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Everything posted by goldiedoll

  1. why? (he or fucking she who knows anymore)..... taked some smack about u? anyways.. getting back on the tab subject... I cant wait to have 2 more later...
  2. dont listen to that loser, he is just jealous that he can't do your hot boyfriend in the ass... LOL
  3. the diamond rock there... I need to get me one of those. I love Bling Bling!
  4. hey thats a fucking nice rock she is sporting.... how many carats? I need a fucking real man to buy me one of those! LOL
  5. thats right.. back on the market, new and improved just like my buddy Tab.
  6. thats officially my new name.. Tab Whore I like it! It's like great dick, so fucking yummy I cant stop! ha ha
  7. Has anyone tried this new energy drink yet? Its totally different than the Regular TAB, old one they made in the 70's. Its like liquid crack without the nasty side effects.... I am soooo fucking addicted and I will drive great lengths just to get it, even in a rain storm last night. It mixes well any liquor... I am looking to buy it in cases so if anyone knows how and where please tell me. I need my fix.
  8. yeah only problem is....they fucking pack the place something awful! its a god damn bed and breakfast, and they think its a huge night club. I dont know, I am sure i will come down the shore maybe for 4th of July weekend, I have to book a hotel eventually since i didnt do the shore house thing.
  9. fucking awesome! oh those Factory days....Miss so much.
  10. really? Merge? I mean I used to hang there all the time with my Ex fiancee, we had some Great times there...he was friendly with Petie back in the day, but there is something about Sleazeside I just can't bring myself to go to anymore, maybe they cleaned it up I dont know...I guess I am more of a Parker House chickie now. Damn those snobby Yuppies. I luv em!
  11. eeeeeh, sandman...we will be there.. we got a room at the Borgata. Im phyched! Whats good with u? :blah:
  12. Maria is the farthest thing from a slut, darling! OMFG so we're all English Majors on here now? I think we all know what she meant by the Roveen/asian question.
  15. how would u know that? u never had a date with me?
  16. ewwwwww..... my poor cat just died recently I miss him
  17. this got boring... cant we talk about something else? someone bring something to the table...
  18. who said i wanted to be a respectable 30 yr old woman? LOL I am no angel, but a crack whore is another story.
  19. appartently he is not very liked on this website... I got 5 personal messages about him, thats how...
  20. now i know why people keep their profiles private.
  21. no u snatched personal pics from my profile on myspace... those were not here... that just pissed me off.
  22. I am not sensitive... that was certainly your opinion of what i look like... but to go on my personal website and post personal pics of me on here? sorry.. but thats just fucked up.
  23. yeah Mikey.. begging for u.... i personally dont give a fuck what u look like... but there is no reason to go bashing me when u dont even know who i am.. You started shit w/me for no reason... I dont care whether u think im hot or not...
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