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Hey tribal, the guy is handcuffed and immobalized. In the last picture, there is no bomb on his stomach.


By the way, look at how long they took to get him on the ground. If he had been up to no good, then shouldn't he have blown himself up right away? No propaganda there. This is the reason why the IDF kicked out photographers and Journalist.

Originally posted by tribal

midiman, if youre gonna post your silly propaganda, at least post the full picture sequence. i saw that shit you posted a dozen times already, and you know perfectly well that you didnt include the last picture that tells the whole story. the picture of an israeli bomb squad robot slowly searching his body for the bombs that are attached to his stomach. why dont you post that along with the rest of the footage? you want to start a picture propaganda bitch fight? how low can we go?

if you want to see the way israeli counter terror teams operate, train and detain terrorists, this is the IDF special forces website


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911 Was a Mossad False Flag Operation

By Sean McBride

(McBride is a discussant in newsgroups

investigating CIA drug-trade



I've been strongly resisting coming to the best guess that 911 was a classic Mossad false flag operation, conducted with the full complicity of a Zionist political network loyal to Israel at the highest levels of the U.S. government, but some recent events have made it almost impossible to ignore the obvious.

This is the theory that best fits the known facts. It's not enough that the U.S. has failed to capture a single planner behind or perpetrator of the 911 WTC and anthrax attacks. It's not enough that the U.S. is even failing to show any interest in capturing these "evildoers." But now we have George W. Bush urging Americans to pay no attention to Osama bin Laden and to forget he exists. What's that again? Forget about OBL? And forget about the anthrax attacks?

OBL has conveniently been demoted from Lord Satan to a pesky "parasite," someone beneath our notice. You can't afford to capture "evildoers" when knowledge of the real identity and purposes of said evildoers would turn the popular understanding of 911 upside down and create the biggest crisis in American politics since the Civil War.

Then we have the frantic efforts to shift the focus of attention regarding 911 to Iraq, even though there is not a shred of solid evidence that Iraq was involved in the attacks, and that the campaign to attack Iraq is being masterminded and promoted by Israel and Israeli loyalists in the American government like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle.

The question then arises: was the purpose of the 911 attacks to justify precisely this kind of military campaign, against the Palestinians, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and on down the line?

Then there are reports about John Ashcroft, a militant Christian Zionist, demanding that the investigation into the 911 Israeli art student and movers spy rings be buried. Both spy rings appear to be closely-connected to the 911 WTC attacks in sinister ways about which Ashcroft would prefer to keep Americans in the dark.

Here's the best guest so far of what happened on 9/11/2001...

Osama bin Laden is a high level agent operated by the Israeli Mossad in cooperation with the CIA. OBL and his inner circle recruited the hijackers for 911, with the naive recruitees having little idea of what they were really getting into or about whom was pulling their strings (this was the false flag component of the operation). The hijacked planes were taken over on 9/11 by remote control -- the hijackers lacked the piloting skills to execute the maneuvers that were performed. Well-established procedures for handling situations of this kind were deliberately overridden by orders from on high within the Bush administration. The planes were allowed to hit their targets.

Now the government is engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to suppress any reasonable questions about 911. If the cover-up starts to fall apart, it is likely that more and worse terrorist incidents will be engineered, martial law will be declared, and any skeptics and dissidents will be imprisoned or murdered.

Now, if none of this true, why is the government doing its level best to make it appear to be true by its bungling and provocative behavior? Doesn't this entire operation -- both 911 and post-911 -- have a keystone cops quality about it that is highly redolent of Iran-Contra?

Anyone who thinks Israel is incapable of this kind of behavior should thoroughly research the Lavon Affair. Start by doing a simple Google search on "lavon affair".

Anyone who thinks Christian Zionists aren't capable of supporting Israel in this kind of behavior should take a close look at the attitudes expressed on Free Republic, a hotbed of Christian Zionist opinionating. Christian Zionists regularly express the conviction that Americans owe absolute loyalty and submission to the Israeli government, and that Israel and the United States should launch a campaign of genocide against Arabs and Muslims. Literally thousands of messages in this vein have been posted on Free Republic in the last few years, with the approval of Jim Robinson.

The most difficult thing to wrap one's mind around in this scenario is the idea that some Americans would participate in such a radical betrayal of their country and fellow citizens. But then you have to take into account the bizarre effects of ethnic and religious cultism on the human mind, particularly cultism animated by apocalyptic fervor.

If this scenario comes close to describing what happened on 911, George W. Bush and many other high-level government officials are probably as much out of the loop as the average American. They are no doubt asking the same questions in private that have been asked on the Internet. I hope this scenario is proven wrong in the near future.

