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About dzldeeva

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

dzldeeva's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. dee- what would u do if i told u i had off from work tomorrow... and i kinda wanna go out now......
  2. internet sleuth.... how is it possible, you know no one on this board or NCC.... you apperaed as if from the mist... and suddenly, in the time that most ppl were asleep or getting ready for work, you have miraculously made such keen connections in internet land that you know this and that? that you know off MULTIPLE ALLEGED ppl that she has dealt with that post on a messageboard? the funny thin about lying is that when ppl do it chronically...when they are always deceptive to others, they start to believe their own bullshit.
  3. lol...yea, i got a rse and a hlf back there. it gets me in trbl sometimes...
  4. ok, so asian hotties and girls with junk in their trunk are not running rmapant. well, now i feel well informed.
  5. ive come to the conclusion that this board is : 1- comprised mostly of posters 25 and under 2- obsessed with hating or loving johnny peeeeeeeeee 3- somewhat thrives on drama 4- loaded with more stickys than elmers glue. am i missing anything?
  6. for someone who has no personal issue and merely is basing their dislike of someone off internet messageboards...you are taking this WAY too serious.
  7. OMG_- i JUST realized who it is you remind me of.... and yes, its a guy...... INCONCIEVABLE!!!!
  8. did you just say.... "kudos" ? youre.......SUCH........a ............................FAG
  9. this was the FUNNIEST thing i have read. ever. im printing this out and putting it on my wall....ahhhh hahahahahahhahahhaha good stuff...good stuff. you, my freind, have completely flew over the cuckoos nest....
  10. once again, noone accussed you of being any ex or even male. we asked you how you KNOW who we are referring to. now who's being "circular"?
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