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Not to be a downer or anything, but I was on the Current Events board and happened upon a thread discussing the feeling that something is going to happen. I don't know about any of you guys, but I happened to agree with the people on that thread. I have had, for about a month or two, a really bad and strong feeling that something horrorable is going to happen. At first I was thinking that I am just being stupid, but it has come to the point of having nightmares. I feel the same way I felt right after 9/11 and i had not felt that way in many months. Now all of a sudden I'm scared to ride the subway and having bad vibes and nightmares. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been feeling the same way or am I just losing my shit.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Not to be a downer or anything, but I was on the Current Events board and happened upon a thread discussing the feeling that something is going to happen. I don't know about any of you guys, but I happened to agree with the people on that thread. I have had, for about a month or two, a really bad and strong feeling that something horrorable is going to happen. At first I was thinking that I am just being stupid, but it has come to the point of having nightmares. I feel the same way I felt right after 9/11 and i had not felt that way in many months. Now all of a sudden I'm scared to ride the subway and having bad vibes and nightmares. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been feeling the same way or am I just losing my shit.

I know its hard to not feel like that with all the changes that are happening in the world. The bombing , all the shooting at schools and parents killing their kid and vice versa.

Just try to be aware in case you are ever in any bad situation so that you can help your self and the ones around you.

Dont let your self be sad you have that little chicken to be happy and live for;)

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Not to be a downer or anything, but I was on the Current Events board and happened upon a thread discussing the feeling that something is going to happen. I don't know about any of you guys, but I happened to agree with the people on that thread. I have had, for about a month or two, a really bad and strong feeling that something horrorable is going to happen. At first I was thinking that I am just being stupid, but it has come to the point of having nightmares. I feel the same way I felt right after 9/11 and i had not felt that way in many months. Now all of a sudden I'm scared to ride the subway and having bad vibes and nightmares. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been feeling the same way or am I just losing my shit.

I don't hjave nightmares but I think about it alot. Its crazy and everytime you turn on the news some sorta suicide bombing is on there...its scary.

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Originally posted by stardo

I know its hard to not feel like that with all the changes that are happening in the world. The bombing , all the shooting at schools and parents killing their kid and vice versa.

Just try to be aware in case you are ever in any bad situation so that you can help your self and the ones around you.

Dont let your self be sad you have that little chicken to be happy and live for;)

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my life and my time with my family to the fullest. It's just a feeling I have been having and reading that post gave me the idea to bring up the topic on this board (I know it's a bit macabre) to see if others felt the same.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my life and my time with my family to the fullest. It's just a feeling I have been having and reading that post gave me the idea to bring up the topic on this board (I know it's a bit macabre) to see if others felt the same.

I know hun and it is a great thread. Just dont want to hear that your down.:kiss2:

Times are def. changing. I also have had those feelings and I dont think that they plan to stop with the towers.

I dont know how people wake up with so much hate in there heart. I cant think of one person in the world that I hate. I even love VIP-TECH believe it or not.

I think if those people got a taste of how happy life is over here they wouldnt be that way. But its all they know and it makes me realize how appreciative I should be about the life I have.

Working hard all week to party hard on the weekends!!

Ps. This conversation is making me very emotional. I just want to say I love you all!!! NEENA DOOKIE PIRO NJSTACKED AND ALL THE OTHER CP'S IVE MET. OH YEAH MY DARLIN GROP TOO!!!

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Originally posted by stardo

I know hun and it is a great thread. Just dont want to hear that your down.:kiss2:

Times are def. changing. I also have had those feelings and I dont think that they plan to stop with the towers.

I dont know how people wake up with so much hate in there heart. I cant think of one person in the world that I hate. I even love VIP-TECH believe it or not.

I think if those people got a taste of how happy life is over here they wouldnt be that way. But its all they know and it makes me realize how appreciative I should be about the life I have.

Working hard all week to party hard on the weekends!!

Ps. This conversation is making me very emotional. I just want to say I love you all!!! NEENA DOOKIE PIRO NJSTACKED AND ALL THE OTHER CP'S IVE MET. OH YEAH MY DARLIN GROP TOO!!!

