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INVASION -- 2 weeks away!!

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N .M.O

The invasion is almost here! It is sure to be the sickest party that MATRIX has ever seen! However, as far as I know, no hotel accomodations have been made yet?:confused: We should get that organized cuz me or Mikey are gonna have to book it.

Drop an e-mail or response.


New Matrix Order -- C.P. STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bounce:

Paulie Feva


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yoyo pablo feeeeeeeeva...

No Telly--too much inter-NMO drama for that to work out--so we'll just party @ the club instead...

I gotta put ur avatar in for u--it saves the time of explaining how to do it--

NMO--ive already prepared an array of special mixes and edits for that nite...and I am working on a drink special....don't forget doors open @ 10 so get there earllllyyyy--

Its Commmmmmmming--

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

No Telly--too much inter-NMO drama for that to work out--so we'll just party @ the club instead...

Mike BuGouT

Oh dear.. :( What's with the drama? :( Now I dunno if I can go cause it's 3 hours away from my house and that's not cool :(

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Originally posted by codica3

Oh dear.. :( What's with the drama? :( Now I dunno if I can go cause it's 3 hours away from my house and that's not cool :(

I'm going home to Westchester that weekend, so anyone is welcome to come crash up there with me and check out Matrix. Cody... its not 3 hours from you, its about 2, 2.5 from rutgers. lemme know what you are planning on doing.

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Originally posted by roninmess

by the way... there's little motels around the P-town area where Im sure we could get a few heads in a room for the night and have a mini afterhours. Who knows. lets all figure something out.

Yeah there are alot of those.

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Originally posted by codica3

Grr.. I was really planning on going this time.. but I dunno if there is no where for me to stay.. grr.. Mikey I'll talk to you about this tonite when I see ya at Roxy but we'll try and figure something out for everyone..

Eric and Cody....

There are a bunch of hotels where we can crash located right near Matrix. A few of us are gonna get some rooms, you ar welcome to come if you want. :)

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Originally posted by legend38

Eric and Cody....

There are a bunch of hotels where we can crash located right near Matrix. A few of us are gonna get some rooms, you ar welcome to come if you want. :)

Werd.. I will speak to you about it tonite @ Roxy. :D

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Originally posted by roninmess

I'm seriously thinkin about passing on this....... but Imma do it for bugout and feva.:mad:

your kidding me right?!?!?!!?!? I hope you are b/c if you arent than you are weird!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am taking fucking frank away from you!

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hey alright--1 big happy family!!!

Hotel accoms are no problem...I only said we werent getting the big willy style 2 floor marriot joint b/c not enuff people were down to make it cost efficient....

For those in need of a place to crash--as u can see there are many options available...

2nite @ roxy I will be doing some NMO recruiting to see if we can't get the army to increase in number--see ya'll there

Mike BuGouT

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