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Posts posted by donaldm

  1. oct 17th cielo presidents day party.. anyone get a flyer or has seen one?

    Here's the flier honey! I think Junior is doing the opening set from 11-midnight!

    <a href="http://myspace.com/workatstereo"><img src="http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/8482/eddiecollageql8.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/></a><br/>

    PS: you proved us all again what a dumb fuck you really are....."OCTOBER 17th" President's Day Party....hahahahaha....you sure sound like a typical braindead Junior fan!...by the time you finally come out of that K-hole it probably will be Oct. 17th!

  2. WOW..Junior's myspace page kicks major ass!!!!

    Last comment: AUGUST 19th 2007.....

    HAHAHA....his myspace page has as much action as his parties.....

    ...and how genius is his remix of his remix of his remix of "Step By Step"....HAHAHAHA.....just as SAD as Whitney herself!

    PS: check the ultra dated bio: "These days, as a DJ, Vasquez works just about every weekend, mostly in the United States. His current sets are primarily made up of modern tracks, and only 3 percent of his programming revisits the classics.".....HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA....what a joke! Can we write a new bio for that old man please!

  3. "SUPPORT JUNIOR"....bla bla bla bla bla

    ..thats the next hideous publicity stunt...I can see the fliers already "Junior is finally free"....."Junior can finally be himself"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....puh-lease....NOTHING is gonna change cuz Junior is the only one to blame.

    ...and "INTHAKNOW" aka Darren Kawa....did Junior hire you as his new publicist now that you don't get enough gigs to do the lights for him no more? Your "damage control" won't work cuz ppl with a clue moved on AGES ago.

    PS: talkin about "facts"...Junior should get his worn out ass back in the studio instead of letting himself everything remix by YOU "Inthaknow".....

  4. hey donald dick, i hope your i big guy running that big beak of yours. then again anybody that says hahaha sounds like a scrawny little shit. change your name to huey, duey, or louie its more your speed.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA....sounds like the same clueless big fart you left on that dancefloor back at the ROXY...when you experienced Junior for the first time in your life?......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. Puh-lease! Don't be so naive and believe Jerome is the only one responsible for all this. Junior is a VERY paranoid, insecure but controlling person. He constantly has spies out there who inform him about "who says and does what".

    Junior is 100% aware about every step his own manager is doing.

    ...and experiencing Junior since back from the original Sound Factory days I know too well how much shade and bullshit was already going on back then - without even having Jerome around! Junior is NOT as innocent as it looks like but I guess him & Jerome became the perfect match to disrespect and fuck over the world as a team.......cuz I don't know any major deejay or artist who's that blind to let a manager ruin his career like that.

  6. Your so gay and corny, all you do is come on this board and cry and complain like a little bitch that you probably are. I bet your boy drills your ass every night. If you hate Junior so much then why do you go to his partys? Don't you have anything better to do then sit on clubplanet all day and critizise people and djs. Junior is one of the DJS that contributed his whole life to the scene. What are you contributing to the scene? Other then talk shit.

    So do us all a favor and crawl back to the hole that you came out of in the first place.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Another rat in the trap!

  7. Hahaha..the JVM shade won't stop......

    From the circuitpartyinsanity board:

    Hey guys,

    So my bf and I were really looking forward to the Vernessa Mitchell

    performance at Juniors's party, only to discover that it's some kind

    of hoax.

    Vernessa claims never to have agreed to it, whereas Jerome Farley and

    Susan Blackwell over at JVM are claiming that she made a verbal

    agreement then backed out.

    But what's ludicrous is the following email I received from Sue Blackwell:

    "The graphic on the website does not say "performance by" or "live".

    It has hers and Sabrina's names because they are the two gospel

    artists w/ the most number of songs on our label and people would be

    sure to hear their music played at the party. Sorry that you

    misunderstood it to mean she would be there, but literally it says

    nothing of the kind."

    That's total bullshit. First of all, it does say "LIVE: Vernessa

    Mitchell + Sabrina Johnston" right on the flyer. But apart from that,

    her argument that Vernessa's name on the flyer implies people would

    "hear [her] music played at the party" is incredulous.

    Needless to say, I find hers and Jerome Farley's demeanor to be

    insulting (He also sent me an email saying: "Whatever, it's 2008, move


    I will not be spending any of my money on their events, and I

    encourage honest folks to do the same.


  8. Going to check out Jr and this place . I always enjoy checking out venue's I haven't been at when Jr Vasquez is playing and maybe check out Asseteria later on that night.

