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weyes' wisdom of the day - 6/22


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thinking about the future and making plans is important, but only to a certain length of time and only in certain areas of life. obsessing over who is worth inviting to your wedding when you're not engaged or whether you should put your father in a nursing home, should he become terribly ill, when he's young now and very much in good health, will only cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety. sure, plan next season's wardrobe, buy a blank notebook when you're not yet finished with your present one. but, as they say, there are so very many bridges that you can cross when you come to them, as much of a bullshit line as that may seem to be.

tune in tomorrow.

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If i had a nickel for eerytime someone has said this, i'd be a millionaire! (now, just to put this into action

but, as they say, there are so very many bridges that you can cross when you come to them, as much of a bullshit line as that may seem to be.

no BS, soundz pretty nice, Weyes :)

and im all for self-inflicting reality checks, by which i mean to look at your current situation, and compare it to where you want/expect to be in a few years, and THEN DO whatever it takes to get there...

yeah yeah, im working on it :tongue:

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yeah some people spend a lot of time planning everything in their life that they forget to live the present, giving up on chances, opportunities, letting things go by, etc.

right now i thinking what i should have for dinner and its tormenting me :(

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