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Space's Year Two Anniversary This Saturday 5/18...


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Let me roll up my sleeves & remove my hat for this one...

Space Haters-- It's gettting really old already, & frankfly, it bores me. I'd hate to break it to ya but Our residents from the start have made space what it is today, of course with a little help from our amazing special guests & quarterly residents.

This saturday its all about the locals who helped Space get to where we are today. Unfortunately all who have contributed can't be with us, but a great many are. If we focused our party on a particular guest, I think it wouldn't be fair to those who have put in their hard work week in & out. Be thankful for that and have some cheese with your wine...

God forbid--I'd hate to think that when rain's 1st anniversary comes by, we'd have some rain hater say that Rain was built on their special guests & why have DHM spin when u can make a bigger party with so on... You know well why people go to Rain, crobar, level, etc.--the RESIDENTS!! & thats the same reason people go to space, believe it or not. It's not about PVD putting on a show 6 times a year, or Danny's 14+ hour marathon the 7 times he visits the place. Yeah, those guys have lent us a big hand & we are extremely thankful to have them visit soo frequently. But what happens on the other weeks?? Think back, why were the fridays soo special back then, or why the saturdays are soo special now... That should give you a clue.

Those who say Space's success isn't about their residents have shitted on the talents of those who take the decks week in and week out. The residents are our base/foundation. If it weren't for them, many of our special guests wouldn't be known, recognized & praised as they are here in Miami.

We give you a great party to attend every week & even when we have a guest @ Space who you aren't familiar with, you still show up, because regardless, you know its still gonna be one falkin' great party!!

So to all those who hate on Space can KISS MY Falkin' ASS!! This thread offends me & my hard work, so don't expect my reply again...

to those who need questions answered, I will be happy to anwser all of them. However, Please email or pm me your requests... Biznation00@hotmail.com

Enjoy your weekend where ever you may be... To those who have and will support-- the Space fam & I thank you...

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Biz u make a good point there. The thing is we have some hypocrites in this CP board. One day space is the best club and then next night Space sucks because they had to pay to get in and no free drinks or no special guest Dj. Biz i appreciate everything u done for the Club scene in miami thanks. P.S miami is spoil:cry:

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congratulations to Space - Louis and George.......

seeing that place being built from ground up and seeing that torn down wharehouse when Louis drove me to the site right when the ground work hadnt even started to where it is today and how far it has gotten is UNBELIEVABLE.

a more than remarkable job and a shitload of work form many many people (i know first hand)

proud to be an ORIGINAL staff member

happy 2 years !!!!!:cool:

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of course like always...some words are taken out of context. i hope no one was pointing a finger at what i said or directly commentating on what i said either. not once did i bash the locals. nor did i say that the anniversary should be just about specials guests. bring in one or two and still have the locals. i guarantee you there will be a bigger response.

now about the comment that if it weren't for the locals most wouldn't know about the special guests...i find that funny. the reason they're a "special guest" is because they ARE known. they have a following. they have spun at other clubs around the world. that's the whole ideal behind a "special guest". to bring out ppl that normally wouldn't go to a club to hear the locals.

and you can be damn sure that aquabooty's 1 year anniversary @ rain will feature a very "special guest". you know why? cuz they bring one in almost every single week. sometimes two. i'll admit...i don't always go to rain to hear dhm. as much as i love them, i've seen them a lot of times over the past 2 - 3 years. i've seen them @ blue, @ goddess and i could've seen them @ nikki's if i wanted to.

you're damn right miami's spoiled. and we should be spoiled. we have possibly the best weather in the us. the best clubs in the us. the best sound systems in the us...yet the biggest club in miami seems to not bring in the big names week in week out. mix it up. how much of pvd, tenaglia and deep dish can space play out? live up to the name.

i know i'll catch some slack for this and really...i could care less. this whole space issue has been beaten to death. last time i post on this topic.

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biz, calm down boy..... :)

I'll admit someone must be doing something right because space has had a great run.

But to say it is because of the locals is a bunch of crap, did they help? Yes, but not nearly as much as the "Names" and the 24 hour liq license.

and to anyone who says I am being hypocritical, do a search. I never really liked Space (to say I hated it is just stupid)

If anything, it would be hypocritical of me to jump on the bandwagon now and pretend I forgot what happened with Edgar, what assholes the security can and have been, how slow the line moved before nidnight when it was free and how fast it moved after when they had to collect money, how angry and/or cracked out many of the guys are (vibe killer) how low the ceilings are, how nervous I feel leaving my girl alone to use the restroom etc....

