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Newbie sayin what's up

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Hi everybody - great meeting you all at the meetup last night (dave, rachel1997, bigpoppanils, ghhhhhost, teklord310, scoobie, clubkat, djjonstephen, apotheosis, sexxybabyd, spragga25, djmoonshine, legend38, sorry I can't remember all of you). It was a good time, nice to meet a bunch of positive people.

Well I had one helluva night. After the meetup, I got a ride & complimentary cd from apotheosis over to roxy. Apparently the door men thought I was a little too drunk, and told me to come back a little later. Well we waited a bit, and tried again - this time one guy said "hey, he's with the guy that tried to steal the tickets." Later I found out that the first time we tried to get in, one of the bouncers accused my friend olu (big black guy at the meetup) of stealing tickets - something my friend would never do (in fact I think he's uncapable of stealing anything). They turned us away for good, and I was pissed off, as I'd been looking forward to this for over a week. :( I kinda got a bad taste for roxy bouncers. Anyway, it was partially my fault for being a little too drunk, and after a while I took the opportunity to go over to vinyl for my first time (wanted to go to groovejet, but had no clue where it was).

I had some more troubles as I got into vinyl, one of the bouncers took a photon light from me (had no idea they weren't allowed), but oh well. But after that it was all good, we tore up the dancefloor for over 7 hours, and DT was sick. Unfortunately my friend Olu was feeling bad, and (we thought) he left early. We left at 7:30 after looking everywhere for him and drove back to our apartment at Lehigh U. (Bethlehem, PA)... just as we got back, I got a call from Olu - he had just woke up in some hidden room in the club and was looking for us... lol. Well he ended up having to take a bus back - I feel bad for him as he lost his ID & cell phone but oh well.

Well I know this all sounds bad, but overall I had a great night dancing my ass off at vinyl. It was great meeting all of you - sorry I didn't get to party with any of you at roxy or groovejet. I'll be back in 3-4 weeks (still trying to pick the event to come back for), and I hope to see all of you & actually party with you this time. :)

Everyone say what's up to the newbie!


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yoooooo ! gmoney whats da deal...nice meetin u man..i cant believe u guys couldnt get into fuckin roxxy...well it doesnt matter cause it was a major cheese fest..ur better off at vinyl..shit im happy u wound up at vinyl...i went over to groovejet after 45 mins of roxxy..not bad at all...glad u came out for the meetup...im sorry about ya boy...but hes a big kid..im sure nothin woulda happened to em

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welcome to the board man, glad ya friend made it back ok. it reminds me of my past life when i was a "raver", we were 16 and went to this massive called all out sunshine in conn. My best friend ate a bunch of tabs and a few pills, and by 4 am was nowhere to be found... 3 days later he called us from conn. apparently he just wandered off, 4 miles down the main road, went for a swim or something and ended up in his boxers lying on a dock in some yacht club!! when asked how he got there, all he knew was that he saw alot of lights, and then woke up where he was. as to the not having any clothes on thing...we decided it was best to kinda let that one slide...no need to harp on painful (pardon the pun) memories. anyway yea, back to the point...welcome !! don't forget to take off ya shoes before you come in

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