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First time at DJais was solid...Honey dips were a plenty and the music was a classic Jersey shore mix of new SF and old skool Exit:D

Happy B-Day to Carusomaas....dont feel bad about your "investment"....later on I made a deposit that didnt quite payout very well either :blank:

A huge shout out goes to Scarletpromos for the VIP card...im definitely gonna be using that this summer

I was feelin the girl factor much more there than in seaside...lots of cuties who were smilin and lookin to hook up...way less juice bags too......didnt make it to Bar A but i heard it was cheese...glad i went to DJais all night

see you at Surf!


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

First time at DJais was solid...Honey dips were a plenty and the music was a classic Jersey shore mix of new SF and old skool Exit:D

Happy B-Day to Carusomaas....dont feel bad about your "investment"....later on I made a deposit that didnt quite payout very well either :blank:

A huge shout out goes to Scarletpromos for the VIP card...im definitely gonna be using that this summer

I was feelin the girl factor much more there than in seaside...lots of cuties who were smilin and lookin to hook up...way less juice bags too......didnt make it to Bar A but i heard it was cheese...glad i went to DJais all night

see you at Surf!


I went last nite and had a great time even though I didnt see anyone from CP. Everyone must have been hammered by 12. I even wore my hat!!

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I am glad you had a good time, Barry!!! I wish I could have gone, but I was terribly ill and in a deep sleep by midnight!!! :zzz2: But as long as you promise you will be there more often throughout the summer, then I don't mind missing last night... :D

Latinaz you didn't do the shots with the drunk asses? hmmmmm I wonder what happened? I am gonna have to find out if the shot meetup took place when I talk to teresadf later!!! (I am sure it did, though, we were all so excited about it!!! :drunk: )

To the rest of the DJais crew (especially my best friend): I am missing you guys this weekend!!!! :cry:

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barry, don't tell you went and didn't come to the booth to have a drink.........teresa made me page the cp peeps but only a scarce few came over,,,,mane, tyco, starbryte,.....anyway, come up and see me sunday and well have a drink....i met you once at platinum when they first opened.....

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Originally posted by kirklop

teresa made me page the cp peeps but only a scarce few came over,,,,mane, tyco, starbryte

:eek: Kirk!!!! Have you lost your mind!!! I think all the loud music has gone to your BRAIN!!!!!

or are you just trying to get me back for that one time that I posted how good you spun at Hunka Bunka and you weren't even spinning... :laugh: :laugh:

that's it, next time I see you shots are DEFINITELY on you. :D

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Originally posted by kirklop

barry, don't tell you went and didn't come to the booth to have a drink.........teresa made me page the cp peeps but only a scarce few came over,,,,mane, tyco, starbryte,.....anyway, come up and see me sunday and well have a drink....i met you once at platinum when they first opened.....

Kirk !!! I was the one who wrote on a piece of paper to call all CP members to the bar....Dont you remember - I had the hat on..


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Originally posted by latinaz

Kirk !!! I was the one who wrote on a piece of paper to call all CP members to the bar....Dont you remember - I had the hat on..


WHen Kirk gets the two red devils in him, he doesnt remember anything else.

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by kirklop

barry, don't tell you went and didn't come to the booth to have a drink.........teresa made me page the cp peeps but only a scarce few came over,,,,mane, tyco, starbryte,.....anyway, come up and see me sunday and well have a drink....i met you once at platinum when they first opened.....

my bad.....next time i def will.....by the way, much respect for the wide variety of tunes all night.....funny story...Me and Carusomaas happened to be talking earlier yesterday about how we still love Played Alive. and how its my roommate's (who was there) fav song of all time.....when you dropped it we went absolutely insane!


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whoa. what a weekend. sorry to anyone who might have had the unfortunate experience of seeing me that night. it all revolved around this random person i met from argentina. i was distracted...here are the apologies as follows (sorry for anyone i might have missed):

kirk - i tried to come over when you paged cp people, but i was unable to make it. and i bought you that shot early in the night, put it on the ledge, then your counterpart kipples grabbed it as fast as lightning and said THANX! then downed it. all in the blink of an eye.

teresa - i think i already explained everything to you. ya know i still love ya. knock knock

tyco - nice meeting you for that split second. i had to run away to prevent a girlie fight....and couldnt ever come back to chill in that area. i owe ya a shot

latinaz - once again you dissed me. so far i'm 0 for 2. i was the dick who threw the pile of napkins at you in front of the dj booth. unless there was another girl looking like you in a hat. i owe ya a shot.

barker or bon or scarlet? (i always get you guys mixed up. between the real name, the cp name and everything else,i swear there's like 5 of you.) - thanx for allowing me the use of that back stairway for a little while. it was a good break from the chaos. i owe a few shots to each of you.

carusomaas or bg or mane or someone- i dont know. someone said i spilled a drink of a cp guy. whatever the hell that means, i dont know. and i dont even know who the person was that said it to me. so either way, some random guy said i spilled some random guys drink, and some other random guy wanted to beat my ass. i was very confused. i think it was a case of mistaken identity since i dont know either one of you. im just going to buy shots for everyone next friday.

all this happened in the span of about 30 minutes....