AWWWWWW I love you too...Stardo.

I can't say that I haven't thought about the danger that may lie ahead for all of us but I'm the type of person that I can't live life wondering about what will happen in the future. I live for today...and as long as I have fresh air to breathe and am surrounded by the people I love most...I am happy. If something was to happen tomorrow then I will deal with it tomorrow. I can't limit the things I want to do and accomplish in life because of fear.....:)

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Originally posted by stardo

I think if those people got a taste of how happy life is over here they wouldnt be that way. But its all they know and it makes me realize how appreciative I should be about the life I have.

Some of them do know what its like to live here, and they are the ones that flew the planes:confused: , i can't figure that out for the life of me. Anyhow, I did hear that the C.I.A. or F.B.I. got wind of plans for something to happen around the 4th of July......I hope not, but I heard that a few months ago.....

Just wanted to put my 2cents in, oh shit! I only have a nickel..........can I get some change.;)

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It is sad how the world we all grew up in changed so much in one day. What bothers me the most is when I look at my son, he being so innocent and oblivious to all the hatred and hurt in the world, has to grow up in all of this. When I was a kid my greatest fear was getting in trouble with my parents or the ice cream scoop falling off the cone. When my son gets a little older will he have to worry about some self-righteous fundamentalist blowing up the bus he is on. Or worry about his parents because they work in New York. He has already, at the age of 4, mentioned to me that he doesn't like me working in tall buildings. He has asked me and my wife why "bad people" had to crash into the buildings in New York. It is cruelly unfair for an innocent child to dwell on such fears or ponder these questions. That is what gets to me and I have been fearfull as of late because of that. I feel that part of my son's innocence was lost that day because he was prematurely exposed (as much as my wife and I tried to shield him from that day's events) to all the evil in this world. I don't want him, or any child, to experience that again.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

It is sad how the world we all grew up in changed so much in one day. What bothers me the most is when I look at my son, he being so innocent and oblivious to all the hatred and hurt in the world, has to grow up in all of this. When I was a kid my greatest fear was getting in trouble with my parents or the ice cream scoop falling off the cone. When my son gets a little older will he have to worry about some self-righteous fundamentalist blowing up the bus he is on. Or worry about his parents because they work in New York. He has already, at the age of 4, mentioned to me that he doesn't like me working in tall buildings. He has asked me and my wife why "bad people" had to crash into the buildings in New York. It is cruelly unfair for an innocent child to dwell on such fears or ponder these questions. That is what gets to me and I have been fearfull as of late because of that. I feel that part of my son's innocence was lost that day because he was prematurely exposed (as much as my wife and I tried to shield him from that day's events) to all the evil in this world. I don't want him, or any child, to experience that again.

I feel you hun...the only thing you can do is "the best you can" to raise your son. It's hard to shield a child from hatred and racism cause it's all over neighborhoods and in schools...the only option is to show as much positive love as possible in your home.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Originally posted by stardo

I think if those people got a taste of how happy life is over here they wouldnt be that way. But its all they know and it makes me realize how appreciative I should be about the life I have.

Some of them do know what its like to live here, and they are the ones that flew the planes:confused: , i can't figure that out for the life of me. Anyhow, I did hear that the C.I.A. or F.B.I. got wind of plans for something to happen around the 4th of July......I hope not, but I heard that a few months ago.....

Just wanted to put my 2cents in, oh shit! I only have a nickel..........can I get some change.;)

Yeah they lived here but they were all ready brain washed you know. Plus they would probly have been killed anyway if they didnt finish what they came here for.

What up Stiffy were you down the shore this weekend.

I was hunting down VIP but all I found was a Badass:laugh:

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Originally posted by neena16

I feel you hun...the only thing you can do is "the best you can" to raise your son. It's hard to shield a child from hatred and racism cause it's all over neighborhoods and in schools...the only option is to show as much positive love as possible in your home.

Now see thats somthing to worry about. I dont care what happens to me but if I have to see the ones I love suffer man

that is the test of all test.