I hope we catch the real culprits behind 911 and the anthrax attacks, and discover they really are whom the media have claimed they are. But if the weeks drag on and on with more government evasions on these issues, and not a single significant arrest or conviction, suspicions are going to grow and harden.

At this point, the only thing I am certain about is that we have NOT been told the truth. That the Israeli's were notified about the attack on the internet two hours before it occurred, that only ONE Israeli died in the attack, that the Israeli spy ring was discovered and then sent back to Israel without getting any answers, that the CELEBRATION of the Israeli group on the roof top in NYC took place....all these things point to Israel.

The media is run by about 50 American and Non-American Jews. Sharon said that America is run by Israel. I believe it. Look at the Marc Rich (Expatriot Jewish American) pardon. We are going to war against Iraq and others to satisfy them, not for our own nation's security. It could lead to Nuclear war. That may be the idea. Over 2/3's of our population could be destroyed. Preparations to protect and sustain the "important people" underground are in place here, in Russia, in China and they WERE in place in Afganistan until we destroyed their caves.


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Were The 911 Hijackers

Really Arabs? Maybe Not

By Michael Collins Piper

Information Times.com

From American Patriot Friends Network



Were those hijackers really Arabs? Would Israeli agents carry out a suicide mission that could cost American Jewish lives?

Consider these little-known facts . . .

In 1986, the New York-based leader of the terrorist Jewish Defense League, Victor Vancier, gave a prophetic hint of what may have been finally played out on Sept. 11, 2001:

"If you think the Shias in Lebanon are capable of fantastic acts of suicidal terrorism, the Jewish underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp: 'How could Jews do such things?'"

According to Vancier, quoted by Robert I. Friedman in The Village Voice on May 6, 1986, his allies were "desperate people" who "don't care if they live or die."

Considering this warning it is entirely conceivable the "Middle Eastern" men described by passengers on the airliners were not Arabs at all.

Evidence to be explored suggests that instead, these hijackers could well have been Israeli-sponsored fundamentalist Jewish fanatics (posing as "bin Laden Arabs") hoping to instigate an all-out U.S. war against the Arab world.

"Jewish suicide bombers? Impossible!" cry critics. However, the fact is that there is a "suicide tradition" that is a much-revered part of Jewish history--going back to the famous mass suicide at Masada by Jewish zealots.

But in modern times, Israeli suicide missions have been undertaken. In The Other Side of Deception, former [israeli] Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky described one 1989 venture: the participants were "all volunteers" advised that there was effectively "no possibility of rescue should they be caught."

And what about the Arabic language heard on one airplane's black box?

Consider a formerly secret CIA assessment, Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services, dated March 1979, which reported that it is a long-standing policy for Israeli intelligence to disguise Jews as Arabs:

One of the established goals of the intelligence and security services is that each officer be fluent in Arabic. A nine-month, intensive Arabic-language course is given annually ... to students ...

As further training, these Mossad officers work in the [israeli-controlled Arab lands] for two years to sharpen their language skills....

Many Israelis have come from Arab countries where they were born and educated and appear more Arab than Israeli ...

By forging passports and identity documents of Arab and Western countries and providing sound background legends and cover, Mossad has successfully sent into Egypt and other Arab countries Israelis disguised and documented as Arabs or citizens of European countries.... These persons are also useful for their ability to pass completely for a citizen of the nation in question. The Israeli talent for counterfeiting or forging foreign passports and documents ably supports the agent's authenticity.

Pulitzer Prize-winner Jack Anderson, a supporter of Israel, wrote on Sept. 17, 1972 that:

"Israeli agents--immigrants whose families had lived in Arab lands for generations--have a perfect knowledge of Arab dialects and customs. They have been able to infiltrate Arab governments with ease."

On Sept. 29, 1998, Yossi Melman, writing in Israel's Ha'aretz, revealed that:

"Shin Bet agents, who worked undercover in the Israeli-Arab sector in the 1950s, went as far as to marry Muslim women and have children with them, in an attempt to continue their mission without raising suspicion."

In fact, serious questions have been raised about the identities of the Sept. 11 "Arab hijackers."

While the [pro-Israel] media reported the ringleader's passport conveniently landed atop rubble eight blocks from "Ground Zero," The Orlando Sentinel also reported that at least four men identified as hijackers are not dead and had nothing to do with the attacks.

In The New Yorker on Oct. 8, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh pointed out:

"Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues about the terroristsí identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, 'Whatever trail was left was left deliberately--for the FBI to chase.'"