And let me see a girl respond here..... Is Space a place you would feel comfortable gong by yourself and having a few drinks? Do you feel the security would make you feel safe or take advantage of you? (a little low blow, I know, but it still reflects on the mgmt that hired him)

and Biz, I like the Space Family reference. I finally found a family more disfunctional than my own. Space is a business and I understand that, but lets not be delusional or Ill have to interview some of the disowned family members. (i.e your in the family until you disagree with dad)

BTW... please don't take it personally, I know all the things that bother me are pretty much beyond your control and you seem like a great guy and have been very cool to the CP crew.

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as frank said "this whole space issue has been beaten to death". the negative commentary isn’t scoring any points; or changing anyone’s opinion. it’s getting boring. if you appreciate and enjoy the place as I, and many others due great. if you don’t; find a venue that suits you’re fancy and enjoy it.

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Originally posted by sobeton

as frank said "this whole space issue has been beaten to death". the negative commentary isn’t scoring any points; or changing anyone’s opinion. it’s getting boring. if you appreciate and enjoy the place as I, and many others due great. if you don’t; find a venue that suits you’re fancy and enjoy it.

I agree w/ u Sobeton.. First thing I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions but bottom line is the majority of people go to Space and like it. It doesn't matter who is there and who isn't. The whole venue in itself creates a great place to have a good time...Isn't that what everyone wants??? Besides, Space has been open for 2 yrs and have done very well. I think they know exactly what they are doing. :eek:

So for any negative remarks that anyone has to say about Space take it easy b/c for sure you all... are the first ones there in line every weekend. :tongue:

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You guys are right, it has been beaten to death, but I usually ignored those threads, and now here I am turning a real thread into a bitch fest.

I only meant to say that I thought the success of Space had more to do with the smart decision to bring in the big named DJ's when on one else was.

Im glad everyone else seems to like the club, I don't have a personal grudge or anything, and I do love their residents, its just not for me.

I'll shut up now........ (first time for everything)

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Originally posted by shroomy

I'll shut up now........ (first time for everything)


This is a message where everyone is entitled to express themselves however way they choose to. Which also means, if you post something that someone else feels differently they also are entitled to express their disagreement. Some people (not say u) on this board take things way too personal... I have been on this board since Jan. and I have seen things get way out hand. Sometimes it has become more of personal attack on people than the actual issue that is being discussed.

Regardless, enough said about this and let's take it easy and take a chill pill....:eek: j/k

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damn me & sobeton had a blast !!!! i also met sgt.fury.....i left @ around 7 but didnt get to meet all the other peeps from here that were going ...& THAT SHIAT WAS PACKED !! the patio opened at around 12.. it usually opens @ 2 or 3 in the morning.. & NAOMI , where the hell were you ??:laugh: me & tony were like uhhhhhhh so whut does she look like ? how do we find her...but failed to realize we 4got to ask you where to meet ...:laugh: oh well , next time.... now im gonna try to go to bed cause im still rolling ... :cool: so im out !!

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I had an awesome awesome time too! Got there around 430 and stayed until 10:30ish...the patio was insane! I got to hide out from the rain by the dj booth...but people were going nuts dancing away in the rain! lol..crazy kids i tell ya ;o) Got to see Lalo and Biz (thanks 4 the Cd...been playing it nonstop..its great!)...JEss u were missed...sorry 2 hear ab the ride...next time I guess!...would've loved to have met other people, but just like Koky..I don't know what u guy slook like! lol:tongue: Guess we'll have to figure something out 4 the next time!

:D Happy 2yr Anniversary Space!:D

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Originally posted by koky

.. & NAOMI , where the hell were you ??:laugh: me & tony were like uhhhhhhh so whut does she look like ? how do we find her...but failed to realize we 4got to ask you where to meet ...:laugh: oh well , next time....

I obviously I missed an awesome party. I was going to go but at the very last minute something came up that I couldn't go. :(

But believe me my thought were there with you guys hoping that all of you had a great time for me. Memorial day weekend is coming up and Space sounds to be the place to be. I will not be heading to the beach at all since there is going to be way too much madness and people there.

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