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how old...

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nah not really, im never really bored... however in any event... i went to few places last night, and couldnt help but notice the abundance of older ppl in clubs and dancebars... and i found myself asking myself and my friends how is too old already? but Im sure most on here are going to say "im clubbing till i die" or "youre never too old" or something along those lines...

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I'd have to go with when you LOOK too old to be clubbin'.. I guess if there is a 33 year old woman but still looks like 26 or something then it's ok.. but if there is a 45 year old woman that LOOKS 45 then she probally should be home sleeping in her bed or something..

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I love seeing older men and women out clubbing. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing all ages, regardless of how old, coming out simply to have a good time. Seeing a 48 year old man and woman out on the dancefloor dancing to the same music I love makes me very happy.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I love seeing older men and women out clubbing. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing all ages, regardless of how old or young, coming out simply to have a good time. This is what New York is about.

Thank you. People of all ages should be able to enjoy themselves free of judgement. This too young/too old image crap is stupid.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I love seeing older men and women out clubbing. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing all ages, regardless of how old, coming out simply to have a good time. Seeing a 48 year old man and woman out on the dancefloor dancing to the same music I love makes me very happy.

~~~definetely! whenever i see older people dancing their asses off i keep saying that i wish i had their energy when i will be their age:shades2:

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Originally posted by hoke

Thank you. People of all ages should be able to enjoy themselves free of judgement. This too young/too old image crap is stupid.

if you wouldve seen what i saw yesterday youd be posting something different...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

if you wouldve seen what i saw yesterday youd be posting something different...

Oh, I've seen some interesting things in my time, lol... it's all a part of the charm of this crazy culture we've chosen for ourselves.... ;):D

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