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For your children's sake....


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i dunno what the hell is wrong with it!!! here's the article::

Full Cover Story- Electronic Music and Club Scene Jolted by News That House Music May Indeed Cause Sterility in Both Genders.

A one Dr. von Nostrum (pictured at left) of the University of Chicago has discovered an eerie link between House music and sterility in both men and women. House music is a combined mix of straight groove basslines and almost nauseating repetitive loops. These horrific melodies have not been viewed as particularly harmful until recently when von Nostrum and his team discovered that long-term exposure to House music may very well inhibit normal reproductive and hormonal activity.

In Females: The recurring beats and shrieking loops cause the brain to produce a lack of luteinizing hormone (lh) which means that the follicle holding the egg, or oocyte, to the endometrial lining may never actually release the egg. The egg eventually breaks apart into the corpus lutetium and passes through the rest of the menstrual cycle. If by chance the egg does actually become fertilized, von Nostrum believes that the egg will eventually just die off due to boredom. This dying off process is called Farina syndrome.

In Males: The lack of creativity along with the uninspiring melodies in the music ascribe to a deficient amount of rhythm inside the tail of the sperm. Without this ability to rhythmically move its flagellum back and forth the sperm remain still at the mouth of the cervix and look dumb as if they are lost or drunk. Try as they might, experts say that the mis-directed sperm cells will never actually reach their destination. After depleting the protein reserves stored inside the seminal fluid the sperm will eventually die.

Dr. von Nostrum says that this may not be such a bad thing. Does the world not have enough people that dance poorly and go out to clubs solely for the purpose of lucid procreation. Eventually all of the loyal house listeners will become extinct and that will part the dance floors for people with talent and an actual love for music. Critics such as The Coalition For The Advancement of House Music have responded to Dr. von Nostrum's theories with ill hearted negativity. Others have formed a sort of following behind him in support of the death of all House genres.

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Originally posted by houseb4titties

i dunno what the hell is wrong with it!!! here's the article::

Full Cover Story- Electronic Music and Club Scene Jolted by News That House Music May Indeed Cause Sterility in Both Genders.

A one Dr. von Nostrum (pictured at left) of the University of Chicago has discovered an eerie link between House music and sterility in both men and women. House music is a combined mix of straight groove basslines and almost nauseating repetitive loops. These horrific melodies have not been viewed as particularly harmful until recently when von Nostrum and his team discovered that long-term exposure to House music may very well inhibit normal reproductive and hormonal activity.

In Females: The recurring beats and shrieking loops cause the brain to produce a lack of luteinizing hormone (lh) which means that the follicle holding the egg, or oocyte, to the endometrial lining may never actually release the egg. The egg eventually breaks apart into the corpus lutetium and passes through the rest of the menstrual cycle. If by chance the egg does actually become fertilized, von Nostrum believes that the egg will eventually just die off due to boredom. This dying off process is called Farina syndrome.

In Males: The lack of creativity along with the uninspiring melodies in the music ascribe to a deficient amount of rhythm inside the tail of the sperm. Without this ability to rhythmically move its flagellum back and forth the sperm remain still at the mouth of the cervix and look dumb as if they are lost or drunk. Try as they might, experts say that the mis-directed sperm cells will never actually reach their destination. After depleting the protein reserves stored inside the seminal fluid the sperm will eventually die.

Dr. von Nostrum says that this may not be such a bad thing. Does the world not have enough people that dance poorly and go out to clubs solely for the purpose of lucid procreation. Eventually all of the loyal house listeners will become extinct and that will part the dance floors for people with talent and an actual love for music. Critics such as The Coalition For The Advancement of House Music have responded to Dr. von Nostrum's theories with ill hearted negativity. Others have formed a sort of following behind him in support of the death of all House genres.

ok ok this dr was obviously rolling balls when he came to this conclusion & wrote this shit !!:laugh::tongue::laugh::blown::hat:

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Originally posted by csugadikk

dont let the bootleg dr.ruth fool u....i worked at the tunnel for five years and my son(now 2.5) was conceived in the co-ed bathroomz. Either that bitch is retarded or i got super sperms!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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