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About mirrorball87

  • Birthday 08/25/1987

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. There's alot we can do,like for starters get up off our lazy asses and start petitioning and protesting all this anti-nightlife bullshit thats been taking place in the city for several years.And instead of some hypocrites giving into the bottle service trash,go totally against them.PERIOD!!! Also start telling those in the business what REAL New York nightlife is about.All the complaining and starting up drama on nightlife related forum boards like this,is NOT helping the cause.The gays have it the hardest because the city has attacked almost EVERY gay nightlife establishment and party all over town.ITS LIKE THE MOTHER-FUCKING STONEWALL RIOTS ALL OVER AGAIN,but in a modern day form.And homophobic bottle service clubs aint helpin the situation either.If people really gave a rats ass and a half about REAL NEW YORK NIGHTLIFE.I should start seeing some kind of protesting going on,Im already into the "save the Roxy" move.
  2. THANK YOU!!! Finally someone is actually getting it.WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Nightlife is the city's punching bag.This is NEW YORK CITY NOT Virginia.WAKE THE FUCK UP
  3. Ahh the beauty of modern day New York (2008).A str8 club (Pacha) gets shut down just in time for gay pride weekend,when 2 gay pride themed parties were scheduled for saturday and sunday nite.Many including NYPD still treat gays like total SHIT,even 39 years after the stonewall riots in 1969.There hasnt been not one half-way decent gay club in this fucking city since they shut down Roxy in march 2007.However I still had atleast a 1/3 decent pride weekend this year,surprisingly.Saturday nite I went to Alegria got pretty crowded and sunday after the parade I went to a friend's barbecue and later that night I went to capitale ballroom for the saint at large pride after party.AND IT FIGURES,I get back from work today and read about yet another gay bashing in manhattan that happened (The day of pride yesterday).As far as 4th of July weekend Im ditchin manhattan to hear Peter Rauhofer play on the island.Pride 2009,its all about Toronto
  4. Thats agreeable,rather than hear bullshit come from the ignorant assholes on these forums,its good for people to do their own homework and go to the myspace and website and whatever read alittle about them experience them at the club and then come up with their own conclusion.Rather than get brainwashed.Though,there is no point in posting it here,evidentally this board is dead and the only people that come on here and NCC are a bunch of homophobes and other scumbags who come on and dick around,hense why this is my first and LAST time since 3/18/07 logging in here.And why I refuse to be bothered with the little babies on NCC
  5. If you are looking for a prize (whispers) you wont find it here!!!
  6. You know,I remember reading about Rauhofer's hissy fit at roxy,in the NYBlade he is alittle wacked out by the looks of it,I dont think he is that good anyway,his shit is to electro for me,I prefer progressive and tribal beats and high energy vocals
  7. LOL if your a fan thats cool,but if you were a queen,that would just be down right pathetic lol
  8. lol I was just makin a point,I dunno what else went on,besides the fact that 2 more rauhofer queens were dissin people on this board,I mean what are they gonna condemn me because one of my fav DJs is Chad Jack,or throw me off the manhattan bridge because I like Ralphi Rosario & Abel,Rauhofer bitches it is not that serious,just because yall want to sleep wit him dont mean we all do,so get a life!!!
  9. You know what?Unfortunately I have to agree with you on that and Im gay myself I see this happen alot, queenie homos startin drama they cant finish,then some of them wonder why nobody usually takes them seriously,Faggots are a far cry from regular gay people like myself,Its a shame because most str8 people get us mixed up,I dont put people down the way the fem queens do,I just put the queens down,Im a masculine level-headed open-minded intelligent young gay man,anyway,no matter what people say about rauhofer,I have read somewhere myself,that he is a pretty moody person especially if he doesnt get his way,apparently the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree,because alot of his "gay" fans are the same way evidentally,I was on that board myself for like a day and seen enuff drama on there to take us into 2017,but they no damn well that they couldnt fight a battle if it were face to face,I just shake my head at their bullshit and move on,maybe you should do the same househead.I to use to support him at roxy,but now that roxy is gone,I will no longer.Avalon it is!!! Mixed diverse crowd,house music in the main room,diffrent parties in the other rooms and for a reasonable price,by the 3 biggest gay promoters in town,rather the rauhofer bitches like it or not.
  10. I agree 125% besides not everyone under 21 goes out and drinks,I dont even have a fake ID,and Im 20...I follow the rules and regulations I just go out for the house music and socialize with friends and new people,I just dont let the ignorance of others interfere with my good time.I dont need drugs and alcohol to have fun
  11. I couldnt agree more with you...Im 19 and love house music,Ive been collecting house music compilations since I was 13 and still do it today,I now have 116 underground house music CDs and counting,I go to clubs strictly for the house music,I dont go to start trouble with anybody,Im there to have a good time with my friends just like everyone else,and to sync me with the immature 18 year olds you may have come across,just shows that you yourself are immature.All of my friends are relatively older than me,mostly 20's and some 30's and they have all said I have a good head on my shoulders,what I dont appreciate is some older people saying I am immature when they dont even know my background or the type of people I hang with...Thats like me walking around saying all older people are this...or all older people are that...but inside I know it isnt true...never judge a book by its cover,unfortunately there are people out there who arent mature enough to comprehend that old saying,older people included.I think they are just afraid to find out that its possible for me to be just as smart and intelligent as they are,if not more so.bottom line,I work and take business and marketing courses in college,and when the weekend rolls around I should have just as much right to go to a club with a couple of friends and unwind and socialize with them at a club,but obviously most americans are to ignorant to really understand that,they'll just bullshit and debate it,and it gets unattractive after a few moments.
  12. btw who the hell even said anything about madonna,shes a pop diva,or maybe your ass was still underneath the subway line in brooklyn when she dropped by roxy last october...you obviously need to get a life and get over yourself,instead of kissing your own ass and starting up that high school cheerleader drama...but I guess you could go on and kiss your own ass,cuz thats all you got going 4 yourself...NEXT!!!!
  13. I'll drink a shot of scotch to that shit!
  14. Thanx Euroautofan84,finally someone else who is sensible.No matter how its looked at gay men are under served in New York City,other wise there would be more choices of large venues for us to dance at.Maybe if people on here stopped acting like young children goofing around on a playground,they would better comprehend a persons comment.
  15. you take white women because yall are too much of a damn pussy to handle your own black women!!!! even black women themselves say that
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