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Actually a year ago or so I would have thought it is a good way to meet people...

...and it might still be a good way of initially making first contact with people (btw: I'm not talking about romance or sex relationships...just making friends)...

...at the end, it really comes down though if you click with the person in real life or not. People don't always portray themselves on a board the way they really are ...it's so much easier to be sexy, 'beautiful', mean or even mad at people that you don't really see....so I think that real misconceptions about the person on the other end exist and that it's than harder to adjust to the real person as you have created a different picture in your head.

I would say.... make initial contact but then meet the people and try to get to know the real person.

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Originally posted by somebitch

i mean more aol & stuff. guys msg me all the time from finding my profile and want to take me out, is this a good idea???

I wouldn't do it. I prefer to get to know people in a group setting, and take it to a more personal level only if we really hit it off. Guys contacting you through your AOL profile sounds pretty sketchy to me.

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Originally posted by somebitch

i mean more aol & stuff. guys msg me all the time from finding my profile and want to take me out, is this a good idea???

...well I would definitely be careful about those "private meetings".... it's one thing to go out as a group and meet new people a totally different thing to go out with a total stranger....don't forget "everyone can be NORMAL through the internet" .....for all you know.....I could be a 50 year old men (like spragga) and you wouldn't really know ;)

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Originally posted by flying_high

for all you know.....I could be a 50 year old men (like spragga) and you wouldn't really know ;)

OMG!- :laugh:

Yeah, I don't know about meeting someone like that one-on-one... especially based on the way they contacted you...

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i hooked up w/ a little cuban honey once...it was nice for about a week or so...she turned out to be self-destructive, an alcoholic, and a player...which was all ok for a while but it got tired real quick...i could not even stay friends with her and that is saying a lot...after this i swore off hooking up online...but after seeing people like fiery, kat and tasty, that swear is teetering on being erased...we'll see...bottom line is whatever you're comfortable with...my dad's neighbors met online and are now married...ofcourse they're trailer trash but that's another story...

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Outside of CP I've only met one person offline. It was someone that I was downloading a song off of ((Rich Luzzi's Without You, LOL!!))

He turned out to be an awesome guy, but unfortunetly, I was rebounding from my ex. We were seeing each other for almost 8 months ((yeah, a real COMPLEX rebound)) and he was awesome.

As far as guys just checking out your profile and wanting to meet you....where is the substance there??? They know nothing of your interests, personality, likes/dislikes, the whole nine...I would say don't do it...

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Originally posted by marcid21

Outside of CP I've only met one person offline. It was someone that I was downloading a song off of ((Rich Luzzi's Without You, LOL!!))

He turned out to be an awesome guy, but unfortunetly, I was rebounding from my ex. We were seeing each other for almost 8 months ((yeah, a real COMPLEX rebound)) and he was awesome.

As far as guys just checking out your profile and wanting to meet you....where is the substance there??? They know nothing of your interests, personality, likes/dislikes, the whole nine...I would say don't do it...

what if you get his pic and hes a cutie??
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Originally posted by somebitch

what if you get his pic and hes a cutie??

LOL...well then, it's totally ok!!! Haha...no seriously, I'd maybe talk on the phone with him a couple times first...make sure he's semi-normal...and then take it from there....just listen to your gut I guess.:D

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Originally posted by marcid21

LOL...well then, it's totally ok!!! Haha...no seriously, I'd maybe talk on the phone with him a couple times first...make sure he's semi-normal...and then take it from there....just listen to your gut I guess.:D

I wouldn't even give out my number... there are some real whackos out there, and you REALLY don't want to be one of those people who gets to tell the "yeah so I had to change my number" story. I guess maybe I'm paranoid, but we all know how easy it is to lie on the Internet.

One time in high school my friend and I had a couple of girls (we think, lol) on AOL believing that we both weighed 400 lbs and sat around eating pork rinds all day... :D

I don't imagine it would be too hard to give the opposite impression. A photo jacked from amihotornot.com, a friendly-sounding screen name, you're set!

(I'm really not THAT paranoid, but these are all things to keep in mind... is some random stranger off the Internet really worth the risk? The CP meetups are different because, like I said, you're in a group setting, very safe, and you don't have to give out any information to make it to one.)

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