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pro- life or pro-choice ??

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by cody05

You are correct there are measures taken to help assure the baby is not born with HIV, such as treating the baby and mother with AZT, but there is still a good chance the baby will be born with HIV. They can also do what is called a bloodless C-Section but that is very rare. This is why I say it should be the parent's choice as to whether or not they want to take these chances.

hey , instead of typing on the message board, shouldn't you be on the phone with Calderone's booking agent.....?:D

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Originally posted by saleen351

hey , instead of typing on the message board, shouldn't you be on the phone with Calderone's booking agent.....?:D

Yea, Yea, Yea, read what I posted under the thread of (Plans for this weekend), Don't you think I am a little busy....
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Barbiegirl, I would have to agree with you! I am definetly Pro Choice. My sister was raped at 13 and got pregnant. It was a very hard thing for her to deal with. And, I'm glad she had the opportunity to make her own decision.

Now, I do disagree with the fact that it can be used as birth control, but I also believe people should be free to make their own choices. But, again, you have to be smart about sexual intercourse - there are so many methods of birth control and most places like Planned parenthood will let you pay for them in payments.

That's the only problem with young people and even all age groups - they are on this kick that birth control like condoms will ruin the moment or that it doesn't feel as good - well, think about the future, how much will a screaming child ruin the moment! Be smart about abortion and birth control - but do it for the right reason ONLY.:)

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Originally posted by helixx

Pro-Choice. A fetus is not a human being. Compare a fetal rabbit, human, and chicken..and I guarantee you won't be able to pick out the human. Yes, it's terminating a life, but so is stepping on an ant.

that has got to be the sickest analogy i have ever heard in my life.

however i am not pro-choice because i think it's "okay" to go around killing fetus's .... i'm pro choice because i think each person should be able to make the choice that suits them best in their situation.

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That probably came across as pretty calous. Anyhow, sorry I can't relate to what a girl might go thru, nor will I ever. I'm basing my opinion as a science person, none of that emotional jibba jabba. Darwin is my god.

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I used to be soooo pro life. I mean I was really really into it. Then an event popped up into my life and suddenly all my views seemed so one sided. Now I'm pro choice. Being petrified scared me and made me change my view. I've seen so many of my friends have babies, and I give them a lot of credit for having the kids bc of all the ish they put up with for having them. I asked my guy friend and he said nooo pro life all the way...and I said to him well what would happen if the mother was in danger, and the only way that she would survive is to abort the baby and now I have him thinking. Its amazing how a life experience can change your outlook...

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Originally posted by destiny779

I give them a lot of credit for having the kids bc of all the ish they put up with for having them.

While I agree with most of your statement, this particular section I have a hard time with. Perhaps if you explain what you meant before I assume anything.

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Originally posted by jerzeychic

Have you noticed all the guys are pro-life and all the girlz are pro -choice? I wonder why...... I am also pro-choice ( unless you are like my friend who has had 4 already and still dosen't change her ways)

i was surprised to see so many guys pro-life ... you would think (stereotypically) that they would be the opposite and not want anything to do with it but i guess not. maybe these guys are more matture then we give them credit for (well some of them anyway) !!

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Originally posted by jerzeychic

Have you noticed all the guys are pro-life and all the girlz are pro -choice? I wonder why...... I am also pro-choice ( unless you are like my friend who has had 4 already and still dosen't change her ways)

I think, and don't quote me on this, that I was the ONLY person to say PRO-LIFE........Not one other person, especially guy, said PRO-LIFE.

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

I think, and don't quote me on this, that I was the ONLY person to say PRO-LIFE........Not one other person, especially guy, said PRO-LIFE.

Id have to agree there. Who else, guy or girl, said they were pro life?

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Originally posted by jerzeychic

Have you noticed all the guys are pro-life and all the girlz are pro -choice? I wonder why...... I am also pro-choice ( unless you are like my friend who has had 4 already and still dosen't change her ways)

I think JBR and Brian1500 where the only guys to say Pro-Life. The rest of us said Pro-Choice.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

While I agree with most of your statement, this particular section I have a hard time with. Perhaps if you explain what you meant before I assume anything.

The mothers who have them when theyre endangering theyre own life. Women in college who are married or in a long term relationship that get pregnant and work doing both. A few of my friends have used protection and got pregnant anyway, and had the kids. Thats what I meant by that statement. :tongue:

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