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Danny was TASTY Friday, WTF is up wit the Crowd, LOL?

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Hey Everyone,

so i made it back to Vinyl after my last time going, and getting in a fight over some stupid bitch, Anyway

Danny was sooooooooooo on last night(Fri), he was sick, i

just wanted to go crazy, and let me tell you i did hunny!

As for the crowd, where the fuck didi everyone go? i mees the the queens, n shit, it was really hard, being "THE" Queen for the night, lol....i dont no, its really annoying that the Crowd is so shitey, watching girl's make fun of other girls not wearing what there wearing is sooooooo stupid, its like fucking high School,

People of today have no Clue of what it use to be like, im sorry but i will for Ever Applaude anyone who goes to a club, and has a Sence of Style that makes them STAND OUT, Cause its just Stupid now,

sorry for the rant, im just in a mood

any in-put?

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My first time @ vinyl... DT was fuckin sick. Of course, it was the first time I've heard him so I can't compare it to what he's usually like. As for the crowd, I can't say much for a few reasons - I'm used to the worst crowds at exit, I was pretty fucked up, and I have no idea what it used to be like. Damn I wish I was around back when it used to be good....

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

My first time @ vinyl... DT was fuckin sick. Of course, it was the first time I've heard him so I can't compare it to what he's usually like. As for the crowd, I can't say much for a few reasons - I'm used to the worst crowds at exit, I was pretty fucked up, and I have no idea what it used to be like. Damn I wish I was around back when it used to be good....

i dunno what ppl keep bitching about "back when it used to be good". only difference is that DT spins a little more prog. shit than before which is either good or bad depending on your tastes and that the guido count has steadily, but not drastically increased. plus he used to throw more vocal diva paradise shit when it started which i really don't care for, but who am i to say anything i've only been there like 4-5 times tops over the past 2 yrs. the drugs and fucked up kids are there no more now than 2 yrs ago.

his best shit imo are the tribal darker shit.

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The Crowd sucks, it fucking killed my mood,

someone open another Exit, or PROMoTERS at SF start something Guido'ish up for friday's, and fucking do it soon....

sick of Tired ass NY......and the Shitey ass people that flock to our city, and make the clubs suck,

p.s im at work and the AC is broke, lol


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Originally posted by jaysea

The Crowd sucks, it fucking killed my mood,

someone open another Exit, or PROMoTERS at SF start something Guido'ish up for friday's, and fucking do it soon....

sick of Tired ass NY......and the Shitey ass people that flock to our city, and make the clubs suck,

p.s im at work and the AC is broke, lol


Hey girl! I know what you're sayin. You're so right. While I didn't experience anyone making fun of other's clothes, I can imagine it happening. Used to be filled with queens! So much better that way. Gay men know how to party hardy. The newer invasion are the leftovers from Twilo and Sound Factory. There's gotta be something Bloomberg can do about closing up the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels after 5pm! :D

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and while were at, Close the fucking bridges down n shit to, and do it at like 5pm, Everything closes, u can only leave the city, u cant come in!

Perfect idea, nowwwwwwww all we gotta do is have the Stupid people that live in Ny, (and there's lots of them)

Put there apt's on Rent, so i can Re-locate out of SoHo

With out having to fucking make 20 apt's to lookat shit hole apt's that cost 4g's a month

i guess its my fault for wanting to live near Central park, but still!

its my dream dammit, lol

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I take it none of you guys read Tenaglia's message/post a couple of days ago, guido's don't necessarily bother me, certainly fake people do, but that is why its important to go out with a good crowd and separate yourself from all the bullshit, make your circle, keep with your crew and listen to the best dj on the planet is the only way to do it.....

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Originally posted by jaybzee

I take it none of you guys read Tenaglia's message/post a couple of days ago, guido's don't necessarily bother me, certainly fake people do, but that is why its important to go out with a good crowd and separate yourself from all the bullshit, make your circle, keep with your crew and listen to the best dj on the planet is the only way to do it.....

We must've posted at the same time therefore I didn't read your comment. Oh yes. I read DT's comment and he said it well. BUT, a fake titted crowd still hails! Time to repel!

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i hear you on that, but for me there is satisfaction in putting all the shit aside and enjoying the scene that does still exist, in my head its like i'm saying to myself i refuse to let others ruin it for me, that's what keeps me going at least when i go to places like exit to see tiesto etc... (although I won't be going for PVD), i'm sure in two years though i'll be sick of it all too and will enjoy the smaller venues more

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when i wanna go out, i wanna feel comfortable where i am, and i dont feel comfortable there, unless im with my best friend whos like 220, 6'0 and fucking Mr Muscle Straight boy, who fits in perfect there, but hes not like the rest, he's just BUILT, not fake or stupid at all ,

i feel un-safe there at times, cause im a gay dude, and im in the middle of some Breading Ground, where these guys walk around like there gponna pop somone in the face...

i wanna be able to meet some cool kids, when i go out i dont wanna dance in Fear, or have to go with 10 people to be Safe

im gonna run my thoguhts by danny about this friday,

Place needs a door policy, Be yourself or not



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Originally posted by jaysea

when i wanna go out, i wanna feel comfortable where i am, and i dont feel comfortable there, unless im with my best friend whos like 220, 6'0 and fucking Mr Muscle Straight boy, who fits in perfect there, but hes not like the rest, he's just BUILT, not fake or stupid at all ,

i feel un-safe there at times, cause im a gay dude, and im in the middle of some Breading Ground, where these guys walk around like there gponna pop somone in the face...

i wanna be able to meet some cool kids, when i go out i dont wanna dance in Fear, or have to go with 10 people to be Safe

im gonna run my thoguhts by danny about this friday,

Place needs a door policy, Be yourself or not



Heck yeah we need a door bitch! Connie is a good one, but I don't think she's allowed to be picky and choosy! We need someone standin out there like the good old days at the Sound Factory.

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the macho thing does get to be too much and my friends get caught up in it too, depressing, I guess that is what made twilo and LL so great was the mixture, gay crowd certainly creates a gay vibe for everyone heterosexual or homosexual

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Originally posted by jaybzee

the macho thing does get to be too much and my friends get caught up in it too, depressing, I guess that is what made twilo and LL so great was the mixture, gay crowd certainly creates a gay vibe for everyone heterosexual or homosexual

Yeah but what you're missin here is the Vinyl used to be primarily gay...until Twilo closed down and after DT played at Sound Factory.

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