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Shelter Last Night

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Bare with me while I try and recall the events of last night........First I'll start with Pseudo. Got there straight after work with Dan and Regina and signed up for a slot.....The place was empty and it didnt pick up at all as the night went on....Hard to understand since its only $10 to get it and you get to bring your own liquor....So I went on at 9:30 and spun probably one of the worst sets of my life for the next 45 minutes....I apoligize to everyone who was there to witness it.....Good sets from Jon and Bog as usual....So a few hours and several beers later I finally head out to Shelter with Marci and Kristi....We get in there and the music is on point....The club wasnt too packed which was a good thing because you always had room to dance and it never got too hot......So we all danced alittle, drank even more, and then finally went home alittle before 3.....It was good seeing some people from the board out last night....Marci, Kristi, Regina, Jon, Bog, Serge, Arthur, Eugene, Eric, and Sexxyme(I'm sorry I forgot your real name :worry2: ).......

BTW, I forgot who asked me for the name of a song but if you im me I'll look through my records and send it to you....:cool:

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Pseudo mostly empty but never the less still fun amongst good ppl. We all need to pitch in and do something about this. I would hate to see this party close once again and, this time for a lack of participation.

And shelter wow…. Not crowded at all, and that’s a good thing.

By the time I got there Saeed n Palash really got the crowd going. I couldn’t stop moving.

And then Morillo. Well what can I say it’s Morillo. I ended up staying for a while. So once again I got only 1 hr sleep(damn you Lainie).

It would have been an almost perfect night it wasn’t for a big mishap between two of my closest friends. And stupid ass me, trying to help, makes it even worst.

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Originally posted by bogb

Pseudo mostly empty but never the less still fun amongst good ppl. We all need to pitch in and do something about this. I would hate to see this party close once again and, this time for a lack of participation.

And shelter wow…. Not crowded at all, and that’s a good thing.

By the time I got there Saeed n Palash really got the crowd going. I couldn’t stop moving.

And then Morillo. Well what can I say it’s Morillo. I ended up staying for a while. So once again I got only 1 hr sleep(damn you Lainie).

It would have been an almost perfect night it wasn’t for a big mishap between two of my closest friends. And stupid ass me, trying to help, makes it even worst.

Ahhhh I'm sorry I didn't make it to Shelter--after Leps we went to Centro and that was the end of the night for me ;) Sounds like it was a great time though--next time, next time :D

And Pseudo was fun! Marty that was not a bad set--don't worry we'll all be back for your next one. But Bog--4 mistakes! Tsk tsk...j/k ;) I'm glad I got to hear you spin :) And it was nice to hang out w/ everyone as usual...

Marty when are you going to satellite again? dan & I had fun! :D

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Originally posted by ReginaP

Ahhhh I'm sorry I didn't make it to Shelter--after Leps we went to Centro and that was the end of the night for me ;) Sounds like it was a great time though--next time, next time :D

And Pseudo was fun! Marty that was not a bad set--don't worry we'll all be back for your next one. But Bog--4 mistakes! Tsk tsk...j/k ;) I'm glad I got to hear you spin :) And it was nice to hang out w/ everyone as usual...

Marty when are you going to satellite again? dan & I had fun! :D

I'm going to be at Satellite on Monday after I get off of work so tell Dan to im me online and we'll figure something out.....

BTW, the only thing that I liked about my set was the fact that I got to drop Sasha - Belfunk as my last track.....:cool:

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

BTW, the only thing that I liked about my set was the fact that I got to drop Sasha - Belfunk as my last track.....:cool:

oooooh...which reminds me...there was a vocal you dropped...maybe 2nd or 3rd to last track of the night....I need to know what it was!!! If I weren't so tired, I would've gotten up and done some :bootysha:

So yeah, Shelter was amazing...I don't know where my energy was though....

Such an amazing night...too bad it ended with my car being the victim of an extrememly WEAK kidnapping....but whatever...

Something bad ALWAYS happens when I go to Shelter....ALWAYS!!!

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Bare with me while I try and recall the events of last night........First I'll start with Pseudo. Got there straight after work with Dan and Regina and signed up for a slot.....The place was empty and it didnt pick up at all as the night went on....Hard to understand since its only $10 to get it and you get to bring your own liquor....So I went on at 9:30 and spun probably one of the worst sets of my life for the next 45 minutes....I apoligize to everyone who was there to witness it.....Good sets from Jon and Bog as usual....So a few hours and several beers later I finally head out to Shelter with Marci and Kristi....We get in there and the music is on point....The club wasnt too packed which was a good thing because you always had room to dance and it never got too hot......So we all danced alittle, drank even more, and then finally went home alittle before 3.....It was good seeing some people from the board out last night....Marci, Kristi, Regina, Jon, Bog, Serge, Arthur, Eugene, Eric, and Sexxyme(I'm sorry I forgot your real name :worry2: ).......

BTW, I forgot who asked me for the name of a song but if you im me I'll look through my records and send it to you....:cool:

YOO u had a great set, i liked listening to it.

Hope to hear u spinn again:cool:

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Originally posted by snoozi8

I NEED A MIXER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( I want to be the first female amateur to spin at Pseudo :)

You’re to late. 2 weeks ago after you left, a chick with blond derides was spinning some hard shit the second room.

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Originally posted by kingartur

YOO u had a great set, i liked listening to it.

Hope to hear u spinn again:cool:

Originally posted by marcid21

ditto ;)

Thanks for all the good words but I wasnt too happy with it overall.....I promise next week will be better....


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