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the "Platinum Sucks" thread #7465982

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Originally posted by djcreep

I guess all i am trying to stay is with my stlye of music to stay current, I don't look to Kazaa or Audiogalaxy, I look to my local record store or online site, and suppourt them.

I see your point, but you would be surprised to see what you can find onnline.

In response to Conceptmusic, I understand your point completely, and I have purchased a few vinyls from your shop (and I dont even own turntables yet). At the same time, spinning vinyl is a VERY expensive hobby, and if you are a bedroom DJ with little income, you can't go out every week and drop 100 bones a week on 9 songs (tax). Especially with the way house music is...two or three weeks most songs get tired and you are feening for the new stuff.

I buy a vinyl when i consider it to be track that I will not get sick of after a few plays. Everything else I DL, because as of now, I dont even have anywhere to be spinning my vinyls. I believe in supporting the artist, but many times the artist or remixer is a top name DJ who gets a couple of G's to spin a night. I on the other hand, scrape to pay bills.

If you are a traveling, full time DJ, you ought to be spending loot on records. But if you are a hobbyist, or just someone who likes music, its not always easy.


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

I see your point, but you would be surprised to see what you can find onnline.


The things you can find online are amazing.... Granted 10 years ago you didn't have the capibitiles we have now, but if you know where to look you can find almost anything you want....

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