    I expected you to check it out as you work for JVM...

  9. Hahaha...not surprised here. Jerome definitely ruined Junior's career. But I think he did that on purpose cuz he wanst to become a deejay now......the lies continue:

    DJ JEROME FARLEY (Tunnel, Twilo.....HAHAHAHAHAHA), January 27th, @ Room Service New York.

    ..I guess now that he fucked the whole world over there's only Junior left for him to shit on....!

  10. ...now I know WHY all the hardcore Junior fans were at Peter Rauhofer's Roxy Classics Party at Stereo...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh well I guess Jerome Fartley was way to busy promoting his own party in Miami (which was another disaster) than getting the word out for Junior's event.

  11. It seems to me the only bitter douche bag is you,why dont you get a job and get a life you clueless faggot,its not my problem that you havent been fucked up the ass since you were 17,and stop making your clueless bitter remarks here,If I knew who you were you would be suckin dick through a straw,and thats a promise.Its also clear that the only one who still feeds off the Peter/Junior drama here is you.Otherwise you would not be on this particular messageboard topic,making your pointless bitter faggot-like remarks everytime myself or someone else here posts something.Go fill out an application for McDonald's or something it will occupy your time and Im pretty sure you dont have to be educated to work with fast-food.By the way its irrelevant to me that the party is 21+ for one cuz I have an extremely legit fake ID thats takes me anywhere I want to be in the city,in fact its too legit for it to even be a fake,2 I already went to that shit-hole Rauhofer-obsessed faggot pool back in June and frankly the place sucks big horse cock.I will stick with Pacha for the time being.Its a nicer larger club around(30,000 sq ft) and I dont have to deal with that Faggot drama that pollutes the air at Rauhofer's Shitfest on west 33rd,and I dont have to puke from seeing and smelling you're old dying "rotting-alive" body from you doing too much Crystal Meth over the many years,which would also explain WHY you talk out of your asshole all the damn time.The next smart bitter "fag" remark you shit out of your ass onto this message board I will no longer respond to because I just pointed out all your faults,and I cant help someone who refuses to help HERSELF.I will be the wiser smarter ADULT and no-longer feed into this high-school teenage girl drama bullshit.You are now DISSMISSED!!!Peace Love and House Music to you all

    lol...Thanks for proving my point douchebag!

  12. There is no way Junior would spin at Peter Rauhofer's WORK on west 33rd.There is this real bitch fest between him and peter rauhofer there is this "Im the better DJ than you" bullshit going on between both of them,they need to get it together,cuz its getting old,along with Rauhofer's ridiculously ill-minded ignorant fans.Frankly Im not crazy about Rauhofer or Junior anymore.Plus Stereo or Octagon,what ever the hell you call that stop-sign shaped shit-joint,is whack as hell,Avalon is better off than that place for cryin out loud and bigger.Give me a nice big-room gay party where many big name DJs in the gay scene will be,something similar to Roxy but more up-to-date and maybe pinch smaller can be just as good or even better and Im fine.Its needed in this city just as other modern trendy big-rooms are needed,besides Pacha.Only they should be more New York Original and less commercial.This Miami based New York club bullshit aint cuttin the mustard up here.Its not "New York" style.Hopefully in the next 2 or 3 years that changes...If New York Nightlife is even still around by then at this point

    Hahahahaha...you are STILL sooooo bitter and clueless.....I'M LOVIN IT!!!!!!!!

    You still feed off Peter/Junior drama you read on messageboards....how sad!

    ...and for your information that "shit-joint" Stereo is jam-packed every Saturday and has top notch deejays like Offer Nissim, Peter Rauhofer, Superchumbo, David Morales, Peter Bailey & Richie Santana, Eddie Elias, DJ Paulo and countless others rockin the house.

    ...but then again how should you really know....the party is 21+ over and you are still an underaged bitter douchebag that can't get in...lol

  13. How exciting! NOT.

    Didn't we do that lame Whitney thing already last time at Roxy???? Let's re-hash it again cuz it was soooooooo legendary.

    ..and featuring "Imana" is ANOTHER blatant Jerome Farley lie. Did we expect anything else?

    Imana's been in Europe for the past two months. Currently in Paris she definitely won't be at Cielo tonight.

    Oh well....all you get is that talentless low life crackface Taboo...ENJOY!

  14. Keep on lying Barney!

    Don't be embarrassed that people now know how you guys look like.

    As you said "it's the inside that counts" and Junior knows very well!!!

    Don't worry, he still loves all of you, he never wanted soulless muscle guys as his fans!

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