with. My gut tells me it was inspired." Whether it's 40 inspired people or 4,000, the Iraq war is driving people--in particular: young people, our future--to take up arms and to kill the innocent. Whether they follow an ideology of hate or not, it is clear that the Iraq war has made everyone--Americans, Britons, Iraqis, Spaniards, Danes, etc.-- less safe. Of course, if you listen to someone like John Gibson at FOX News, this isn't the tale at all. His word on the London attacks is that: a) it proves that al Qaeda is weak; the war on terror is working; c) the Patriot Act should be made stronger. Heck, maybe he's right. Maybe this War on Terror is almost over. And if John Gibson is right, then Brian Kilmeade at FOX News is probably also right, and the London attacks are good for America: I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened. And if Brian Kilmeade is probably right, then Brit Hume at FOX News is definitely right, and your immediate reaction to terror should be: BUY! "My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'" - Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05 And what could be more right than seeing the futures, shrugging off the death, and making some good green dollars?
  10. A Brooklyn teen whose family had tried to shelter him from city violence was stabbed to death Saturday evening by two boys who were trying to steal his iPod portable music player. The attack occurred Saturday at approximately 5:30 p.m. near the corner of East 40th Street and Avenue D in Flatbush. Police say 15-year-old Christopher Rose was walking with three friends on his way to the Port Authority Terminal when a group of young men tried to take his iPod. When he resisted, Rose was stabbed twice in the chest. Police have arrested 16-year-old Darran Samuel and 17-year-old Darryl Stephen, both of Brooklyn, on murder, robbery and weapons charges. Christopher's father says he had moved Christopher to Pennsylvania during the school year to avoid this kind of violence. Christopher was on his way back to Pennsylvania to visit friends when he was killed. "I called him and I said, 'Christopher, it's a holiday weekend, so when you go to the Port Authority, don't talk to strangers, anybody in uniform is the best person to talk to,' and he said, 'Yes dad,'" said Christopher's father Errol. "Five minutes later I called him back again and emphasized the same thing, and he said, 'Yes dad.' And as soon as left – within half an hour – they killed him." Neighbors say the boy tried to run from his attackers. "You heard him running and they were chasing him, and they were like, 'Get him, get him,'" one eyewitness said. "He came down this block and the kid ran out of breath," said another. "He ran out of breath and the kids caught up with him." "It's horrible," added a woman who lives in the area. "I have a 17-year-old that lives here – my daughter has an iPod – and I have to really be careful now about her going to school and coming home. It's a shame." Earlier this year, New York City Police said that crime on the subways was up due in large part to the popularity of iPods and other electronic devices. From January through May, authorities say fifty iPods were reported stolen on the city's subway system. Police sources told the New York Post that this is the first known murder in the city over the popular iPod player. http://www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=1&aid=51908
  11. When I kick someone in the face, it's black and blue.
  12. http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/325103p-277900c.html
  13. http://backinanncoultersasssaddleagain.blogspot.com/
  14. Is that all you got?? 1. Try using "you" and "are" instead or "U" and "r". 2. Try proper use of puncuation. One period instead of ........... periods is proper grammar when finishing a sentence. Keeping these in mind, this stands between being a repulsive uneducated Nazi troll and just being a troll and you will become a much improved intelligent insulter. And speaking of periods, you must be having one. Fucking sheep. Thank you for admitting: 1. You are a fascist no different than Hitler and... 2. You advocate torture and murder of innocent civilians like a good anti-American and... 3. That you hate America and you should head to JFK and take the first international flight out of the US and... 4. You are a disgrace to the uniform and... 5. You are a chickenhawk too scared to fight the same war you support. You rather see others die than get your hands dirty in the same shit. You don't support the troops. Are you afraid to get your hands dirty? Is this the reason why you support this nazi shit? Oh, I get it. You only support this war ONLY because you have stocks in Halliburton and the Carlyle group and ONLY to support Bush and... 6. I have already destroyed siceone. You're next! Yes. God is good. Don't knock it.
  15. It must be a thrill to be such a jackbooted Nazi. The thrill of "OBEY" is so alluring, I suppose. Enjoy the next four years as your family and friends are sent off to pointless war after pointless war, none of which make the United States one iota safer. Perhaps they'll get killed "maintaining my security" in Fallujah or some other third-world shithole filled with people who hate America more than they used to before we arrived and bombed their civilians, blew up their churches, shot surrendering teenagers inside their mosques and sexually humiliated their prisoners. Or maybe you believe the fiction that invading Iraq has made us "safer," despite the fact that the President of Pakistan said on CNN that the invasion of Iraq was a horrible mistake which has made everyone less safe? The same with our other military dictator you fucking mongoloids, the President of Egypt. You know, when puppet military dictators who maintain power by brutally repressing their people with guns that the United States sells them for half price (and we wonder why Arabs hate America) are on TV saying that our completely unnecessary War On Iraq was a mistake, it should make you think twice. Either way, we're stuck there now for the next ten to twenty years. I sure hope they enjoy their tour(s), as they no doubt voted for GW Bush twice, convinced that Al Qaeda was hiding in Iraq, that Saddam was ten days from getting a nuclear bomb and that the Boogeyman was hiding under Iraq's bed. I hope they enjoy the endless stop-loss loop they're sure to get stuck in! BTW, none of my actions mock the men in the military: only their Commander-in-Chief and their top echelon commanders. It's threats like yours to relieve Americans of their civil rights and to torture and rape your fellow Americans which make some people distrust the military. Such comments are disgusting and completely unworthy of a member of America's military. Maybe they should move to South America... I understand that many of those countries encourage such behavior by their armed forces. They'd doubtless be happier murdering people in a Guatemalan Death Squad. Maybe they should look into it. Maybe you ought to join up and look into it yourselves since you're so hellbent on murdering and torture and advocate it so much like good reich wing anti-american mongoloids.
