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too old to return to my raver roots? nah...


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the performer who first inspired me to dance without any inhibitions, who made me feel that i could do anything on the dancefloor and that i belonged there whenever i got to a party, the one who taught me that i can and should go out alone, my muse - if i may be so lofty with that one - is coming to town!

space girl. she's not a dj, but rather an artiste on keyboards and various thingamajiggies that i don't understand. i first saw her at a rave on july 6, 2000. (i'd been going to raves for years before then, but never felt comfortable dancing unless in a group of friends.) she's based in nyc, where i'm from, and she pretty much sticks to the rave circuit. and therein lies the problem.

raves here are all ages, which means that they're mostly populated by kids in their mid-teens. my friends are giving me the "wellllll... we don't go to raves anymore," thing, but, if i had to go alone, who would i talk to all night? damn - i don't wanna be some people's version of "the old guy in the club" (even though i'm female) by going to a rave at 24.

well, i gotta go, 'cause space girl won't come 'round again for a long time and i've missed her so much... but what do y'all think i can tell my friends to convince them to come, besides explaining the impact that this woman has had on my life?

p.s. here's a link to the party info : http://www.26c.org/

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Originally posted by msbobois

i'm still thinking about it...but you're gonna have to go shopping with me for an outfit!

you can always borrow something from me (as long as it doesn't involve height, like pants :D ), otherwise, i never have a problem with going shopping!

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so are you guys going?

well, if i was in that situation, i would say "screw it" and go....at my young and tender 27 years of age, i dont feel weird alongside the raver crowd, in fact alot of the best parties that i've gone have been raves.....i know i got some raver pants hidden around my closet somewhere...or somefink like raver pants.....

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fuckin' a, vicman; most of the best parties i've been to have been raves (although most of the parties i've been to have been raves, but, whatever.). i've got a good story about the pants, though:

i had a crush on one of the help desk (computer tech) staff at my old job. he wasn't the brightest of people, but he had the sweetest face... the only thing he could ever think of to talk to me about was raves, limited conversationalist that he was. so, one day, when he happened to be near my desk and the summer company picnic was to happen that weekend, he said, "hey, are you going to the company picnic? i hear it's gonna be a rave," and he gave me that smile with which i was so smitten :love2: . but, damn, was that a lameass comment.

"it couldn't be a rave," i said. "everyone would have to borrow my clothes." and here's where i put my great big foot in my mouth -

"what i wouldn't give to see you in my pants."

i don't remember what was said after that, but he left letting me think that perhaps he hadn't gotten the double-meaning of that one. my co-workers, however, didn't let me live it down for a good long time.

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bwhahahahaha LMAO

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

phuny shit yo. lots of my uh, "normal non-music friends" dont even know that I used to go to raves alot, needless to say they dont even know about the raver pants. i leave the raver pants at home nowadays for less "baggy" attire but dayum, i do miss those nights and days of endless raving.

we got starscape coming up soon here in the dc area, looking fwd. fo' that, maybe I'll break out those pants again...the visor..i need to get myself a visor again :D

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i have a visor and a couple of fisherman-kinda hats that are hella cute, but i went dancing with a hat once and couldn't deal with how hot it kept me. i do have bangs, though, so that probably made it even worse. i have no clue how people wear wool caps (beanies) in clubs.

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i've used wool caps a couple of times and enede the night totally drenched in sweat. i didnt want to leave them in coat check so i took 'em in with me..needless to say, i will not be doing that again.

speaking of raver pants, which reeminds me of shorts, i've nvere used shorts when going to club or a rave, always pants...dunno, i guess its easier to lose things with shorts.

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