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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

why not?

In that case... I would probably have to say Videl from the Dragonballz/GT series. I mean, she kicks some serious ass and doesn't need superpowers to do it, just her own strength. Oh, and she can fly... I would have to be able to fly... it is a must.

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Originally posted by legend38

My second pick would be Sabretooth, cause he is big,bad, and fora hairy dude he gets a lot of chicks :tongue::D


sammy the sabertooth tiger?!?!?! thats my happy meal toy.. I'll give it to you.. hehe...

Id be myself.. b/c im special and im my own superhero danananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Super Bebby!.. :laugh: .. it sounded good... :tongue:

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Originally posted by bebby6919

sammy the sabertooth tiger?!?!?! thats my happy meal toy.. I'll give it to you.. hehe...

Id be myself.. b/c im special and im my own superhero danananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Super Bebby!.. :laugh: .. it sounded good... :tongue:

Yes, you would give a whole new meaning to the phrase "special powers" :)

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Originally posted by rdancer

Nope only Marvel and DC!

i guess that rules out my first choice....oO( i guess vegitas also out) so substitutin for kenshin would be...(lemme get the marvel cards...)uhm.. i guess it would be Bishop

ok also the whole x-man, cable , ..... thing ok here goes

cyclops an jean grey are cable an x-mans parents (they are the same person)only thing is cable came from the future nate grey(x-man) came from a different dimenion where it was called the Age of Apocolypse(xavier is dead in that series killed by his son Legion thats how the whole alternate universe began) plus nate grey does not have the techno-organic virus that cable has(cause he was never infected by it from apocolyse) how he managed to go to the regular time-line i don t remember had something to do with Bishop i think i dun remember and stryfe i think was a clone of cable from the future(this part is a little cloudy for me)

i hope this clears up things.... an yes i used to be heavily into comics

oh an btw for my villan it would be my man THE JOKER!!!!! hes the shit hands down then Onslaught.... does ne1 know where i can get the last issue of the whole onslaught series? can t find it anywhere:(

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Originally posted by legend38

Yes, you would give a whole new meaning to the phrase "special powers" :)

:laugh: i think... maybe :( ... haha jk... yes i would b/c Im a special person (no rob not specail ed like your midget!)

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