Why Arabs would plant evidence implicating their own is a point mainstream [pro-Israel] media chooses not to address.

Nor has the [pro-Israel] media ever ballyhooed the "hero" who tipped off the FBI where the hijackers' car (conveniently filled with "evidence") was parked.

And for those who would doubt that Israel would endanger American-Jews via terrorism, consider this: hard-line Israelis are willing to kill Jews if it means assuring Israel's survival.

The late Rabbi Meir Kahane--founder of the Jewish Defense League and one spiritual mentor of fundamentalists who support Ariel Sharon--exemplifies those willing to sacrifice other Jews to guarantee Israel's future.

Kahane called for killing "Hellenist [i.e. Western-oriented] spiritually sick [Jews] who threaten the existence of Judaism." That would include those working in slick offices in the World Trade Center, living on Long Island, rather than kibbutzing in Israel.

Israeli journalist Yair Kotler reports in Heil Kahane that Kahane wrote: "the adoption of foreign, gentilized [i.e. non-Jewish] concepts by a Jewish state ... opens the door to a national tragedy."

In his book, Time to Go Home, Kahane called for all Jews to "go home" to Israel--the only safe place for Jews. Those who refused to "go home" were expendable. The CIA's 1979 report on Israeli intelligence says this widely-held view mirrors "the aggressively ideological nature of Zionism."

In fact, this Jewish attitude toward the West (exactly what the media says is the Islamic attitude) has support at the Mossad's top levels.

Robert Friedman revealed that "high-ranking members of Mossad" were directing Kahane and that the "central player" was former Mossad operations chief (and later Prime Minister) Yitzhak Shamir, an outspoken critic of America.

When Kahane said America would become "the major enemy of Israel," due to "economic disintegration, which no administration can stem," he enunciated a popular Israeli view.

In his Kahane biography, The False Prophet, Robert I. Friedman noted that Kahane's beliefs "have taken root and have become 'respectable'" and that Ariel Sharon is one of the "most potent supporters" of such extremism.

In the Oct. 15 issue of The New Republic, Israeli writer Yossi Klein Halevi echoed this view:

"The destruction of the World Trade Center has partially rehabilitated, if only by default, the Zionist promise of safe refuge for the Jewish people.

"In the last year, it had become a much-noted irony that Israel was the country where a Jew was most likely to be killed for being a Jew. For many, the United States had beckoned as the real Jewish refuge; in a poll taken just before the bin Laden attacks, 37 percent of Israelis said their friends or relatives were discussing emigration. That probably changed on Sept. 11.

"I was among the thousands of Israelis who crowded Kennedy Airport on the weekend after the attack, desperate to find a flight to Tel Aviv. 'At least weíre going back where it's safe,' people joked.

"Everyone seemed to have a story about an Israeli living in New York who just barely escaped the devastation. If this could happen in Manhattan, the reasoning went, you might as well take your chances at home."

What Halevi describes reflects the widespread ideology known as "catastrophic Zionism" which rejects America, saying Israel is the only safe Jewish refuge.

In The Ascendance of Israel's Radical Right, Israeli scholar Ehud Sprinzak found that these views are "a major school" of modern Israeli thought.

Sprinzak described the Israeli movement, Sikarikin, which honors ancient Jews who "conducted a systematic terror campaign against Jewish moderates who were ready to come to terms with the Romans on questions of religious purity." Israelis consider these terrorists "the symbolic defenders of religious and nationalist purity."

Another popular rabbi, Israel Ariel, will risk massive loss of Jewish lives to achieve the "elimination" of the Arab countries to guarantee Israel's survival. The hawkish rabbi proclaims:

"There is a ruling that a war is permitted as long as no more than one-sixth of the nation be killed. And this was stated in relation to an ordinary war, a fight between neighbors.

"A war for Eretz Israel does not depend on the number of casualties. The command is 'Ase!' ('Do it!'), and you may be sure that the number of casualties will thus be minimal."

As far as non-Jews, Sprinzak cites Rabbi David Bar-Haim who declares the concept Jews and non-Jews are equals "stands in total contrast to the Torah of Moses, and is derived from a total ignorance and an assimilation of alien Western values."

Ben-Haim cites 10 religious authorities who "repeatedly proposed that Gentiles are more beast than human," whereas, "only two authorities recognize non-Jews as full human beings created in the image of God."

Bear in mind: these comments from supposed "allies" represent widespread opinion in Israel's military and intelligence services.

Did Ariel Sharon help orchestrate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to instigate all-out U.S. war against Israel's enemies? Don't discount it.


Copyright 2001 American Free Press


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