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weyes' wisdom of the day 5/20-a happy discovery shared


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i just broke out an old cd that i bought a long time ago and didn't particularly care for at the time - except for one song. but, upon listening to it again, after all these years, i find that it's actually something i've come to like.

something already in my current library that might as well be brand new :) .

tune in tomorrow.

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yeah, that happened to me to over the weekend...moved into a new place, as I was unpacking my stuff, i came lots and lots of old CD's and tapes, like Pet Shop Boys, Duran Duran and early 80's or mid 80's tapes like Bananarama...i was like, "whoa! havent heard these in ages!"

ah, they bring back memories of distant times.....


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my brother took all of my duran duran lps (i had all of them up to arena) with him to college without asking, then proceeded to lose them all :mad3: . he has still yet to replace them, and those would cost quite a bit, not to mention take a little looking around to find.

i was THE biggest duran duran fan, yo.

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i love that album (decade) because I uhhh..."borrowed" my older sisters tapes some time ago and uh...lost them all (story sounds familiar?), so I get all the big hits on 1 CD in Decade :D

wish I could make my hair grow like Simon LeBon had his back in the mid 80's

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speaking of 80's music

remember this?


dayum, i recall seeing the video for Careless Whisper... I think I was flipping channels while Wimbledon was on a commercial break, and thinking, "whoa! look at that hair!" then my sister would walk in the room and have the same puffy hair.

I also remeber watching the "West End Girls" vid by PSB, and thinking, "dayum, whhata load of crap, they call this a video?"

A couple of years later, and to the date, I'm hooked on PSB.

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"make it big" is the shit!

i was visiting germany in 1984 with my family, for my stepfather's mother's eightieth b'day party (my stepfather is from germany). while there, we visited my stepfather's best friend, who had a daughter around my brother and my age. while my mom and stepdad hung out in the kitchen with the best friend and his wife, my brother and i were stuck with their daughter, who spoke not a word of english. after learning that we all shared a love for wham!, she was so excited that she couldn't stop gushing to us in german for the rest of the night. we had to spend it running back and forth from her room to the kitchen just to carry on a conversation, but i think all that was really said was that she loved george michael, and she had to make sure we understood just how much.

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'make it big' is a permanenet in mt collection, damn tape is almost falling apart from the many hours of endless entertainment it has provided me with, maybe its time to get the CD and discard old faithful.

culture club was another biggie, especially when they came out with Karma Chameleo, couldnt get enough of that song, same as A-Ha with Take on Me and Love is Reason...damn, I'm taking these 8 tracks out and giving them another listen...


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my brother and i used to put on the go-go's' "head over heels" on whatever lp album that was and put it on 45rpm instead. then we'd put on plastic charm necklaces and fluorescent scarves, lip sync, dance around frenetically, and force our parents to watch every single time, thinking it was utterly hilarious.

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i now also remember the bangles, "walk like an egypcian"...damn video was funny...

what i used to do witha freind of mine was gram a wire hanger and bend it and pretend it was microphone, crank the stereo all the way up and run allover the house with our socks on, pretending we were tom cruise in risky business singing "Old Time Rock N' Roll"...however i think we never ran around in our underware :D

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