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WWE Deranged Fan!

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Fuckin guy in an edmonton oilers jersey ran into the ring during the Eddie Guerreo vs Rob Van dam ladder match and pushed the ladder out from underneath Eddie as he was standing on top of it. LOL.... eddie started beating the guy as wwe officials took the guy out. Funny shit.:laugh:

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Originally posted by roninmess

Fuckin guy in an edmonton oilers jersey ran into the ring during the Eddie Guerreo vs Rob Van dam ladder match and pushed the ladder out from underneath Eddie as he was standing on top of it. LOL.... eddie started beating the guy as wwe officials took the guy out. Funny shit.:laugh:

FUCK!! I fell asleep during that match!!! Ima go see who won right now.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I'm just surprised that it hasn't happened before.

I saw it at a House show at msg a few years ago. Some guy attacked DX(hhh, road dogg, xpac and billy gun) and hhh and xpac destroyed the guy and MSG and WWF(at the time) security had to break it up.

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