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There's a subway party tonight. Wear All Green!

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Originally posted by hoke


Kind of tired right now... will discuss in the am.

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

damnit, I told you... I want to hear all about it...

see, I told you it'd be worth buying some green pants...

doh, wish I had gotten to go... but oh well, next time.

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Originally posted by joeg

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

damnit, I told you... I want to hear all about it...

see, I told you it'd be worth buying some green pants...

doh, wish I had gotten to go... but oh well, next time.

Actually I would have been ok without the pants. Some people weren't even wearing green -- it had more to do with presenting an image for their cause.

I'm REALLY glad you talked me into going though, dude :aright:

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Originally posted by hoke

Actually I would have been ok without the pants. Some people weren't even wearing green -- it had more to do with presenting an image for their cause.

I'm REALLY glad you talked me into going though, dude :aright:

haha, i'm glad you had a great time...

i'm not missing the next thing like this!

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(good seeing seeing ya Rakham!)

Those complacent mothers are insaaaane!

For the first time I'm speechless..err.

reviewless..guess I'll just let the pictures

say it all when I post them.

See ya on the TRONIC BOAT!

:D :D :D

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Okay here goes...

I found out about this after I got off work, around 6pm. JoeG told me I was supposed to wear ALL green, so I jetted up to Canal St. Jeans as quick as I could in hopes of finding some budget green pants (as luck would have it, I was already wearing a green shirt!) Found some for only $15 (nice!) only to find out the moment I stepped out of the store that Joe, Kristy and Marci wouldn't be making it. Oh well... it sounded too damn crazy to miss, and Mugz would still be there, so I decided to give it a shot anyway.

I didn't have time to go home, so I went up to Union Square and changed into my new pants in the Barnes & Noble bathroom. I managed to roll up my old pants and sqeeze them into one of my cargo pockets, so I didn't have to carry around a shopping bag for the rest of the night.

After a quick bite to eat, I headed back to Union Square again around 8pm. The green people were starting to accumulate by then... and some of them were VERY green! Green war paint, bandanas, t-shirts, people carrying palm leaves... it was a crazy, crazy crew! I found out from overhearing conversations that the purpose of the party was to raise awareness against deforestation of the rainforests. I don't think a lot of people really knew that, though -- most of the people I heard just knew that there was some sort of crazy party in the making.

I ran into Mugz and Amy, chatted with them a bit, and shortly thereafter made the acquaintance of a group of people about my age who were kind enough to share with me some of the scotch they'd brought along. They seemed to take a liking to me and sort of adopted me into their group for the rest of the night... so the adventures from this point on all take place in their company. :)

At about 8:30, about when the organizers seemed to be getting ready to rally people together, all hell broke loose. In a matter of seconds, the sky opened up and unleashed one of the heaviest downpours I've ever experienced... and the crowd just went with it! A few people had umbrellas and some people huddled under those, but most people just stood out in the rain, getting drenched and grinning at each other ear-to-ear.

That's when the drums started.

The people with palm leaves started dancing to the drums, waving the leaves in the air and moving together in a circle, people cheering them on. But people REALLY started cheering when the fire jugglers came out! There, in Union Square, in the middle of a torrential rain, I witnessed a moment more tribal than DT's best moment at Vinyl. It was truly magical.

Around 8:40 or so, we finally found out our destination: the downtown 4 train. The crowd marched into the station, whooping and cheering the whole way. When we descended on the platform, the drums started up again. It was the most fantastic sight -- a mob of people waiting for a train, dancing and chanting and drinking and smoking ;)... everybody amazed at the atmosphere of it all and smiling at each other in disbelief.

Our train finally came and things settled down a little -- it was very crowded and somewhat uncomfortable since we were all completely drenched. Nobody knew where we were going. For the most part, the other people on the train seemed to take it in stride. We were courteous in letting them off when they needed to, and we even let new people on (the brave ones; most people just waited for the next train!)

We switched trains once and ended up in Prospect Park. A short march, and we found ourselves at a playground in the park, and that's where the group basically set up camp. The drumming became louder than ever, the fire jugglers put on a fantastic show including a couple of fire-breathers, and people danced their asses off! (This is when I called you, Cat... I remembered that we had planned on doing a drum circle, so I thought you'd appreciate it.)

At one point one of the organizers stood in the middle of the crowd with her top off (to get attention, I assume) and tried to give a speech about deforestation. They really should have brought a bullhorn... nobody could hear and nobody really seemed to care, either -- there were some very rude outbursts comging from the crowd. The party resumed with even fuller force when she stopped talking.

