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Weekend in DC! - Travel Log

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I leave work... clean out my car, pickup nathan's starscape ticket, and attempt to fix my car for the trip...

heres the problem with my car, that we drove 10 hours with:

I installed a "boost controller" (ie. something that controls air in the engine), only problem is that its not "controlling" anything... so when I accelerate, the turbo just pushes like 25+ psi into the engine (not safe...)

ok... with that said... we(Me, Brickhouse, Xpander, & Hoke) still managed to make it to dc in 4 hours (in what would appear as a clown car, given we had 4 ppl crammed into a 2nd gen eclipse (not comfortable))

on the way, we managed to cheat death several times... I assured the guys that when I beat a corvette through traffic at 120mph we were A-OK because I had my jesus sandles on...

they of coarse thought I beat the vette because he actually cared whether he lived or died... ehh... whatever... ;)

~11:30pm we make it to WideSkies' house. Phonk, Tilly, & Thehacker arrive at about the same time. We change/get ready & head to buzz!!! (woooooo bb twins bb twins...)

Ok, so the unexpected treat of the night, was The Usual Suspects, damn, they were REALLY good... but nothing... NOTHING.... compares to the bassbin twins...

I met phonk about 8 months ago, and in the elevator of the lunatarium he was telling me about these guys... had I realized how right he was all those months ago, I would have driven all the way to florida to see them...

I can't even explain it... They put on a show like NOTHING I have seen here... it was rediculous... Between them and the usual suspects I danced for about a good 4 hours straight...

next morning, (err afternoon by the time we woke up), we get food, walk around dc a little, etc...

and now...


No lines, No problems parking, we brought in a MASS amount of redbull (which wideskies will post a pic of) because they let you bring in anything but water/gatorade.

It was an amazing night, here are the highlights:

Dj mea (wow, we need to get this chick to nyc...)


Red One

Psy trance Tent

Cintron & Dj Jon Stephen showed up about 12, and kicked the party off...

We partied our asses off and then sat on the dock and watched the sunrise before heading back and sleeping the day away...

Thanks to cintron for delaying us enough when we were thinking of leaving so the sun could partially come up and we decided to stay for sunrise... (lol)

As far as the people/security/etc... let me say this:

I have never been to a purer party with nicer people... Everyone was beyond curtius, and the cops were even on stage dancing at one point in the night... I don't think I was on the same planet this weekend as I normally am (and no, I WAS sober all weekend)... This trip has made me want to do 1 of 2 things I had been thinking about before...

1) Move the F out of nyc and go find a place like this to live...


2) Suck It Up, Pussâ„¢... And start changing nyc...

we'll have to see how that works out.

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wow JoE G u are my fuken hero man i mean u hoke and your brick homo boy wow i wish i could of been down with yall and chilled with yall and been fagget and ugly like yall LoL we'll not really but yo kid u a herb stop talken bout your life no 1 gives a fuk and the only people who give a fuk u have probley already told this to threw ims so keep it off the board fruity boy

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Originally posted by shook

wow JoE G u are my fuken hero man i mean u hoke and your brick homo boy wow i wish i could of been down with yall and chilled with yall and been fagget and ugly like yall LoL we'll not really but yo kid u a herb stop talken bout your life no 1 gives a fuk and the only people who give a fuk u have probley already told this to threw ims so keep it off the board fruity boy

to quote apples:


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God, what a great time!

I'm now dying a slow and painful death (called in sick to work, even -- I never do that) but it was worth it to experience two nights SO DIFFERENT from what we usually get!

Many thanks to everybody I chilled with this weekend for such a fantastic trip :)

Looking forward to seeing those pictures!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . THE BASSBIN TWINS . . . THE BASSBIN TWINS!!! . . THE BASSBIN TWINS!!!!. . . :drunk: . . .

yeah... what he said...

Mike: I wish I had really understood what you were saying 8 months ago... lol... Holy shit, they did NOT dissapoint a bit from the hype you gave them...

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I would also like to add, for amusement's sake, one of the more interesting conversations of the weekend. I met this girl by the massage station on the pier at Starscape...

Girl: Where are you from?

Me: New York.

Girl: Cool... I'm from Jersey. How old are you?

Me: 23.

Girl: Nice... I'm 21.

Girl: <pause>

Girl: I'm rolling soooo hard right now!

Girl: How old are you?

Me: Ummm.... I'm 23.

Girl: Where do you live?

Me: <runs away>


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heres my quote:

*get pulled over for doing nothing*

cop comes to the car and babbles about my tint & my front plate...

comes back with a ticket...

gives his spiel about how to pay it...

ME: "Thank you for stopping crime, officer!" :D

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Originally posted by joeg

heres my quote:

*get pulled over for doing nothing*

cop comes to the car and babbles about my tint & my front plate...

comes back with a ticket...

gives his spiel about how to pay it...

ME: "Thank you for stopping crime, officer!" :D

Yeah, that was bullshit. It's not even quota time.

But hey... it could have been much worse! <remembering the massive car fire we narrowly avoided driving through on our way back :eek:>

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