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weyes' wisdom of the day - 5/31


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That's how i get over disappointment and breakups... even if there is nothing concrete to look forward to, i can imagine that something will come...

Here's what im looking forward to:

--Taking Weekend trips to Woodstock this summer

--hopefully making it out to Cali this summer

--buying a yamaha keyboard and start producing music

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i was looking forward to someone answering this thread :D !

one of my very best friend's parents had a house in woodstock that they went to on the weekends. so many mosquitoes, but i, as a city kid, always loved seeing the stars. i spent a lot of time on my roof in the city, but it sure wasn't the same. still, a weekend was always as much as i could take of being away from the free life - not being held captive in a house, miles away from anything.

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i'm looking forward to my twinkie for lunch....

you know sometimes i would like to be a kid again, spending a good chunk of my summers in the family house, on my fathers side of the family, back in mexico. just playing video games, hanging out with my cousins, getting dirty everyday, pigging out, going out to the farm and seeing the cows, chickens and pigs with the calves, chicks and pigglets running all over the place..stuffing myslef silly :( :(

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Originally posted by vicman

i'm looking forward to my twinkie for lunch....

you know sometimes i would like to be a kid again, spending a good chunk of my summers in the family house, on my fathers side of the family, back in mexico. just playing video games, hanging out with my cousins, getting dirty everyday, pigging out, going out to the farm and seeing the cows, chickens and pigs with the calves, chicks and pigglets running all over the place..stuffing myslef silly :( :(

:D does sound nice...

i've never had a twinkie, my whole life. they frighten me :shake: .

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well, i havent had a twinkie in a very long tieme either, but growing up, any hostess product was all i needed to be a happy camper..and little debbie..oooo..and i just loved the dolly madison charlie brown snack cakes with the apple, lemon, blueberry, cherry fillings...oo..i havent seen those nor had those in a long time :(

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Originally posted by gmccookny


why is that, weyes?/?

I personally prefer cup cakes :tongue:

i guess it was the old question when we were kids about how they put the cream in, because there didn't seem to be a hole in the sides (or is there, you guys?). also, the spongey stuff isn't really cake; so what is it? and what is the cream, anyway? it just seems like lard or shortening to me - something really gross. it's just not :worry: right somehow, i guess. sorry to the twinkie fans.

and my parents didn't let me have the ones you're talking about, vic. i only got to eat the ones that they liked, too, which wasn't a bad thing at all, really. my mom liked entenmann's coffee cakes and would buy their donut and donut holes, and my dad would buy dutch mill's glazed donuts. i don't know if dutch mill is still around; i think not, actually. but they were high quality and the dense, saturated kind that people forgo these days in favor of those bullshit krispy kreme ones that have no substance at all - blech. my mom and we also made cookies from scratch a lot. loads o' fun and soooo good. every tuesday morning was pancake morning, biscuits on the weekend (both from scratch, too) and we made the best birthday cakes :tongue: . yummy...

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im hungry :(

we used to have waffles or pancackes usually on the weekends, and during the week we would also make cookies. that is definitly one of the things that i do miss about living at home. i mean its not that i cant cook (contrary, i love to cook) but for one is the time and second is that at the parents house i still get much more variety of stuff when i visit.

donut holes are money

coffee cakes are money (i especially like the crumble crust)

now, you know, one thing i've never made is donuts...hmmmmm...hmmmm

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Originally posted by vicman

im hungry :(

we used to have waffles or pancackes usually on the weekends, and during the week we would also make cookies. that is definitly one of the things that i do miss about living at home. i mean its not that i cant cook (contrary, i love to cook) but for one is the time and second is that at the parents house i still get much more variety of stuff when i visit.

donut holes are money

coffee cakes are money (i especially like the crumble crust)

now, you know, one thing i've never made is donuts...hmmmmm...hmmmm

Now you're talking :D

When i start a family, im going to *Officially* designate Saturday as Pancake Day and Sunday as the Wild Card (French Toast, Waffels, Omlette's et al...)

And speaking of Twinkies ( :laugh: to weyes about what she said ) Which wins: Little Debbie or Hostess ?

I just bought some hostess Twinkies and cupcakes yesterday (have to buy them together) and i wanna know which is the king and which is the bishop :confused:

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we made donuts a couple of times, but only when i was very young, so i don't remember exactly how we did it. i do remember, however, that it took a lot of work and wasn't easy. deep-fat frying, or something.?

o, and we used to make fudge a lot. yummmmm. that takes doing, too, getting the mixture to the right temperature without burning it. and if you don't get it hot enough it won't harden well enough. labor-intensive.

my jewish grandma used to make matzo-brei (sp?) - the same idea as french toast but with crumbled matzo (pieces about 1 and 1/2 inches square) instead. yummy and easy.

the only things i can cook are breakfast and dessert :D .

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one of my uncles back in mexico loves to cook. he used to make donuts once or twice a month. a bit time consuming, but they were well worth the effort.

i love banana nut bread also, and when i make it, its usually gone the same day i made it..and of course bread,. your everyday type of bread, its time consuming but nothing beats it when it comes out of thoven and its all warm and you smear butter on it....:drool:

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my stepmother makes the best banana bread... (why don't they have an eating smiley?)

so, she made some for my 8-year-old half-sister's school bake sale, and it sold hella fast. my sister also ended up eating a good portion of it on the side ;) . "it sold so quickly," my stepmother said. "i really don't know where it went."

"i do!" my sister said. "in the toilet :flush: !"

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and muffins i also love muffins, any type..especially the top..there was a seinfeld episode some time ago on muffin tops...like with banana bread the top, for me, is the best part.

when i was a kid, the first thing i wanted to be was a pastry chef, its kinda good that i'm not, i would probably be 30lbs heavier :D

but i still enjoy baking and doing all of that malarky from time to time

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