After a while, the group I was with decided to head off and chill at one of the guy's houses, nearby. I went with them, and that's where my report on the Green Party comes to a close.

IT WAS UNREAL. Seriously like nothing I'd ever experienced. I only thought it was unfortunate that there was a slight aura of concern over the crowd -- we knew that we were probably doing something illegal, and people got a little nervous when cops came by the park. They didn't do anything in the time I was there, though... still, I thought it was sad that such a joyous festivity could be tainted by fear of the law.

I'm really glad I went. Mugz, thanks for bringing this to our attention -- I'll definitely be at the next one!


P.S. Those pics Mugz linked to give a pretty good impression of what it was like in the train... I'm looking forward to seeing the photos from this one!

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Originally posted by hoke

I'm really glad I went. Mugz, thanks for bringing this to our attention -- I'll definitely be at the next one!


P.S. Those pics Mugz linked to give a pretty good impression of what it was like in the train... I'm looking forward to seeing the photos from this one!

Glad you made it man!

I wish more people round here

had your sense of adventure!

Complacent parties are the shit

and I go to MANY events like these..

(Lunaterium, Combustive arts, Chasama

theatre etc..)

It's a very different vibe than

the average CLUBBING experience

and that's what makes these events


I will keep posting about these sort

of things as I always have...

Hopefully the spirit will grow

within this community...

Summer brings hope for me~

and I hope more of you will







*411 on a complacent party soon

(I'm off to a block party now,

pics to come Monday hopefully.)

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Originally posted by mugwump

Glad you made it man!

I wish more people round here

had your sense of adventure!

Complacent parties are the shit

and I go to MANY events like these..

(Lunaterium, Combustive arts, Chasama

theatre etc..)

It's a very different vibe than

the average CLUBBING experience

and that's what makes these events


I will keep posting about these sort

of things as I always have...

Hopefully the spirit will grow

within this community...

Summer brings hope for me~

and I hope more of you will







*411 on a complacent party soon

(I'm off to a block party now,

pics to come Monday hopefully.)

BWAH! It WAS Complacent...do-oh! :mad:

Sigh.. next year.... Glad y'all had fun though ;)

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I'd have to agree with every single word mugz said. That was pottentially the most absurd, friendly, hilariously fun, thing i have done in a very very long time. Constant drumming, in the train, off teh train, on the platforms, in the streets...i dunno, it was just an amazing wave i guess of joyous happy people, and the vibe was so good and so contagious that i'm pretty sure i didn't see one face out of the 100+ that wasn't constantly smiling. And Hoke had it right on when he described the scene in union square before we rallied and all just kinda rushed the trains. The lightning, thunder, and like torential downpours gave the whole thing the most amazing, powerful emotion, r vibe, or something...but regardless that was undoubtedly one of the most amazing moments in recent memory. But Hoke, i dunno what train you were riding on

Our train finally came and things settled down a little --

The train was like the most out of control and fun moment for me. Everyone had drumstricks and like everyone with one was playing the nearest thing to them that would give them a sound...the handles in the train, any and all metalic signs, trashcans, the ceiling f the train...everything! I was lucky enough to get put under like this big hollow steel intake fan thing on th train, and i'm prety sure i only stopped playing it like once every 5 minutes for a quick drink from either my own concotin, or one of the many random bottles i watched float through the train car.

But anyway, long story (or rambling post) short...Last night was a blast. and i think i heard a rumor floating around about another gathering of this flavor in mid june. im not sure though so everyne jus keep your ears open, they're deffinetly good times that are not to be missed.

O and Mugz it was nice to meet you last night man. nice job starting the thread :)

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Originally posted by markizwhoiam

But Hoke, i dunno what train you were riding on

Eh -- I had a feeling the other cars had something we didn't. We had a shortage of drums & drumming utensils in our car. I tried to get some stuff started by clapping and drumming on the doors, but nobody picked up on it. :/

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Always hop on the LAST TWO CARS

(If you can) That's where the naked drunk

green people where banging away a tribal storm..

Dear lord..

It was like STOMP meets "Warriors" meets

Burning man on a train....

Can't believe the cops let all this slide

what with all the FBI warnings..lOl*


(Go-go and I ate smores after a few stops

so we missed the park activities..)

Pics to come!:D

(Mark nice to meet you too dude..

hope I see more of you at thse sort

of things~)

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