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Graduation on Saturday


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Thanks Guys!! :) Sad to say but it took me 8 yrs. to go back to school and 2 yrs to finally finish..at least for my A.S. Now I am off to Barry University this summer...

BTW, Sunnyhost you mentioned you are going to be graduating from Barry???? I am going to start Barry in July.... How is Barry University??? :confused:

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Originally posted by naomi1

Thanks Guys!! :) Sad to say but it took me 8 yrs. to go back to school and 2 yrs to finally finish..at least for my A.S. Now I am off to Barry University this summer...

hey its never too late so,CONGRATZ !!:paint:

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

CONGRATS Noami did not know you had this nickname, I'll be sure to get the word out.:D

No, my name is either spelled Noemi/Naomi silly man...You would figure that after year of working together and sitting next to each other you would know how to spell my name. :eek:

BTW, thanks... You know I much love for ya!!! :grin:

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

The Raises just got start coming this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right!!! And I know for a fact that they are holding out on mine until graduation....May is my month... as you well know without naming the firm we work for they can be very cheap...:frown:

But as you well know, I always get what I want (or close to it). :tongue:

When that day finally does come we will go for beers at Gordon's for sure!!! For all the headaches I give you everyday... :laugh:

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Hey Naomi :o)

Well, I'm graduating with a degree in Special Education. I'm not really all that sure about the pre-law program, but Barry itself is a great school. The small teacher to student ratio is great, the facutly and students get pretty close and they are really there to help you through everything :o) Where are you going to be taking your classes? Main campus?

N-E-Ways, if you need anything else just let me know girlie =o)

Take it easy!

P.S: I believe some graduation celebrations are in store! I know as far as for me...the partying starts next Wed. after my LAST final, but hey...I'll be willing to party b4 that too. lol;)

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

Hey Naomi :o)

Well, I'm graduating with a degree in Special Education. I'm not really all that sure about the pre-law program, but Barry itself is a great school. The small teacher to student ratio is great, the facutly and students get pretty close and they are really there to help you through everything :o) Where are you going to be taking your classes? Main campus?

N-E-Ways, if you need anything else just let me know girlie =o)

Take it easy!

P.S: I believe some graduation celebrations are in store! I know as far as for me...the partying starts next Wed. after my LAST final, but hey...I'll be willing to party b4 that too. lol;)

I will be attending the main campus...the drive may become a pain but nothing is worth it if no sacrifice is made... Everyone tells me that it is a great school so I am sure that their pre-law program must be pretty good too. I am so excited!!! :bounce: This weekend I may take it easy but who knows until the weekend is actually here....I will keep you posted on any GRADUATION CELEBRATION!!!! :):cool:

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