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That was some night! :drunk:

Pip you are way too funny!

Starbryte I wish you were there but there's always this weekend.

Just 1 question though I know I took a shot with clubangel, tyco and kirklop but I didn't see mane or carusomaas come over for

shots. How many shot meetups were going on at the same time?

Latinaz I saw you....actually I saw your hat I didn't know that was you.

Barry I can't believe you were there and I didn't see you!

See you guys this weekend!!!! :D

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oh man..........great night.........I def had 3 or 4 shots too many but I had a great time regardless..........all I know is, when I got back to my house I didn't walk into it, I fell in the front door, face first and woke up next to my broken cell phone in pants full of blood stains and pizza grease..........ah well........anyhow, it was great to meet kirk (who played well btw), scarletpromos and pip (it's cool bro, I'm glad we didn't get to do that shot actually haha)

teresa and clubangel it was great hanging with you girls again...........clubangel I hope you're still not in the bathroom cause I waited forever! hmmm..........I'm convinced starbryte does not really exist ;)

hopefully I didn't forget anyone but I was kind of a mess by the end of the night so it's possible...........thanks to everyone who got me a shot, you all owe me a new cell phone!

told ya 12 was too late for me............:D

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OMG...wasted on Friday...Tyco..I don't really remember being in the bathroom at Djais....i really don't know what happened to me after all those damn shots actually...all I know is I woke up in the apartment next to Teresa's in my friends bed with no clue how I got there!

Teresa...I had a blast..miss hanging out with you...i will definitely be back form many more shot meet-up Fridays....minus a few shots so i can remember the end of the night!...and the middle of the night!:D

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Whats up guys

like PipDaddy I also had TCB although I was only there till 11 I managed to say whats up to Kirk and BG, and chilled with Caruso mass for a while before I had to head out.

Teresadf I saw you from the DJ booth and if I recall correctly I waved to you in my drunken state. lol

Latinaz we will have to do shots at surf next time I come around your neck of the woods.


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ibclubbin...that is an investment that may pay off later in the summer ;) Oh btw...remember when I pointed out someone to you at Djais who I thought was ________ from the Board? Well I later found out, thats not him. IM me for more info.

Teresadf...i saw you on saturday..called your name, but you didnt hear me....saturday was pretty crazy. I didnt see you on friday...although I didnt make it over to your famed spot underneath the booth.

Kirk...I had said whats up to you at one point in the night when you werent in the booth. You said whats up but with a look of "who the BUMP's this guy". I also came up and chilled in the booth on Memorial Day Weekend at Surf on Sunday with Mane.

Binoy...where the heck were you? In any case....all I got is one thing to say....SHINY DISCO BALLS :D (and I've still never heard it)

Pip...it wasnt me you spilled the drink on.

Mane...I am in still in awe how Jeremy's boy hooked up with "Laura ass". I've now learned never to predict a woman's taste in men. In any case...DO IT NOW!

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Tyco I couldn't understand a word you said by the end of the night on Friday.....lol!!!! :D No more pre-gaming even though I was babysitting my drink at your house!!!!

Clubangel I had such a good time with you this weekend I miss hanging with you too! :)

Mane I remember seeing you and waving but that was it you were MIA for the shot meetup! :tongue:

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Originally posted by teresadf

Tyco I couldn't understand a word you said by the end of the night on Friday.....lol!!!! :D No more pre-gaming even though I was babysitting my drink at your house!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I totally believe you too..........I was in bad shape!

yea the pre-game was def not necessary for that kind of night...........omg


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Im glad everyone had a great time --- this weekend should be even better and it all starts tuesday with reggae and the verdict

wed Djais Rocs live band UNDIPUSTED

thursday is for the ladies and the summer kick off party with kirk lopez

friday- well lets just say fridays are out of control with the free buffet happy hour and kirk lopez bringing you the music all night long

this saturday guest dj andrew mendez and dolce live on stage "FIRE"

sunday guest dj richie rydell

on great week --- see you all there

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