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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by DeNAMA

  1. It all depends on where you go and who you listen to. DJ's like Vibe, Calderone, Tenaglia, Boris, Cevin Fisher, etc start to get better and harder

    towards the end.//afterhours. I go to Danny parties at like 5am, b/c I know that by 8am its gonna be nuts. The best after hours back in the day use to be at the ARC/Vinyl with Tenaglia every friday...... At 4am when you heard the siren oR the truck horn it was DT bringing you from Friday well into Saturday. Discotheque with Erik Morillo on thursdays and saturdays use to be also sick. That system was nuts! Also Cheetah back in the day with BORiS use to be hot.


  2. 2008_mansionUD.jpgGet ready everyone, Mansion is set to open with a weekend full of Fashion Week parties to get your Chelsea nightclub juices flowing again. A Little Birdy provides a bit of intel, saying "seems fridays opening is by invite only....public opening feb 14..how romantic" Romantic indeed. UrbanDaddy provides some additional color, saying "The real show, however, goes down in the main room, dubbed The Grand Ballroom. To add a jolt of fun and spontaneity to the big bottle-box formula, random acts will be brought in from all corners of the globe for spontaneous send-ups. " Wow, random acts! We love it. Excuse while we go get in line for opening night.


    Wow! What is happening to NYC nightlife? Twilo?SPirit gone. Roxy gone, Crobar gone, Arc/Vynnyl gone, Exit gone. Discoteque Afterhours are gone, Limelight?Avolon gone, Tunnel R.I.P gone, I mean I keep hoping for a turn around in NYC nigh life but It aint happening. The only good real clubs left are Pacha, Cielo, and Show on sundays. Shelter also. NYC is not Miami or Los Angeles I dont understnad this models and bottles shit, I mean how many more lounges gotta open in NYC, what ever happened to just going to a club at 4-5 am and dancing the night away.

  3. Wow ur such a little drama queen/ attention WHORE... All you do is cry and argue with people and hate. U deserve to get bitch slapped more often. LOL U remind me of computer jockey, I wouldn't be surprissed if you two were related. Its b/c of you that this board went down the drain, b/c people like you come on here and look for drama instead on trying to contribute to the scene. And if ur to stupid to understand me or where Iam coming from, then just answer this. Junior is not my favorite DJ, but I give the man mad respect b/c he contributed his life to the scene and music.--- and maybe lately he is not at his peak like he was back in his Twilo days, but he is still contributing. WHAT ARE YOU CONRIBUTING OTHER THEN TALK SHIT???????

  4. I just got a call saying Heath Ledger is dead. Apparently he died of heart attack possible caused by drugs.

    Yea I read about that. He was found naked and dead by his cleaning lady in his Soho apartment. They say he had pills laying around all over. This guy has money, fame, everything a person could ask for. I don't understand what happened, sad when they go so young he was only 28.


    Knights Tale & The Patriot were sick movies that he played in.

  5. Hahaha..the JVM shade won't stop......

    From the circuitpartyinsanity board:

    Hey guys,

    So my bf and I were really looking forward to the Vernessa Mitchell

    performance at Juniors's party, only to discover that it's some kind

    of hoax.

    Vernessa claims never to have agreed to it, whereas Jerome Farley and

    Susan Blackwell over at JVM are claiming that she made a verbal

    agreement then backed out.

    But what's ludicrous is the following email I received from Sue Blackwell:

    "The graphic on the website does not say "performance by" or "live".

    It has hers and Sabrina's names because they are the two gospel

    artists w/ the most number of songs on our label and people would be

    sure to hear their music played at the party. Sorry that you

    misunderstood it to mean she would be there, but literally it says

    nothing of the kind."

    That's total bullshit. First of all, it does say "LIVE: Vernessa

    Mitchell + Sabrina Johnston" right on the flyer. But apart from that,

    her argument that Vernessa's name on the flyer implies people would

    "hear [her] music played at the party" is incredulous.

    Needless to say, I find hers and Jerome Farley's demeanor to be

    insulting (He also sent me an email saying: "Whatever, it's 2008, move


    I will not be spending any of my money on their events, and I

    encourage honest folks to do the same.


    Your so gay and corny, all you do is come on this board and cry and complain like a little bitch that you probably are. I bet your boy drills your ass every night. If you hate Junior so much then why do you go to his partys? Don't you have anything better to do then sit on clubplanet all day and critizise people and djs. Junior is one of the DJS that contributed his whole life to the scene. What are you contributing to the scene? Other then talk shit.

    So do us all a favor and crawl back to the hole that you came out of in the first place.

  6. Damn finally, crobar has been closed for almost a year know hope that they don't go to crazy with the renovations and keep it as dance club and not as a bottle service Lounge/Club, b/c thats the last thing NYC and that block need.

    By the way whats up with Twilo/Spirit is that place ever gonna open?

  7. agreed.. tunnel, limelight, sf, tunnel, and yes exit.

    exit was cheesey as all hell, but when tsettos was at exit the first year nyc was jumping, exit till 5am and then there was an army of people walking down 10 blocks to SF. miss those nights.

    and those were the big name clubs, every club was trying to be a big room. was a good time.

    What about Fridays at the ROXY with BORiS. also Calderone use to hold down ROXY back in the day.... And ofcourse you can't forget about ARC/VINYL with DT on Fridays... That was my favorite club, also CHEETAH and DISCOQUETEQUE with the old school MORiLLO use to be sick. Now Days I look at the NYC Nightlife and wonder what happened?

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