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i think that everyone all around us is feeling some sort of fear over what has happened and over what still may happen. it's called being HUMAN and NO you are not losing your shit !!!

i think more than now, a lot of people are taking a step back and looking and the life they have and how to make good of it, especially with all this evil going on around us everyday.

try not to fear what is ahead, live for what you have now and make the best of every situation and every moment that you have with the people you love the most.

as hard as it is - life goes on

it's never the same as before but don't let the bad guys win

keep going and show them we are STRONG, they didn't knock us down and they never will !!!!

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i think that everyone all around us is feeling some sort of fear over what has happened and over what still may happen. it's called being HUMAN and NO you are not losing your shit !!!

i think more than now, a lot of people are taking a step back and looking and the life they have and how to make good of it, especially with all this evil going on around us everyday.

try not to fear what is ahead, live for what you have now and make the best of every situation and every moment that you have with the people you love the most.

as hard as it is - life goes on

it's never the same as before but don't let the bad guys win

keep going and show them we are STRONG, they didn't knock us down and they never will !!!!


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Originally posted by stardo

Yeah they lived here but they were all ready brain washed you know. Plus they would probly have been killed anyway if they didnt finish what they came here for.

What up Stiffy were you down the shore this weekend.

I was hunting down VIP but all I found was a Badass:laugh:

No, I had a wedding to go to saturday night, and then I went down to my fathers shore house in Seacrest for a b-que...fathers day and also my dads b-day. So bad I wanted to leave the party and walk the beach to the Surf on Sun, but I could't get myself to do it........I'll definitely be down this weekend though.

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Originally posted by stiffler

No, I had a wedding to go to saturday night, and then I went down to my fathers shore house in Seacrest for a b-que...fathers day and also my dads b-day. So bad I wanted to leave the party and walk the beach to the Surf on Sun, but I could't get myself to do it........I'll definitely be down this weekend though.

Nice . Im doing AC Sat and surf sun on the way back.

See u there!!!

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nabuc, are you alright? you can't live life being scared....look how life is over the middle east now......they're here one day, gone the next....I'm not saying thats how its going to be here, but I can definately sympathize with you....I constantly hear things about possible suicide bombing that may happen here in the future, but that doesn't stop me from living my life, especially going to Tempts every weekend:D and get ceottered!!! anyways, just keep your eyes and keen instinct alert especially when traveling in busey areas, such as public transportation, hell, when I go to the malls now, I constantly stare and look around where I'm standing just incase some habib wants to blow themselves up.......

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I'm scared too - I try not to think about it but, it's no use - it always sticks there. I am getting through each day the best I can knowing that we "ALL" as American's are strong and will make it through this! I believe in it! It is/has/will be a tough recovery but we won't let them win! I know we won't!!!

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Originally posted by Emmitt

nabuc, are you alright? you can't live life being scared....look how life is over the middle east now......they're here one day, gone the next....I'm not saying thats how its going to be here, but I can definately sympathize with you....I constantly hear things about possible suicide bombing that may happen here in the future, but that doesn't stop me from living my life, especially going to Tempts every weekend:D and get ceottered!!! anyways, just keep your eyes and keen instinct alert especially when traveling in busey areas, such as public transportation, hell, when I go to the malls now, I constantly stare and look around where I'm standing just incase some habib wants to blow themselves up.......

I know what your saying. I don't let my fears hinder me at all. I enjoy every minute of my life. My point was that lately I have had this unsettling feeling that something big is going to happen and was wondering if anyone else felt the same way. The only thing I do differently is not take the subway. I have been more aware of my surroundings. When we went on our honeymoon, I scanned that entire plane for any suspicious characters. I just hope that my feelings are wrong and nothing happens.

On a lighter note what's new with you? Did you catch the US/Mexico match the other night. I made it till about the end of the first period. I did manage to watch the Spain/Ireland game Sunday morning. I was ragging on Colleen all day after Ireland lost.