  16. Wow. The CP anti-American rethuglikkklan contingent of the KKK is in reunion once again. How nice.
  17. http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/06/30/saddams_secrets/
  18. Translation: Thank you for your admittal. Questioning the picture and not addressing the points I made with an educated counter arguement doesn't aid in any contribution in a legitamate debate and proves you have no arguement you are capable of defending and only validates the points of your adversaries. At least apply your personal attacks in such a manner that will make you look more intelligent.... oh wait..... In other words siceone, grow up and present your arguement (if you have one you can defend which I doubt) with DOCUMENTED FACTS in a more adult and civil manner as well as within reason instead of throwing tantrums like a 6 year old child who had his toys taken away from him for misbehaving and being insubordinate to his parents. Grow up.
  19. "No child left behind" at its' finest.
  20. It wouldn't surprise me if he has no problem with that.
  21. Gotta love how right wing hypocrites contridict themselves.
  22. TRANSLATION The fact is loser, Saddam destroyed his WMDs after the Gulf War. In 1991. You see, after the Gulf War, the UN imposed sanctions on Saddam rendering him w/o financial resources to rebuild his arsenal and develop new weapons with the same technology WE sold him when Iraq was at war with Iran. It is true he wanted to build new weapons, however he had not the financial resources due to the sanctions. He figured if he destroyed the weapons he had (which he did not have much of after the Gulf War) the UN would believe he's making the commitment to be no longer a threat to the ME and therefore lift the sanctions but the UN refused. End result, NO WMD, NO FINANCIAL RESOURCES to rebuild his arsenal and develop NEW WMD including nuclear weapons. The photos that were presented to the UN were DATA MINED. In other words, they DUPED the global community by using now 14 year old pictures and made them out to be recent. This has been well documented. By the way imbecile, Bush admitted there were no WMD, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/07/09/iraq/main562312.shtml Kristol admitted there were no WMD, http://www.yuricareport.com/PoliticalAnalysis/Kristol%20Admits%20False%20Statements.html Tenet admitted there were no WMD, http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/07/11/sprj.irq.wmdspeech/ Colin Powell admitted there were no WMD, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3596033.stm And since then, the Bush Administration has abandoned the search for WMD. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,7374-1437379,00.html Seriously, can you back your arguement now? Not with biased propaganda from the Bush Cheerleading Squad but with documented FACTS? This will be interesting, lol. By the way, this war never ended and yes, I will present an actual government document that proves he never had any WMD because the findings were after the fact that Bush and his clowns deceived both congress and the UN to wage an illegal war to exact revenge for his father and steal the oil. It's funny when the US marched onto Baghdad the first thing they did was head straight to the oil ministry while the museum was being pillaged and ransacked destroying historical artfacts etc... You don't believe the war is illegal? Richard Pearle admitted to it. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1089158,00.html And if you still don't believe it, check out this US Government doc. Here are some excepts from it. The link is at the bottom if you want to read it in its entirety: In the same US Government document (Iraq Watch An Ilegal Invasion?) dated November 21, 2003, I am going to cite, It went on to display the same article I posted from the Guardian I have already linked. After the article was cited, McDermott continued, Link... http://www.house.gov/delahunt/iraqwatch_11-21-03.htm In other words Siceone, Bush's own people KNEW the war is illegal and McDermott (and the rest of the Bush Brass) knows Perle is right about this, so how can you extreme righties blatantly claim this war is legal when Bush's own people admitted the opposite of your (long since debunked) claims? I hope you can answer this because your arguements has just been totally destroyed, provenly flawed and has been completely debunked. The UN charter: Since the US is a charter member of the UN and is signatory to the UN charter, it must abide by it. The US has violated it as well as the Geneva Convention. I hope you realize under military law (I will cite at the bottom of this post) the US military MUST abide under the geneva convention (international law) and so does the US itself. No nation itself can unilaterally decide to enforce a UN resolution. And no nation itself can unilaterally decide to enforce a UN resolution." Iraq never attacked the USA. Therefore Attacking Iraq is illegal. What Article 2 is trying to say is that a nation has the right to defend itself from an attacking enemy and can only attack a foreign entity when the foreign entity has attacked IT. Since Iraq did not attack the US, the US has no right to attack them. This is the point you are missing. The terrorists who attacked the US came from Saudi Arabia. Why haven't we attacked them?? Anyhow... Here is the military law I am going to cite: http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/html2/d510077x.htm#cr1 en·com·pass Audio pronunciation of "encompasses" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-kmps) tr.v. en·com·passed, en·com·pass·ing, en·com·pass·es 1. To form a circle or ring around; surround. See Synonyms at surround. 2. To enclose; envelop. 3. To constitute or include: a survey that encompassed a wide range of participants. 4. To accomplish; achieve. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=encompasses The US has clearly violated their own law regarding international law and they know it. Your worthless arguement has officially met its' complete destruction. Consider yourself... Go back to clown school mongoloid jr.
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