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ok... so having 2nd names and all that is cute... but I think its actually starting to detract from the board... along with the general negativity around here...

i'm not whining like a little bitch or anything (i know some clown is gonna quote that and try and be funny... but thats exactly what i'm talking about...)

I think everyone will agree this board was a lot better when everyone was just meeting one another, because everyone was more friendly, and the jokes weren't malicious...

I mean, i'm not the first to say it... its really hard to start a remotely serious topic (such as this one) without 5 people (3 of which are 2nd names of the other 2) shitting on it and basically turning it into crap.

yeah, the bored is here for entertainment... but at what point does it just get stupid? and I think intelligent conversation (in an open forum) can be entertaining...

Questions/Comments/Opinions/Stupid Remarks to prove my point?

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Well, you already know how I feel about this. Being a smartass occasionally is pretty damn funny, but like you say, it's gotten to the point where no thread is safe; they all inevitably turn into pissing contests.

I could point a couple fingers, but I won't. Everybody already knows who the main protagonists are, and some people even like it. But I'm with you, Joe -- I feel its led to a lot of negativity and hostile feelings.

I'm not saying that certain people should go away (though I won't deny often wishing that); mainly I just wish it weren't so persistent.


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I agree that 2nd name shizznit is getting old and lame.

I have to admit, i had one for a while (lurking on the sex boards :tongue:.), but i realized how dumb it is.

The only guy that pulls it off is Muggzz, but that's cause he's a lunatic!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I agree that 2nd name shizznit is getting old and lame.

I have to admit, i had one for a while (lurking on the sex boards :tongue:.), but i realized how dumb it is.

The only guy that pulls it off is Muggzz, but that's cause he's a lunatic!

yeah, but the thing with mugz, is hes not pretending hes someone else... he just makes a whacky skit out of it... (which can get a little out of hand at times...) but none the less... everyone knows who he is (atleast I hope so)... and he only replies to his own threads...

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I totally agree with you peeps!! It is okay for a little sarcasm..but the shit is way out of hand...if you got shit to say...say it under your own screenname..thats why I dropped off the boards for a while..I was sick of seeing a thread then someone comes in and starts with their hating bullshit..as in hokes enema thread as I stated "People need enemas to shit their anger out of their ass instead of shitting it out of their mouth"...

But of course I couldn't stay away from CP lol.....:D

Cuz I know the majority of people arent drama starters!!

Just my freakin 2 cents!!!!!!!:D

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I agree that its getting ridiculous...Some people on the board are too scared to say something under the name that everyone knows so they go off and make a second one and start bashing people.....Its always easier to talk shit when you can't face the consequence's later on......

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

You have a point joeg. But..I'm not an idealist, and I'm down with hate, so that's the way it's gonna be.

See, I didn't turn that one into a thread clusterfuck, happy? :aright:

so grow a sack and say all it under your real name... or don't say it at all...

Abortionator put it best when he said "atleast have the balls to do it under the same screenname you use when you post "Hey neat guys I'll be at the meetup!""

If you have a problem with someone on the board (and you, meaning anyone, not just embodiedhate) stop being a 4yr old, and try and work it out... I know a lot of people on here, and i've never had a problem with any of them that couldn't be resolved... usually it just stems from a misunderstanding or something...

Do we post on here because we're all friends and enjoy some of the same activities? or because we're all sackless pussies with nothing better to do all day than get our jollies off anonymously insulting our "friends"???

Comon people... everyone babbles about PLUR and shit... but theres only a handful of ppl who actually stick to it...

DaVe: I understand you're all for the entertainment value of the board and whatnot... but at some point I think some moderation needs to come into play... just to keep the integrity of the board intact...

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Originally posted by cintron

it's BOARD, you stupid non-grammatically talented lackluster FUCK.


yeah but i've got love deep down.


I got 4 hours of sleep, and i was drunk when I woke up.... give me a fucking brake ;)

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Originally posted by joeg


I got 4 hours of sleep, and i was drunk when I woke up.... give me a fucking brake ;)

No problem.

Hawk Greens, Reds or Blacks?

I'd personally recommend reds for autox and aggressive driving. don't want to go overboard and create excessive BREAK dust ;)

...which is kind of like angel dust except you tend to wear adidas suits and engage in a kind of capoiera-type combat with the ground. :D

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Originally posted by cintron

No problem.

Hawk Greens, Reds or Blacks?

I'd personally recommend reds for autox and aggressive driving. don't want to go overboard and create excessive BREAK dust ;)

I'm all about porterfield r4-s kevlar pads... (workin wonders on my ride with those slotted, x-drilled rotors)

damn eric... you're quite the breakshead... ;) maybe there is hope for you... (now all you gotta do is get a REEL car)

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

I'm the only OG who can do that...

"damn it feels good to be a gangsta"

yeah seriously... anyone remember the "Sticky: its alanis moresette's birthday" thread???


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