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yeah, I hear you....things all getting crazy, just the other day, the mother of one of the suicide bombers was on video with her now dead son, celebrating his martyrdom.......sick...fuckin' sick to my stomach, and now she's being treated like some kind of hero, hopefully inspiring other mothers to do the same.....now there's women suicide bombers too.....their young kids training to blow themselves up too.........whats going on there? usually in time of conflict/war...civiallians, especially women and children are never targeted, but in this case....take them all out!!! anyways, the US looks good....just as long as they score first, they have a chance....if they fall behind early, they're done....what about italy losing today....mad upsets in this world cup! that spain/ireland match was a nail biter............whatabout senegal advancing....

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After 9/11 i was having some bad dreams myself. I had this one dream that a few terrortists hid behind my TV stand w/ machine guns waiting for me to get up out of bed. When i woke up i started shouting "Come out from behind the TV you pieces of shit" I even had my hand cocked in the air like i had a gun in my hand. It was crazy and than i regained my composure and woke up a lil and was like WTF am i doing?!?!?

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Originally posted by Emmitt

yeah, I hear you....things all getting crazy, just the other day, the mother of one of the suicide bombers was on video with her now dead son, celebrating his martyrdom.......sick...fuckin' sick to my stomach, and now she's being treated like some kind of hero, hopefully inspiring other mothers to do the same.....now there's women suicide bombers too.....their young kids training to blow themselves up too.........whats going on there? usually in time of conflict/war...civiallians, especially women and children are never targeted, but in this case....take them all out!!! anyways, the US looks good....just as long as they score first, they have a chance....if they fall behind early, they're done....what about italy losing today....mad upsets in this world cup! that spain/ireland match was a nail biter............whatabout senegal advancing....

There has been a lot of upsets in the cup this year. I want to see the England/Brazil game next week. I hope England beats Brazil. I can't take the Brazilians driving around beeping their horns again. I think the US has a good chance of beating Germany. If the US does lose to Germany I'm rooting for Spain all the way.

I hear you on these suicide bombers. In the attack today there where school kids on that bus. Now I don't agree with the way Isreal has dealt with the Plaestineans in the past, but to go and kill innocent kids on their way to school is just fucking barberic. I also just read on CNN that the FBI and Coast Guard our looking for a Cardo freighter heading toward LA from the Middle East that is believed to be carrying al-Qaeda operatives and weapons. It was a news break so they didn't have any more information.

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Originally posted by Emmitt

nabuc, are you alright? you can't live life being scared....look how life is over the middle east now......they're here one day, gone the next....I'm not saying thats how its going to be here, but I can definately sympathize with you....I constantly hear things about possible suicide bombing that may happen here in the future, but that doesn't stop me from living my life, especially going to Tempts every weekend:D and get ceottered!!! anyways, just keep your eyes and keen instinct alert especially when traveling in busey areas, such as public transportation, hell, when I go to the malls now, I constantly stare and look around where I'm standing just incase some habib wants to blow themselves up.......

The fear wont keep me from the shore!!

Gotta party like a Rockstar!!!

Nice meeting you this weekend Emmitt!!

Did you guys have a good time?

Where baclalou or however you spell it ?:laugh:

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Originally posted by Jsen7

After 9/11 i was having some bad dreams myself. I had this one dream that a few terrortists hid behind my TV stand w/ machine guns waiting for me to get up out of bed. When i woke up i started shouting "Come out from behind the TV you pieces of shit" I even had my hand cocked in the air like i had a gun in my hand. It was crazy and than i regained my composure and woke up a lil and was like WTF am i doing?!?!?


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Originally posted by stardo

The fear wont keep me from the shore!!

Gotta party like a Rockstar!!!

Nice meeting you this weekend Emmitt!!

Did you guys have a good time?

Where baclalou or however you spell it ?:laugh:

cool meeting you too, I'm not sure, but I think I remember you from back in the day....anyways, eventhough it wasn't packed, I still managed to get banged up....thank God, my girl was able to drive us home:D bacalhao doesn't post here much any more....he's always fishing now a days......hahaha

nabuc....someone on the ny side posted the daniel pearl video...let me say, its SICK......:( gross......it totally pissed me off!

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